Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 4: New World and Revenge (2/2)

Chapter 4: New World and Revenge (2/2)

Part 2

Now that he could think about everything that happened to him objectively, he could finally have a general idea, of what had happened to him and his life.

He could remember the jealousy and the fake actions of his dear Big brother and uncle. The way, they treated him, their jealousy towards him, and their desire for power and wealth.

His blood was boiling in rage, because of what had happened. It was only now, that he could connect the dots, and see the treason, and betrayal, of his family.

He was clenching his teeth like a madman. He had had all in his life, talent, strength, power, women, wealth, and finally, he would have his own family. But that was destroyed from the greed of those people.

At that moment he couldn't control his rage anymore and in that state, swore his revenge,

Tianlong Yun:" I, Tianlong Yun the son of the Tianlong Shen Dragon Emperor and descendant of the Royal Dragon Clan, swear on my blood, body, and my soul, that I will take revenge to all the people that betrayed me and my trust.

I will make them regret being alive, and burn their souls for a thousand years, before erasing them completely from this world."

In a kind of way, it was ironic, because in his oath he stated himself as the son of Tianlong Shen, the Dragon Emperor, but that same person was also one of his targets.

In his oath, he didn't mention his mother, because he didn't know anything about her. The only thing they had told him, was that she had died while giving birth to him.

Same as the mother of his current body. The only person who had been taking care of him, on her place, was the Dragon Empress. But she could never become a mother for him. At most, she had always been a mentor figure.

The reason why she could never become his mother, was because even before he could understand the relationships between man and woman, he had strange reactions when he was near her.

His heart would beat faster, and his 'little' dragon would get excited, and start growing up to form a big tent in his pants.

It had always been really hard to stay near her and cover his tent at the same time. Now that he thought about it, he had been in love with her since he was a little kid.

Unconsciously he remembered that passionate kiss that she had given him, in their last moment in the Immortal World.

At that time he didn't understand what was happening, but he was really happy that he finally could kiss those lips that he had dreamed for so long.

But then he was suddenly struck by the realization that his arrival in this world had been started by her. It was she who burned her blood essence that started all this.

So if he was here in this new world, in this new body, then where was she?

What had happened to her?

He was so worried about her, she was the most important person in his life.

She was the only person that was there by his side to comfort him after getting crippled.

She was the only person that loved and cared for him even when the whole Immortal World was against him.

She was the only person that helped him escape from that terrifying jail, and still tried so hard to give him a reason to live.

She was the only person being there in his final moments and didn't hesitate to burn her own blood essence to activate that strange seal inside him.

But then he also remembered how those flames simulated by that strange seal symbol started to beat like a heart, in complete harmony to their heartbeats.

That harmony was so ideal, it seemed like their souls were combined into one. Their own existences seemed to have become one. 

It was like his dreams were finally being fulfilled like she was finally his lover. It was like finally, he was a part of her, and she was a part of him.

They were like two sides of the same medallion.

When he remembered all of that, a part of his blood started to boil like it was excited that he finally thought of it, like a new heart of flames that was beating inside his body.

At first, he blamed it on the fact that this was the blood essence that she gave him through her kiss. Now he had three different types of bloodlines in his body.

He got really excited at that thought. It meant that he now had an active phoenix bloodline also. That small bit of her love had accompanied him to this new world, together with his dragon bloodline.

He could feel that his dragon bloodline had come together with him in this world because he could sense his repulsion to his own blood.

But it was part of his body, he couldn't just make it disappear, it was a part of him. A part that he hated, and didn't want to have, but vital to him.

Thinking again he then used his spiritual power, which was at a really high level for someone who hadn't cultivated a single day, to see inside his veins.

His spiritual power was really high, it was off the charts for someone like him. But remembering the baptism in the nirvana flames, and the hellish pain his soul went through he already had an answer.

Thinking of the answer, Tianlong Yun continued to check his body again and saw that his blood had three different colors.

The normal blood red color which must be the color of his human blood as a being of this world, it seemed normal, but he could feel that there was a hidden power inside that blood.

Golden-red color blood which must be the color of his phoenix blood, that she passed to him during that sweet kiss, and got washed in the Nirvana Flames.

And finally, dark azure-red color blood which he had always had before, the bloodline he had as a Royal Dragon.

As a result, he not only had gotten back his meridians, and a way to cultivate again, but he also had benefited another extra bloodline for himself, that of a Royal Phoenix.

Because the one that passed him the bloodline wasn't an ordinary Phoenix, but the daughter of the Phoenix Emperor. Emperor of the Phoenix Dynasty in the Immortal World.

Normally what she did was considered a huge heresy in the Immortal World, between the 4 great beast tribes, Royal Dragons, Royal Phoenixes, Royal Tigers, and Royal Turtles.

If they were still in the Immortal World, most probably they would be followed in every step from every free cultivator and every sect, so they could get their hands on their bloodline.

The truth was that the Royal Clans of the 4 great beasts were really few in number, and their bloodline was strictly safeguarded.

Most of the members in their Clans were mix-blooded, they were just descendants of powerful Human or other species cultivators with the members of the Royal Dragon Clan.

But now was not the time to think about it. Now he just felt grateful at this second chance he had at life, and also at this opportunity he had for revenge.

Being so happy about this, he started to scream in content,

Tianlong Yun:" yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees ,hell yessssssssssssssssssssssss."

It was probably due to his big excitement but he didn't feel at first when his phoenix bloodline started to boil again like crazy and producing a scorching heat in his veins.

But with the pass of time his bloodline seemed to go even crazier, it was boiling again like it was meeting its soul mate. It was at this moment that the door of his room got opened.

Tianlong Yun was startled hearing the opening sound of his door, and then the entrance of the woman in front of him.

From the memories of the previous owner of his body, he recognized her as Tianlong Xia, the big sister character in the previous Tianlong Yun memories.

Tianlong Xia was a beautiful, and hot woman in her mid 20. She had blood-red hair and an oval-shaped face, with luscious pink lips.

Hourglass figure with big soft pillows, thin waist, and big round rear mountains, that made him swallow gulp* just from the appearance



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