Rosie's Games

Chapter 488: Unwelcome

Chapter 488: Unwelcome

Rosalind frowned briefly at the King's words. Did the King possess some documents about the demons? She quickly masked her surprise and countered, "The documents were severely damaged. If His Majesty is keen, I can surely arrange for a visit to the Duchy to inspect them." Rosalind felt confident, believing her illusions could easily deceive those who looked too closely.

"That would be appropriate," the King replied. "But I can't help wondering, what might the Duke's thoughts be on this matter?" The King was well aware of Rosalind's acumen. However, a Duke was a Duke, and a Duchess was a Duchess.

They may be wed in the title, but their roles differed. The Duke, who managed the Duchy, had established his reputation over time. Why would he entrust such a crucial matter to the Duchess?

With a composed smile, Rosalind answered, "Your Majesty's curiosity is quite understandable. Currently, the Duke is occupied with vital preparations in the north for the forthcoming revelry. Certain arrangements are essential for a successful hunt. Nevertheless, this pressing matter brought me here on his behalf."

The Duchess's choice of words was intentional. She employed "husband" over "Duke" to emphasize their close relationship. The King, however, remained impassive. He had come to recognize that he might have previously undervalued the Duchess's aptitude in diplomacy and commerce.

And now, he began to question whether they had also misjudged the depth of her bond with the Duke. Who had propagated the notion that the Duke wed the Duchess merely for her lack of political clout? His trust in her, evident in this delegation, spoke volumes. No further proof was required.

"I see," the King acknowledged with a nod.

Rosalind blinked, somewhat perplexed. The King seemed to have gleaned some insight that had eluded her. What had she overlooked? To be truthful, her choice to say "husband" rather than "Duke" had been more habitual than strategic. No deeper intent lay behind it. Yet, observing the King's evident epiphany, Rosalind chose not to ponder it further.

Once they finished the main course, the servers began to serve dessert, catching Rosalind's immediate attention. The masterpiece set before her was known as Starfall Fruit Sorbet with Crystalline Honey Drizzle.

The Starfall Fruit sorbet, a captivating spectrum of cosmic hues, delivered a refreshing burst of celestial sweetness with each spoonful. It was served in an exquisite sugar-spun basket that added an enjoyable crunch to the velvety sorbet. The Crystalline Honey, glistening like a precious gem, contributed an additional layer of enthralling sweetness, leaving a lasting taste, and bringing the royal feast to a gratifying finale.

"Since the Duke shows interest in this matter, I do not wish to withhold the truth. Indeed, we possess several documents related to this issue. They were recovered from the Howling Mountains. The documents mention demons and the devastation they could wreak on the continent if the barrier were to break. In the past, I dispatched countless individuals to combat these demons and retrieve more information, but to no avail. We were simply outmatched. Ultimately, I ceased sending them deeper into the mountains and shifted our focus to relics instead."

Rosalind nodded. She had already begun savoring her dessert and was quickly captivated by its taste. The idea of abducting the chef and whisking them back to Wugari crossed her mind! It would be a delight to enjoy a dessert like this every day!

"I do not wish to conceal anything from the Duchess," the King continued. "In recent weeks, the number of demons sighted in the Howling Mountains has increased. It also seems as if the island itself is undergoing certain changes. Earthquakes have been occurring almost daily, complicating our attempts to recover more relics. Furthermore, the creatures inhabiting the island have grown exceedingly agitated. Ordinarily, they do not attack those merely lingering on the beach, but now, everything is different."

"Different?" Rosalind asked.

"The usual tranquility of the island has been replaced with an atmosphere of unease," the King continued, his tone growing serious. "In recent weeks, the wildlife, even the most placid creatures, have grown increasingly aggressive. It's as if they're responding to a threat that we cannot yet perceive."

He paused a hint of regret etched on his weathered face. "Furthermore, inexplicable phenomena are beginning to occur. Nights are filled with haunting, otherworldly cries that resonate from the heart of the mountains. Glowing orbs have been spotted floating above the sea at dusk, and the island's interior is experiencing drastic temperature fluctuations. It's as if the very elements are in discord."

The King's gaze met Rosalind's, his eyes reflecting a deep concern. "In light of these events, it's not only the retrieval of relics that has become a challenging task. Even the basic safety of our people venturing onto the island is now in question. We've already lost some brave souls, taken by unseen forces or savage beasts."

He leaned back in his chair, rubbing his temples in obvious distress. He even ignored his dessert as he continued. "It seems that the island and the creatures inhabiting it are responding to somethingsome shift or change that we have yet to understand. The increase in demonic activity might just be the beginning. If we do not act, I fear what might be unleashed from the depths of the Howling Mountains."

"So this is..."

"The reason my daughter desired to be the Duke's concubine," the King interjected, cutting off Rosalind. It was time to address the elephant in the room. To the King, Rosalind appeared sympathetic due to his accounts of the eerie changes in the Howling Mountains. He seized this opportunity to navigate the conversation to his advantage.

"So, the Princess desired the Duke's protection through marriage?"she frowned. Of course, Rosalind discerned the King's objective. However, she perceived that his conversation served a dual purpose. Firstly, he aimed to sway her into agreeing to the proposed union. Secondly, he desired to deflect the topic away from the demons, an action that ignited Rosalind's curiosity.

What was the King concealing? Did it concern Wugari? The Duke? Or the Howling Mountains?

"I believe there's a misunderstanding, Your Majesty," Rosalind responded firmly, unwilling to fall for his ploy. "If the Duke wished to wed the Princess, could I obstruct him?"

"I..." The King seemed taken aback, clearly unprepared for Rosalind's frank retort, but she didn't spare him a moment's reprieve.

She carried on, "If the Princess wishes to wed the Duke, I urge you to discuss the matter with him. If he decides to take another wife, I believe I can't prevent it. However, I'm quite discontent with the King's attempt to use sympathy to sway my decision."

Finishing the last of her dessert, Rosalind dabbed her lips with a napkin and stood up, all within a span of two minutes.

"Your Grace..." The King rose hastily at her reaction.

"If the barrier shatters, Rakha would bear the initial brunt of it," Rosalind's tone hardened, losing her patience with the King's scheming. "I arrived out of concern, but it appears the King and the Princess merely wish to concoct plots. Very well... I appreciate your hospitality, even though it has made me feel unwelcome. Now, I will take my leave."

"Your Grace, this is... a misunderstanding," the King tried to salvage the situation, but Rosalind was already distancing herself. Fortuitously, the Crown Prince arrived with the Princess and managed to halt Rosalind.

"Please, Your Grace... I implore you. Hear my sister's explanation," the Crown Prince pleaded. "We did not mean to offend you. It's just that..."

"Thank you for your hospitality, Your Highness. Rest assured, I will relay this matter to the Duke," Rosalind replied, brushing past the royal siblings without a backward glance. Her silhouette gradually faded from the view of the startled assembly.

A profound sigh resonated throughout the room once the shock of the Duchess's exit subsided. The Duke of Rakha joined the siblings, his countenance grave.

"Her arrogance is unexpected," the Duke mused. "What does she have to be so proud of? The Duke married her because she lacked"

"We've underestimated her," the King interjected, addressing his trusted Duke. "I'm aware you view the marriage as hasty and calculated, but I assure you the Duchess defies our expectations." The King motioned for the trio to take their seats at the table, his eyes falling on the dessert plate the Duchess had meticulously cleaned before her departure.

He hadn't anticipated she'd polish off the dish before leaving!

The King was at a loss for words regarding the situation. The Duchess, he concluded, was truly extraordinary!

"How could she be so fickle?" the Crown Prince pondered. "We unveiled our intentions only because she appeared amiable. I thought"

"She detected your presence," the King interjected. The Duchess's swift change in demeanor took him by surprise. "I suspect the rumors about the Duchess being a sorcerer could indeed hold some truth," the King added.

"A sorcerer?" Princess Isadora's expression soured almost instantly. In her dream, the Duke had declined collaboration with members of the seven blessed families during the invasion, yet he was closely associated with the secretive sorcerers who were helping humanity.

Could it be that the Duke chose the Duchess for marriage because she was a sorcerer?


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