Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 220: Salary

Chapter 220: Salary

"Not every month is payday, right?" Vivian was a bit confused by what was said.

Working hard every day, aside from improving her medical and alchemy skills, she was only thinking about her salary.

But now her boss was saying that they had to wait another ten days to get paid.

Although she wasn't worried that Charlotte would run away, it still struck a small blow to Vivian.

Charlotte looked at her calmly and asked, "Is this your first job?"

Vivian nodded subconsciously. As a noble's daughter and someone who had displayed remarkable talent in healing magic from a young age, she had never experienced working before.

"When it comes to work, there are different types: casual work and long-term work. Casual work is paid daily or after a few days of work. But for someone like you with a long-term position, there's a customary rule of withholding half a month's wages for security.

This is to prevent employees from taking the money at the beginning of the month and running away, causing difficulties for the employer in finding suitable replacements and impacting business operations," Charlotte explained seriously.

"So, that's why salaries are usually paid on the 10th or 15th of each month."

"I see..." Vivian pondered. If it was a customary rule, then she had nothing to say.

Charlotte smiled and said, "However, I'm delaying your salary by ten days because I urgently need a large sum of money for the new workshop project. I currently have a shortage of cash flow. Can you accept that?"

Vivian looked at Charlotte in silence for a moment and said with some disdain, "Boss, couldn't you have just said that from the beginning?"

"The workshop construction requires 300,000 gold coins, and the custom cookware and equipment will probably cost over 100,000 gold coins. Right now, I only have 200,000 gold coins. If I had more money, I would pay your salary at the beginning of the month," Charlotte explained sincerely.

He didn't want to play tricks with Vivian; he wanted to exchange true sincerity with her.

Upon hearing this, Vivian's gaze softened slightly, and she even felt a little touched. She hesitated for a moment and directly handed the money to Charlotte, saying, "I won't request an advance payment. You can use it for the workshop."

"I... I don't need pocket money either." Kasha hurriedly held the money that hadn't warmed up yet and handed it to Charlotte.

You see, tricks are only temporary, but true sincerity can be exchanged for true sincerity.

"You can keep the money. Currently, the gap in funds doesn't rely on your 1,000 or 2,000 coins. We can rarely go to Calva and enjoy ourselves tomorrow and buy some things we like," Charlotte said, apologizing. "However, for the next period, we may need to be a little more thrifty. We won't be able to have rich meals every day, but at least we won't go hungry."

Vivian seemed to make a great decision and said, "Alright, starting tomorrow, I'll only eat two bowls of rice per meal."

"Master, I can catch some fish from the sewer to improve our meals," Kasha whispered.

"Vivian can reduce her food intake, but Kasha, you're not allowed to go back to the sewer anymore, and absolutely no more contact with seawater, understood?" Charlotte looked at Kasha sternly.

This little maid was too sensible, leaving him at a loss for words.

"Master..." Kasha looked at Charlotte's serious gaze and ultimately nodded obediently.

"Do I have to be so desperate just to reduce my food intake? That's a whole bowl of rice..." Vivian muttered quietly.

"Don't worry too much. Once the workshop is built and running smoothly, our lives will improve," Charlotte reassured the two young girls, surprised at how pessimistic they seemed. He quickly smiled and tried to explain.

Currently, there is a significant funding gap because Pangu purchased a large amount of anesthesia. Today's revenue reached 51,321 copper coins, but a trip to the grocery store to buy materials cost over 30,000 copper coins, so there was no significant increase in cash on hand. Currently, there are only 201,718 copper coins.

However, he has thought of a way to make money. Tomorrow, he will go to Calva to deliver goods to Leo and also to make some money.

If everything goes well, he might be able to fill the funding gap in one go.

The sky outside had turned dark, and Charlotte went upstairs to cook.

He slightly reheated the leftover braised fat intestines from lunch, then cooked a pot of pig blood soup and a serving of spicy hot pot with pig blood and intestines.

Tonight, the spicy hot pot was undoubtedly the star.

With its spicy and fragrant taste, tender like blood fat, it received praise from the two beautiful girls.

And Vivian, as a gesture of utmost respect and approval for this delicious dish, had four bowls of white rice.

With a satisfying belch, Vivian looked a bit embarrassed as she looked at her clean bowl, and pondered, "I... I said that from tomorrow, I'll only eat two bowls, right?"

"Yes," Kasha nodded, confirming for her.

Vivian breathed a sigh of relief and a smile appeared on her face again. "Then I'll have a little less than half a bowl. This pig blood is just too appetizing, too delicious, and so tender."

She scooped herself another half bowl of rice.

Vivian looked at Charlotte with a serious expression and said, "Boss, how about we don't open a medical clinic and instead open a restaurant? I think with your culinary skills, you might make more money than running a clinic. After all, you can turn even unwanted pig blood and intestines into such exquisite delicacies."

"Running a restaurant is tiring and demanding. You have to deal with picky customers. Being a doctor is more comfortable," Charlotte shook his head, not moved at all.

After dinner, Charlotte went downstairs to continue refining medicine.

With a lot of materials on hand today, he could make a batch of potions for storage. If he needed to spend time extracting insulin in the future, he wouldn't have to worry about running out of first aid kits.

As he reached the ground floor, the sound of knocking on the door echoed outside. It had a familiar rhythm, indicating that it was Monty, the vampire.

Didn't he just get his tooth fixed? Why is he here again? Charlotte was a bit confused, but he still went ahead and opened the door.

"Hi, Doctor Charlotte, we meet again," Monty greeted Charlotte in his usual hanging position on the door as if they were old acquaintances.

If you knock on my door, of course, you'll see me. Charlotte smiled and asked, "So, what brings you here tonight? Did something happen to your newly fixed gold tooth?"

"Except for a little discomfort when biting into things, this gold tooth is pretty good," Monty said, grinning and showing off his shiny gold tooth.

"Then why are you here tonight?" Charlotte asked, puzzled.

Monty dropped from the door frame and walked straight into the clinic, coming close to Charlotte. He said in a somewhat mysterious tone, "Didn't I tell you last time about my cousin wanting to pay a high price for offspring? Do you remember?"

"Oh, that. Didn't I tell you I'm not getting involved?" Charlotte nodded, not understanding why this was being brought up again.

He wouldn't fall for such a fake scam.

He was just a magic magic that had lost his magic source.

Even though he looked handsome had an elegant temperament, and even seemed quite wise, he didn't believe that a wealthy vampire lady would be interested in his genes and be willing to pay a high reward for it.

Even if it were true, he wouldn't be interested.

As an eligible bachelor, he didn't want to sow his seeds casually.


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