Rosie's Games

Chapter 481: Concubine

Chapter 481: Concubine

The upcoming Frostbloom Revelry brought a surge of activity to the Kingdom, but amidst the hustle and bustle, Lucas remained dedicated to spending quality time with Rosalind. They cherished each other's company, strolling through the estate's picturesque grounds or exploring the vibrant market to savor delightful delicacies while admiring the breathtaking sunsets together.

Their frequent outings and visible affection for one another made them well-known among the citizens of Wugari. The Duke and Duchess's love story was a topic of fascination, but it also invited unwanted attention. Some individuals tried persuading the Duke to take on a concubine, despite the evident bond he shared with Rosalind.

Adding fuel to the rumors was the fact that Rosalind had not yet announced her pregnancy. This fueled speculations and gossip among the nobles, diverting attention from the upcoming Revelry to focus on her relationship with the Duke. Consequently, she received a deluge of invitations from various nobles within and outside Wugari, including an invitation from Princess Isadora of Rakha.

The Rakha Kingdom and the Empire of Korusta had established teleportation portals in Wugari, which facilitated efficient transportation between the two realms, benefiting businesses and entrepreneurs. However, for Rosalind, it brought a bit of inconvenience. Despite her desire to concentrate on the growth of the Duchy, she recognized that engaging with other kingdoms and nobles was also part of her responsibilities as Duchess.

Standing before the teleportation portal that would transport her to the Kingdom of Rakha, Rosalind asked her current guards, Magda and Huig, if everything was prepared for their journey. She had decided to attend the Princess's banquet not for the revelry but to personally discuss matters with the Princess's father, particularly regarding an island and some precious relics.

Elias and Valentin were still occupied in Lonyth, dealing with menacing creatures, so Rosalind only wanted Magda and Huig by her side. Although the Duke had offered to enhance her security detail, she felt it unnecessary. She wasn't a queen, and having ten guards trailing her seemed excessive, considering she wasn't even royalty.

"We are ready to depart as soon as you are ready," Magda spoke with a tone of authority, her eyes gleaming with confidence. She nodded at the man who stood beside the shimmering portal. He was a skilled portal manager with years of experience in handling such magical gateways.

Rosalind returned the nod. "The gifts?" she inquired, her voice steady. This would be her first official visit to Rakha, a momentous occasion that demanded proper diplomatic etiquette. She had meticulously prepared thoughtful meeting gifts to honor the customs of the other kingdom. However, unbeknownst to the royal family of Rakha, Rosalind had visited the kingdom in secret before, seeking to understand its people and culture on a more personal level.

"Everything is ready, your grace," Huig replied with a bow, his face stoic.

With a graceful motion, Rosalind gestured for her entourage to proceed toward the imposing portal. The portal's frame was crafted from gleaming golden metal. It sparkled like a treasure trove of ancient wisdom. It emitted a soft, pulsating glow that seemed to resonate with the very essence of the world's magic, beckoning her forward on this momentous journey.

As they approached, the air around the portal crackled with energy. The vibrant colors of the swirling patterns surrounding the seven-foot-diameter circular opening danced like ethereal ribbons, tantalizing her senses.

Through the portal's misty veil, she caught glimpses of Rakha's majestic landscape: towering mountains draped in velvety green forests that extended as far as the eye could see.

Yet, despite the allure of the foreign Kingdom she was about to step into, Rosalind reminded herself that she was not here for adventure alone. This was a journey of diplomacy, an opportunity to foster stronger ties between their kingdoms.

She stepped into the teleportation circle. The moment her foot made contact, a tingling sensation surged through her body, like a delicate cascade of feathers gently brushing against her skin. The world seemed to blur around her, and she felt a fleeting moment of weightlessnessa sensation familiar yet exhilarating.

Rosalind closed her eyes, treasuring the excitement that tingled within her. Though she had teleported before, this marked her first use of the enchanted teleportation circle, a sacred ritual reserved for important diplomatic missions.

And then, just as quickly as the teleportation began, it ceased. Rosalind opened her eyes to find herself standing on solid ground once more. The surroundings were unmistakably different, confirming that she had arrived in Rakha.


Kingdom of Rakha

Capital, Grand Palace

"A marriage alliance?" Amidst the opulence of the grand hall, a weighty atmosphere settled as the Duke of Rakha, Duke Hector Fitzroy, furrowed his brow in contemplation. The proposition of a marriage alliance had been presented, promising potential benefits for both kingdoms, but Duke Hector was skeptical of its feasibility. "Princess Isadora and the Duke of Wugari?" he frowned.

Seated at the head of the long, ornate table, the King of Rakha remained silent, mulling over the delicate intricacies of the proposal that was made by the Princess herself. His mind seemed preoccupied, likely pondering the arrival of the Duchess of Wugari, who was expected to join the banquet that evening.

The Crown Prince, Princess Isadora's brother, couldn't help but voice his concerns, defending his sister's honor with fervor. "Isadora is not to be treated as a mere concubine!" he interjected passionately, his admiration for his sister was evident in his words. "She is a Princess, deserving of respect and a proper status befitting her intelligence and grace."

"Indeed, it wouldn't be fair to subject her to such a role," Duke Hector nodded in agreement with the Crown Prince's sentiments, his frown deepening. "But perhaps we are getting ahead of ourselves. Is it not premature to assume that the Duke of Wugari will even consider this alliance?"

"The Princess was confident that the Duke would agree," he spoke, his words hanging heavily in the air. The room fell into a thick, suffocating silence as the weight of the situation settled upon everyone present. "I did not influence her decision; she initiated this proposal." This proposal seemed a bit rushed.

The King's thoughts were divided. On one hand, he valued the prospect of forming an alliance with Wugari, recognizing the strategic advantages it could bring to Rakha. Yet, he was unwilling to exploit his daughter's emotions for political gain. Princess Isadora was a force to be reckoned with, known for her sharp wit and cunning nature. How had she suddenly arrived at the decision to marry the Duke of Wugari?

Despite his reservations, the King had allowed the banquet to proceed, hoping to gain some insight into his daughter's motivations. However, to his surprise, it was not the Duke who arrived, but the Duchess of Wugari herself. This unexpected turn of events left the King feeling uncertain and uneasy. He couldn't fathom his daughter's true intentions, and he was adamant about not being a puppet in anyone's schemes.

"But the Duke will not come. Instead, it was the Duchess. Someone who was not even a noble, to begin with. What was the Princess thinking?" Duke Hector's confusion was evident in his puzzled expression. The prospect of a marriage alliance with Wugari seemed promising, but the sudden appearance of the Duchess threw a wrench into the carefully laid plans.

The Prince shared the Duke's bewilderment. He had been privy to Isadora's intentions before she disclosed them to their father. At first, he had assumed she was jesting, as the news of the Duke's recent marriage had spread just weeks ago. How could Isadora, the cunning and intelligent Princess, entertain the notion of marrying a man who was already bound in matrimony?

The Prince tried to make sense of his sister's motivations. He pondered whether Isadora had been captivated by the Duke's allure, despite having only glimpsed fragments of his face behind the masks he often donned.

However, the masks did little to hide the Duke's arrogance, a trait that hardly seemed attractive. Surely, Isadora couldn't have fallen for him on looks alone. Was it the Duke's strength and power that enticed her, driving her to seek an alliance with Wugari at any cost?

The thought of his sister sacrificing herself for the sake of an alliance weighed heavily on the Prince's heart. His face turned grim. He could not allow this marriage to proceed without understanding Isadora's true intentions and ensuring her happiness.

"The Duke of Wugari is not to be underestimated," The Duke's voice cut through the contemplative silence, drawing the attention of both the father and the son back to the present. "He is a man of both strength and discernment, and he will not enter into any marriage lightly. It is unlikely that he would agree to this proposal, especially given that he had already encountered Princess Isadora in person. Moreover, was it not obvious enough? He chose to marry the current Duchess because she is not a noble. She does not hold any power or influence. She is weak. At the end of the day, she cannot be considered a very strong chess piece."


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