Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 246: Advanced knight, indeed quite different

Chapter 246: Advanced knight, indeed quite different

"My disappointing grandson, what has he been up to lately? Is he still wandering around those small alleys, trying to find a cure for his mermaid? By the way, did that mermaid die?"

In the luxurious reception room, Lu Xian, who had been through a lot today, comfortably leaned back in the main seat, legs crossed, enjoying the massage from the maid behind him.

He casually asked, "It's been a while since I've checked on him. But that mermaid seemed to be cursed; it's been three years, so she probably died a long time ago. Leo, that kid, has lost his mind. It's not a bad thing to let him suffer a bit out there."

Lu Xian opened his eyes and glanced at his son, unkindly saying, "Even if he's disappointing, he's still much better than you. If it weren't for your incompetence as a father, he would have already become an advanced mage. Then I could have arranged a position for him in the Physicians' Association. Otherwise, who would inherit my position in the future?"

"Yes, yes..." The man nodded repeatedly, not daring to utter a word of disagreement.

Lu Xian continued, "Tomorrow, bring him back to me. Let him come and see me. If he's willing to humbly admit his mistakes and work honestly in the Physicians' Association, I will return his medical license and restore his pocket money."

"Understood, Father." The man nodded in agreement and quickly left.


Linda's Apothecary.

"Charlotte's method works. The sign has only been up for half a day, and we already have 15 customers coming into the shop. We even sold six emergency kits," Leo said excitedly, rubbing his hands.

"Life is becoming more hopeful."

"Yes, indeed. The patient who just left said he would recommend us to his friends. Maybe business will be even better tomorrow," Linda replied, counting the earnings. A smile adorned her delicate face.

These were real customers, not just friends coming to support them. They were an effective group of customers who had seen their sign after leaving the Adventurers' Guild.

The revenue was 4,800 copper coins, deducting the 2,400 copper coins for costs, they still made a profit of 2,400 copper coins.

The storefront was currently rent-free, so they didn't need to calculate rent costs.

"Let's try to sell a few more bottles of stamina potions tomorrow. They are consumables, and if we can establish a good reputation, they might sell even better than the emergency kits," Leo said confidently.

Linda collected the money and smiled. "Let's recommend them to our customers tomorrow. Maybe we'll sell some."


Harry's General Store.

Several middle-aged men gathered in the store, surrounding Harry behind the counter.

"Harry, do you still have those potions? Just sell a few more to us, bro."

"Yes, yes, my old lady has tasted it. If we can't buy the medicine today, we won't be able to explain it when we go back."

"When you reach middle age, every time you finish a bath and see her already asleep, you can't help but let out a sigh of relief. This thing that can truly revitalize a man's vitality, you can't keep it to yourself."

The men exchanged words, almost ready to drag Harry out from the counter for interrogation.

"I already said, those were test potions. They haven't been officially released, and I genuinely don't have any left," Harry said helplessly, looking at the group of eager old men.

He couldn't believe that Charlotte's test potions would have such remarkable effects.

So far, there hasn't been a single negative review. Just this morning, he persuaded a group of people to return, and the repurchase rate was almost 100%.

Based on the feedback from these volunteers, the potion was remarkably effective and had a certain restorative effect on stamina. It was truly a top-quality product among similar products.

With this evaluation, pricing it at 1000 copper coins per bottle would be no problem at all.

Harry was very aware of these guys' purchasing power.

"When will they be available? I'll pre-order five bottles!"

"I want ten bottles, Harry. We've known each other for a long time, you better save some for me."

"I'll take three bottles..."


"Alright, alright, I've got your orders written down. I'll notify you as soon as the stock arrives," Harry took out a ledger and recorded their demands one by one.

After everyone left, Harry glanced at the ledger. Just from these ten test subjects, they had already booked over sixty orders today. Their spending power was quite strong.

"Dr. Charlotte is truly a genius. He casually made a potion, and now it's in high demand," Harry muttered, stroking his chin.

After a little thought, he wrote an order form and asked a store assistant to deliver it to the Abyss Medical Center, informing Charlotte that the potion's effects were remarkable and that it could be produced on a large scale.


When Charlotte returned to the medical center, he coincidentally met the delivery boy who had brought him the letter.

Upon hearing Harry's message and seeing the order form for 100 bottles of the stamina potion, his face also lit up with joy.

After contemplating for a moment, he said, "Alright, go back and tell your boss that I'll wholesale the potion to him for 600 copper coins each. Three days from now, at noon, he can come and pick up the stock himself."

The delivery boy left with the message, and Charlotte knocked on the door and entered the medical center.

"Boss, where have you been all afternoon?" Viviene, who was reading behind the counter, looked up at him curiously.

"I went to Calva and brought back the pre-ordered beef pancreas. We have quite a large quantity, so I plan to freeze them and store them in the cellar," Charlotte explained."

"It's too troublesome to freeze and preserve them. Why not just extract the insulin directly for storage? Insulin should be easier to preserve, right?" Vivian looked at him with confusion.

"The logic is sound, but we have an excessive amount of bovine pancreas. The knives and alcohol we have on hand are not enough for ethanol purification," Charlotte shook his head and walked into the laboratory.

Upon seeing the three-ton bovine pancreas that Charlotte took out from the spatial ring, Vivian abandoned her immature suggestion.

"How many cows is that?" she muttered quietly.

"It's the daily quantity from the Calva Slaughterhouse," Charlotte observed as Vivian froze the bovine pancreas and sealed the ice cellar shut.

Vivian clapped her hands together.

"Well, we won't have to worry about the source of bovine pancreas anymore."

"You're right. This amount alone will last us for a long time," Charlotte nodded. He didn't want to ruin Anna's reputation by going to the slaughterhouse every day.

"Boss, don't you plan on promoting insulin? Based on my experience, there should be quite several people with diabetes who have been unable to receive effective treatment," Vivian looked at him. "But now we have found a solution. Shouldn't we promote it and save more people?"

"The idea is not wrong, but the time for a vigorous promotion has not yet come. We don't have stable and reliable injectors, strong marketing power, and we haven't even formed a stable source of patients," Charlotte smiled and shook his head. "These are problems that need to be resolved, but they can't be rushed."

"I see," Vivian nodded, seeming to understand.

"Would you like me to teach you how to make the Golden Stamina Elixir tonight?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Vivian's eyes lit up, and she immediately nodded.

After a simple dinner, Charlotte and Vivian entered the alchemy room.

Kasha, their capable logistics personnel, followed the formula given by Charlotte and measured and processed the ingredients.

The Golden Stamina Elixir had excellent efficacy but was not very difficult to make. It didn't require many ingredients and the temperature control during the process was relatively easy.

Vivian indeed had a talent for alchemy.

After a few hands-on demonstrations, she began to experiment by herself.

Charlotte didn't intervene too much because alchemical concoctions required trial and error to discover the critical point of successit couldn't be taught.

First, Charlotte synthesized the 100 vials of elixir that Harry had requested. For him, it was a simple addition of three-leafed Zhuo Guoto the Stamina Elixir, so there was no difficulty involved in the synthesis.

As for the wholesale price of 600 bronze coins, it was the price he intended to offer to others.

The cost per bottle was only around 20 bronze coins. Selling it at 600 bronze coins per bottle would be a good profit if they could sell in volume.

Harry was always cautious. He didn't hesitate to order 100 bottles at the wholesale price, which indicated that the elixir should be very popular among the test subjects. This could be inferred from the butcher's reaction.

Soon, the 100 bottles of elixir were prepared.

Charlotte deliberately made two extra batches, resulting in 20 additional bottles that could be put on sale the next day.

"What should we call it? Calling it a Stamina Elixir seems too ordinary," Charlotte pondered as he held a bottle of reddish elixir in his hand.

Vivian, who had just failed in her batch, interjected, "Why not call it 'Crimson Sunset'? It's such a beautiful name, and it goes well with the red color of your elixir, doesn't it?"

"Crimson Sunset..." Charlotte contemplated for a moment, his eyes brightening. It was indeed a good name.

"But boss, what kind of elixir is this? Is it a new development?" Vivian curiously asked. Her boss had a remarkably strong innovative ability, coming up with something new every day.

"It was coincidentally discovered during the development of a new Stamina Elixir. It has special effects for certain men who aren't performing well," Charlotte smiled and nodded.

"Oh, that kind of elixir..." Vivian's face showed disgust, feeling that her name, with such a beautiful meaning, had been defiled.

As the night grew darker, Charlotte asked the sleepy Vivian and Kasha to go to bed first, while he prepared all the elixirs that needed to be sold the next day.

Extinguishing the fire in the alchemical furnace, he went upstairs.

Undressing, he entered the bathroom.

Charlotte exchanged a bottle of the Big Strength Elixir and took a deep breath, tilting his head back to drink it.

His strength had already reached 9,900 kg, and after consuming this bottle, it meant that his power would break through to the level of a high-ranking knight!

The elixir slid down his throat, igniting his body like a fuse.

Mighty strength surged forth from every cell of his body as if millions of hammers were tempering his physique, making it even more sturdy and powerful.

A quarter of an hour later, Charlotte opened his eyes.

An unprecedented feeling of power surged from the depths of his heart. He even felt that even if a dragon stood in front of him, he could knock it down with a single punch.

"A high-ranking knight is indeed something different," Charlotte murmured as he looked at his hands, speaking softly to himself.


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