Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 244: This porridge is truly delicious

Chapter 244: This porridge is truly delicious

When Charlotte saw the message, he was momentarily stunned, but quickly regained his composure. The Hermit must be referring to Louise.

Louise, the Holy Maiden of the Elven Clan, was apprenticed to the High Priest Benjamin. This was no secret.

In other words, the Hermit was Benjamin, the current leader of the Elven Clan.

Although Charlotte had always believed that the Hermit was a prominent figure in the Elven Clan, perhaps even an elder, he hadn't expected him to be the High Priest of the Elven Clan.

This truly surprised him, as Benjamin was truly a powerful figure who controlled their faction.

In comparison, Charlotte, a mere nobody, had managed to infiltrate the Crimson Moon Group. It was indeed an impressive accomplishment.

After a moment of contemplation, Charlotte replied:

[Miracle: You're too kind. I just did what a doctor should do.]

[Hermit: Hayward, Adolf, and I were clueless about Louise's illness, but you managed to cure her through surgery. Impressive indeed.]

[Hermit: Louise told me that you've become an intermediate knight now. I never expected you to progress so rapidly after switching to the knight profession, in less than a month.]

The Hermit quickly replied to him.

Charlotte didn't dare to mention that he only needed to drink another bottle of the Potion of Strength to break through to become an advanced knight.

He was worried that the Hermit would be tempted to slice him up and study him.

[Miracle: I think it's the spirit of the Adjudicator that inspires and guides me, as well as the swordsmanship and agility you've taught me.]

Charlotte tried to be as humble as possible.

[Hermit: Regarding the expulsion order from Calva, I will personally contact the Lord. Once the Physicians Association withdraws the expulsion application, your name should be on the year-end amnesty list.]

Charlotte's eyes lit up. The amnesty for the expulsion order was good news, as it meant he could freely come and go in Calva using his own identity, and conduct business there legitimately.

He had never dared to think about going against the Physicians Association, but with the Hermit offering to help him plead with the Lord, it might be achieved.

After all, Benjamin was the High Priest of the Elven Clan, and the Lord would consider him the face of the Elf Clan.

As for the Physicians Association, it was probably something Adolf had done to make them withdraw the expulsion application.

Look at that, the feeling of hugging someone's thigh feels great!

Put away the Obsidian.

[Extraction and production of insulin task completed! Reward: Diabetes Terminator title! 100,000 copper coins!]

At this moment, the voice of the system rang out.

Charlotte's eyes lit up. This was the notification sound for the arrival of 100,000 copper coins!

Together with the 100,000 copper coins he received from the Fat Tiger couple, just by refining insulin, he had earned a total of 200,000 copper coins!

And the cash in his pocket had already reached 862,814 copper coins!

He had never been so wealthy before! He had never felt such a sense of security.

After calming down his emotions, Charlotte thought to himself that he couldn't sleep even after drinking 17 bottles of the Potion of Strength, so he decided to go out in the night.

With the three major families starting to unite and rectify the Abyss, the public order in the Abyss visibly improved, and patrols could occasionally be seen on the streets.

Charlotte went straight to the Potion Workshop. On the originally desolate land, a two-story building had already been erected.

He approached with a torch, but before he got closer, he sensed that there were people inside, so he had to give up and not continue.

It seemed that some craftsmen had left someone to guard the place to prevent scavengers from coming in to steal the materials.

After a rough look from the outside, the main structure was completed, but he didn't know the progress inside. He could come and see me tomorrow afternoon.

The construction team was recommended by Buddy. The clinic was also built by this construction team, and their efficiency and craftsmanship were both good.

With nothing to do, Charlotte found a deserted place and practiced swordsmanship for two hours. When the sky was getting slightly brighter, he returned to the clinic.

After a simple wash, he changed into clean robes and another busy day began.


Duru Manor.

"Young Master, this is the application form for entering the Manor. I have already investigated these children. They are all between the ages of six and twelve, a total of 172. Have you decided to let them start school after spring arrives?" an old servant handed over a list and said respectfully.

Roland looked through the list and nodded slightly, "That's right. The grounds for the academy have already been prepared, and the recruitment of teachers has already been completed. We're waiting until spring to give them a complete semester; otherwise, they can come to school now."

"Young Master, there's something I don't know if it's worth mentioning or not..." the old servant hesitated.

Roland didn't even lift his head, "Then don't mention it."

"I'll mention it anyway. Lately, there have been rumors about you in the manor." the old servant said.

"What kind of rumors?" Roland asked casually.

"Leaving the lucrative medical center unattended, you run off to some academy every day. You're not making money, you're even losing money. If it weren't for Miss Jenny, you would have been kicked out long ago," the old servant said, explaining further, "I didn't make this up, I heard it from them."

"It's alright, let them talk. It's beneath me to pay attention to such idle gossip," Roland chuckled, seemingly unaffected.

Upon seeing this, the old servant became even more worried and whispered, "Young master, are you not going to take care of the medical center? After all, it was you who established and expanded it."

"Both medical centers are currently running smoothly, with advanced healing magic practitioners in charge. Normally, I don't need to watch over them every day," Roland smiled faintly, "But the academy is different. I have to personally take care of everything there, and it's far from being handed over to someone else."

"Alright, I'll keep the list, you continue with the promotion. The academy can recruit three hundred students for the first phase, and there are still almost half the spots remaining," Roland waved his hand.

"Yes, young master," the old servant left the study, knowing not to overstep his boundaries.

"These fellows think I'm just a soft rice man, don't they?" Roland put down the booklet in his hand and laughed at the ridiculousness of it all.

Without guessing, Kenneth and his three sons were spreading these rumors behind his back.

During this period, Roland seized Kenneth's position as an elder in the Abyss Council, which infuriated his uncle and even caused a scene during a clan meeting.

By getting close to Jenny during this time, Roland successfully obtained the position without even exerting much effort.

When he thought about it, he realized that he was indeed enjoying the benefits of a privileged position.

Kenneth's urgency to tarnish his reputation was probably because he wanted to get his hands on both medical centers.

After all, everyone knew they were profitable ventures.

But Kenneth had miscalculated; Roland had established both medical centers and everyone knew who the director was.

Kenneth and his two incompetent sons wanting to control both medical centers was a joke.

Roland wasn't completely uninvolved with the medical centers' affairs either. If there were any complicated cases, someone would naturally come to him, and he would go to the medical centers without delay.

And recently, the business of both medical centers has declined.

It was said that there were long queues in front of the Abyss Medical Center every day, indicating a booming business, which was probably related to the decline in business of the other medical centers.

Roland knew that Charlotte treated the impoverished people of the Abysswith a few hundred copper coins, he could heal a patient using his so-called "surgery."

Moreover, Roland had also heard that Charlotte had a remarkably high survival rate in his surgeries, with no deaths reported during this period.

He also frequently treated patients that other medical centers had deemed "abandoned by the gods," and managed to revive them.

Miss Ruth from Aman Street was an example, and even yesterday, the captain of the Tigerhead Mercenary Corps, Fat Tiger, was saved by him.

This made the face of the other medical centers in the Abyss severely lose credibility.

Roland had his broad-mindedness and didn't mind if his medical centers had their business taken away. Healing and saving lives should not be treated as a business to begin with.

However, it was unavoidable that other voices would arise within the clan.

On this point, Roland was well aware.

Moreover, Diana had already made it clear that the Abyss Medical Center was protected by the Harriman family. Who would dare to lay a finger on them?

Speaking of which, Roland was quite curious about Charlotte's "surgery." When he had the time, he wanted to see it for himself.

To see how he treated patients without using magic.


"Doctor, your Gold Strength Potion is effective. Yesterday, our team encountered seven wolves and were almost exhausted by the end. We drank a bottle of the potion and immediately regained over twenty percent of our energy, allowing us to barely kill the last two wolves. If we didn't have this potion, we would have been wiped out," a middle-aged adventurer with scars all over his face praised Charlotte as soon as he entered the medical center.

These words caught the attention of the other patients waiting in line.

"It's useful if it can be of help," Charlotte replied with a smile, taking the compliment as an advertisement.

"I came today intending to buy three more bottles. Your potion is effective and cheap. I will recommend it to others," the adventurer said.

"No problem," Charlotte nodded. The shelves were well-stocked with Gold Strength Potions, so he welcomed customers buying in bulk.

Thanks to the big brother's recommendation, the Gold Strength Potions indeed achieved good sales performance that day.

Starting at 800 copper coins per bottle, most customers also bought some first aid kits, contributing significantly to the overall sales.

After the morning business hours ended and the last patient left, Fat Tiger entered the medical center.

"Doctor, I'm here," Fat Tiger smiled as he walked in, his gait suggesting that his legs had mostly recovered.

"Take a seat, I'll prepare the potion," Charlotte casually said, turning to enter the alchemy room. In no time, he came out with a syringe and insulin.

Seeing the long and sharp needle, Fat Tiger felt a bit nervous. Yesterday, when he was unconscious, the insulin was injected without him feeling anything. But now, seeing such a long needle about to poke into his stomach, he couldn't help but feel a little fearful.

"For someone as big as you, you're afraid of such a tiny needle," Charlotte chuckled upon seeing his nervous expression.

"You don't know, I'm not afraid of big knives, but I'm a bit scared of needles," Fat Tiger scratched his head with embarrassment.

"In that case... Should I not give you the injection?" Charlotte asked in response.

"No, no, no! How can I not get it?" Fat Tiger quickly lifted his shirt, exposing his belly, closed his eyes, and wore a look of resignation.

"I'm ready."


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