Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 232:Was it you who saved me? (1)

Chapter 232:Was it you who saved me? (1)

When the spotlight came on, Adolf and Jacques' eyes lit up as well.

This is a large disc light composed of more than a dozen light bulbs. The connecting rod above can adjust the height and position. With Charlotte's downward motion, it is fixed above Louise's lower right Abmen.

The white light is very bright and the beam is very focused.

Charlotte took a bottle of sedative and fed it to Louise.

Although still in a dazed state, she cooperated and drank the potion, her furrowed brows gradually relaxed, and soon she entered a state of unconsciousness.

"What kind of potion is this?" Adolf asked curiously. After taking the potion, Louise's visible pain disappeared and her condition stabilized.

"It's a sedative that can make the patient lose consciousness, ensuring that there won't be a strong struggling during the surgery due to pain," Charlotte explained simply. The scalpel slashed across Louise's dress, exposing her flat lower Abmen.

Jacques quickly turned his head to avoid embarrassment.

Adolf hesitated to speak and looked away as well.

"I need to perform surgery to remove the decayed appendix from her body, so an adequate incision is necessary," Charlotte explained.

After all, magicians can heal people simply by waving a magic wand and reciting spells.

Not knowing the procedure would prevent them from being regarded as mere novices.

"It was the right choice to ask Betty to leave first," Adolf said, not thinking much of it, but still feeling grateful.

Charlotte was well aware of this. If any elven swordsman were still in the operating room when he sliced the dress, a sword should already be at his neck.

For a doctor, there was no impropriety in cutting the dress to perform surgery.

What mattered to him now was how to smoothly complete the following procedure: making an incision on this flat Abmen, accurately locating the appendix, and successfully removing it.

After disinfecting his hands and scalpel, Charlotte looked at Adolf and said, "I'm going to start."

Adolf's expression became solemn and serious, with a hint of nervousness. He nodded slightly and said, "I'm ready."

Having practiced medicine for nearly a thousand years, it was the first time he had served as an assistant. Moreover, it was for such a young doctor, and the task was a type of "surgery" he had never encountered. Adolf was indeed a bit nervous.

When Charlotte performed surgery on the god-forsaken patient in violation of the rules, resulting in several deaths on the operating table, it caused a stir in the city, and Adolf had also heard about it.

Upon hearing the news initially, Adolf also believed that this young man was too unorthodox, using methods that were never taught in medical school to cut open a patient's body, ultimately leading to the patient's death. Therefore, he gained the nickname "Medical Butcher."

Over the past two years, Jacques had mentioned this young man to him several times, including the patients who survived after the "surgery." They had also been classified as god-forsaken, but they had survived thanks to Charlotte's surgical treatment.

Jacques had conducted follow-up visits, and they were all still alive and well.

This was the reason his attitude gradually changed, and he began to reflect on the problems with the current system of the Physicians Association, as well as the feasibility of treatment methods beyond therapeutic techniques.

More than half a month ago, the weasel who came to complain once again brought up the name Charlotte in front of the Elder Council of the Physicians Association.

Adolf was somewhat surprised that after this young man had his magic source revoked, he did not despair but instead opened a clinic in the Abyss and continued to save lives through surgery.

Coming here today, besides Jacques' recommendation, he also held a glimmer of hope. Perhaps this young man had mastered another method of treating and saving lives and could save Louise and the future queen of the elf race.

And this method might bring a completely different branch of medicine to this world.

Jacques also turned his gaze back, looking at Charlotte with a mixture of nervousness and excitement.

Three years ago, he already believed that this young man was not ordinary.

As a result, he visited the prison twice every three days, but at that time, this young man had a deep resentment towards the Medical Association, so he didn't pay much attention to him. They didn't establish a deep friendship.

As an elder of the Medical Association, he firmly opposed the theory of the forsaken by gods.

He believed that labeling those who cannot be cured by medical techniques as forsaken by gods was the greatest blasphemy against the divine.

Those who commit many evils have not been forsaken by the gods, yet a girl with such good character as Saint Louise is forsaken by the Goddess of Life? It's simply absurd!

It's just an excuse the doctors make for their incompetence. Instead, it causes patients to endure immense psychological pain before death, and even their families face criticism.

Today, he wanted to see how Charlotte would use "surgery" to cure Louise, who had been judged as forsaken by Hayward, and prove that the theory of the forsaken by gods was a fallacy.

Charlotte didn't have so many complicated thoughts in his mind, but it was still spinning rapidly, replaying the entire process of the appendectomy he performed on Louise that day.

First, find McBurney's point, which is located at the intersection of the outer one-third and the umbilical line in the right anterior superior iliac spine.

This is the projection area of the appendix on the body surface. Cutting here can quickly find the lesion and minimize damage.

Last time, there was a systematic surgical guide that directly marked McBurney's point, but not this time. He had to make the judgment himself.

However, he was no longer a novice in performing surgery for the first time. After nearly a month of intense training, he had become an experienced surgeon.

Confirming McBurney's point, he made an oblique incision in the lower right Abmen. Layer by layer, he cut open the external oblique aponeurosis, separated the external oblique and internal oblique muscles, lifted and cut open the peritoneum, and successfully opened the Abminal cavity.

Charlotte breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

It was going smoother than expected.

His improved skill gave him steady hands, ensuring the absolute accuracy of the incision, thereby minimizing harm to the patient and increasing the success rate of the surgery.


Jacques, who was originally standing next to the operating table, took three steps back in succession, his face slightly pale. He watched as Charlotte opened Louise's Abmen with a few swift cuts. He felt a surge in his stomach, and the tremendous impact made even this doctor with decades of experience difficult to accept.

And Charlotte's next actions made him even more frightened, with a tingling sensation on his scalp and a chill down his spine.

He reached into Louise' opened Abmen and carefully felt around in the pile of intestines, like a demon searching for its prey.

This... was too terrifying!

If this scene were seen by others, they would undoubtedly consider Charlotte a pervert and a demon, unable to resist associating him with a cannibalistic ogre.

After Charlotte's arrest, the Medical Association made his secret clinic public and displayed his surgical procedures in a pictorial, causing a huge sensation and panic. He was given the nickname "Vile Medical Butcher".

This was also why he was expelled from Calva despite the abolition of the source of magic. His actions caused panic among the public and had a great negative impact on the medical profession.

Even the radical remarks about burning him alive years ago were still heard. The city authorities persistently defended him against public opinion and ultimately saved his life.

Adolf's expression was also shocked. On one hand, he was surprised by Charlotte's skilled and proficient knife technique, and on the other hand, he was amazed by the sight of him cutting open Louise' Abmen up close.

For a veteran physician who had been seeking more methods to cure patients for nearly a thousand years, his research had always been at the level of magic, with different treatment techniques, and more complex and efficient arrays.

Never had he thought about opening a patient's body and trying to find the cause from the inside.

This young man in front of him did it, and it seemed to be effective.

He tightly held his magic wand, just as nervous as the first time he performed healing magic at the age of eight when his patient was a wounded squirrel.

Charlotte was completely immersed in the surgery, without a surgical guide. His mind constantly replayed the details of the previous surgery, carefully rearranging the small intestine, tracing along the cecum, and finding his targetthe appendixat the convergence point of the three colon bands.

This appendix was significantly swollen, with highly congested serosa and fibrous exudates on the surface.

The condition was somewhat more severe than Ruth's on that day, already acute suppurative appendicitis, commonly known as acute purulent appendicitis.

From the situation, if a little more time had passed, the appendix would likely have perforated.

"So, this is the problem area?"

Adolf looked at that terrifying appendix in the tray and couldn't help asking. This section of the intestine, visibly different and already suppurated, looked quite bad.

"Yes, this is the affected appendix. The condition is already very serious, which is why she has been in such pain." Charlotte nodded slightly, and his expression also relaxed.

Finding the lesion meant the surgery was already halfway successful.

"Then how should we treat it now?" Adolf asked.

Jacques also looked at Charlotte with concern.

The lesion had been found, and they didn't expect it to be caused by this small segment of the intestine, which almost took Louise's life and caused two level-nine healing mages to be helpless.

"Cut it off."


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