Royal Princess: Doted On By The Mafia King

Chapter 119 - The Locked Up Queen

"Really? You look so young. I knew you were married when I saw your ring but I had no idea that your child was that old or that you even had a child," he said baffled. His eyes widened. He shook his head in disbelief after a while.

"I have a son," she told his truthfully once again.

"I can't believe it. You look so young. How is that possible?" he asked still shaking his head.

"I know that. A lot of people don't believe I am a doctor," she said with a slight smile.

"Why? You look like a very intelligent doctor," he said nodding to affirm what he just said.

"Most people say I look like a model or an actress," Leah said truthfully. "Some of patients asked me if I really went to medical school and graduated when we first meet."

"When I first saw you, I thought you were an angel but when I saw you identity card, I knew you were a doctor and I was not dead," he said playfully but that was the truth.

"You are the second person I have heard that from," Leah said with a soft laughter. "Did you eat lunch?"

"Yes, but I won't mind eating more," he replied rubbing his stomach with his hand that had less injuries.

"I will have them send some fruits to you," she told him with a gentle smile. She went through his chart and left his room. Patients with family members, friends, fans and colleagues usually have flowers or fruits around but this boy had none. No flower or fruits. She stopped at the door to his brother's room and what she saw was the complete opposite of the sight in the boy's room.

She shook her head slightly and went to eat her lunch. While eating lunch, the boy's situation made her remember the boy she left in B city with his father while she was busy with work in Star city.

She wondered if Eric appears just as pitiful as that boy in eyes of other people. She pulled her phone out of the pocket of her white lab coat and called his phone number automatically.

"Hello, Eric how are you?" She asked as soon as he picked her phone call.

"I am fine mum. How is Star city?" he asked sincerely concerned although wondering why his mother suddenly called him.

"Star city is . . . well, busy as usual. Have you eaten lunch?" she asked sounding unusually concerned.

"Yes. I had pizza and ice cream. It was a simple lunch but satisfying," Eric narrated. He did not restrain the joy he felt from his mother's call in his voice.

"Really? That's nice I am actually craving some right now," she said with a light soft laughter.

"You could order for some,"he suggested immediately.

"I will when you come to Star city so we could eat it together," she said.

"Sure. Mum, how is Rose?" he asked. He was aware that Rose was presently in the hospital where his mum worked.

"She is not doing very well now but she will get better as time goes on. What she needs is time to rest and recover fully," She replied breaking one of her rules.

"Oh that's a relief," he said sincerely with a sigh.

"Don't tell her family I told you that okay?" she asked.

"Sure. I will come to Star city after my graduation," he told her. That was meant to be a hint to his mother that his graduation was soon and he wanted her to be present.

"Oh . . . I will wait for your arrival," Leah told him. She pretended not to notice the hint.

"Okay," Eric resigned to his fate. His father will most likely attend his graduation.

"I am sorry I won't be able to attend your graduation. I am busy with Rose and some of my patients. I can't ask Mr. Hale for a leave in such a time," she apologized. The last sentence sounded very sad because she knew the state Mr. Hale was that made her unable to do so.

"I understand," Eric agreed with any argument.

"Say hi to your dad for me. I haven't been able to call him these days," she said looking at the dishes before her that had already become cool. She really could not call her husband because she was very tempted to lick the news of Liam's state to his family so they could be by his side. Calling her husband will simply cut off the last thread of restraint holding her back from doing so.

"I will," he agreed to what she asked of him immediately. He knows his parents were not on very good terms. He guessed his mother was still offended that his father tried to get information about Liam the last time she returned home.

"Bye then, I have to finish eating my lunch," she told him.


Leah exhaled when she hung up and looked at the screen of her phone. The call she just made did a good job of lifting the weight that rested on her shoulder since she left that boy's room.


"Mum, why did they say you were sick?" a little girl asked her mother when she successfully snuck into the heavy guarded room. Her mother have been in that room for a while now and she wasn't allowed to go to her. Her twin brother was also prevented from meeting their mother.

"Why did you come here?" the Queen asked looking at her beautiful delicate daughter with very sad eyes.

"I had to. Dad did not say anything to us and I got anxious," the young girl who seemed to be fourteen years old replied her mother.

"He did not say anything to support the late Queen then why on Earth will he say anything to support me?" the Queen asked with a complicated expression.

"You are not be compared to that traitor, mum. You're obviously not sick why did they say you were sick?" the princess asked with an angry expression. From the fresh glow of her mother's skin, she knew her mother was not sick. Her mother even looked better than she did before all these.


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