Royal Princess: Doted On By The Mafia King

Chapter 219 - The Slip Up

Staring at her reflection on the mirror, a thought crawled into her mind. That young man felt like Liam's reflection but a dangerous one.


The training was intense, way more intense than Rose has ever thought it would be but she was pleased with it.

She could feel herself get stronger every day with each training. The trainer was strict and almost did not care about her status when giving her assignments and other activities to do.

She found something very weird and that was the fact that her husband has not snuck into her room as usual.

She looked at her trainer who she had come to conclusion had facial paralysis.

She was in the middle of punching the life out of a punch bag before her and dodged the bag when it swung towards her as she fixed her gaze on the young man.

She walked to him despite the fact that he was only few feet away from her.

Unstrapping the boxing gloves and throwing them on the floor she decided to interrogate him intimidatingly although she knew he will most likely not feel intimidated.

She had her hand akimbo as she faced him meeting his eyes which held totally no emotion whatsoever.

"Where is Liam?" she asked in a low whisper loud enough for him to hear but the others in the gym like her assistant and a few guards won't be able to hear.

The man who had met her gaze respectfully but not scared dropped his gaze with the question.

She watched carefully since she expected him not to give her the answer she wanted and she planned to use every detail she could get from him.

She had first noticed his gaze dropping from hers and she noticed him wincing ever so slightly.

When his gaze finally met hers again, his eyes had a glassy look to them.

Without waiting for his answer, she turned and walked out of the gym kicking the gloves she had dropped earlier in a not very elegant manner as she passed by them.

Those around especially her assistant found that weird, this was the first time she was getting such a reaction from her boss.

She did not hear what she Rose had asked the man but she knew from where she stood that the man did not say anything since she did not see his lips move but she noticed that he winced.

She had marveled immediately that the man did not have facial paralysis after all and praised her boss for being able to proof that.

However, what followed next was far from what she expected.

Seeing her boss leave the gym in such a manner, she walked up to the man and tried to appear powerful and dominant as she met the man's gaze.

The moment the man looked into her eyes she felt shivers and looked down with her hands shaking on her side.

"What . . . What . . . What did you say to the princess?" she asked the man with her voice shaky like a tall grass in the wind.

"I said nothing," the man replied which was very true.

She found herself feeling silly to have asked such an obvious question. She certainly could not ask him what the princess had told him.

She turned with scoff and a shrug of her shoulder that clearly showed she was feigning arrogance and she walked out towards the door.

At the door, she paused and looked back at him finally able to breathe better since she was far enough from him to run for her life.

"You are done for today, leave!" With that said, she walked out of the door hurriedly. If she had a tail, it will most likely have been stuck between her legs.

She headed to her boss to find out if she was alright.

Rose had walked into her room and closed the door behind her.

She picked her phone and began calling Liam. Her overall conclusion of the reaction she got from the trainer was sadness.

Why will he be sad when she tried to find out about his boss?

She had been holding back from calling him due to pride for days now since the man did not care to call her.

She had no option now. She believed Liam was strong and it will be difficult for anything to happen to him that might make his subordinate sad.

It had happened before and then, Liam was in the hospital unconscious.

She knew if anyone would know about Liam, it will be one of his closest three subordinates and Gray was one of them.

It was a good enough now that his phone was ringing and it was not out of reach.

When he picked the call, she exhaled. She heard his deep musical voice from the other end, "Hello."

She frowned and pulled the phone away from her ear. So, he was alive and well but he did not bother talking to her. That was cruel of him.

She hung up and went to her bathroom to bath and wash off the sweat from working out.


"What did you say to her?" Liam asked with a stick of cigarettes between his fingers as he watched the subordinate kneeling before him with his head bowed respectfully.

"I said nothing to her," Gray replied feeling the hairs on his body rise as he noticed his boss's movements.

He really could not understand this man at all. This man was a lot more different.

He had stayed with his boss for years and he could easily understand his mood after years.

He could know what will happen next depending on his boss's movements but he could not understand anything about this man and it scared him more.

"I am sorry," he apologized as his head further bowed that he was almost kowtowing. "I must have let it slip through my reaction when she asked me about . . . about you."

The man stood up and walked to the young man kneeling and placed his hand on Gray's muscled shoulder.


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