Rosie's Games

Chapter 479: A Double-Edged Sword.

Chapter 479: A Double-Edged Sword.


The once grand hall now simmered with suffocating tension as the massive doors swung open to reveal the imposing figure of the Patriarch of the Blaize Family.

A hushed reverence spread like wildfire as everyone in the room rose to their feet, bowing their heads in deference not only to the formidable Patriarch but also to his son, Lachlan Blaize, and the mysterious black-haired woman who followed in their wake.

A single raised eyebrow from the Patriarch sent a shiver down the spines of the assembled nobles. His piercing gaze eventually fixed upon the Emperor of Korusta, a man known to have always supported the patriarch.

"Your Blessedness," the nobles spoke in unison, their voices barely above a whisper, tinged with a mix of awe and trepidation.

"Hmmmm...." The Patriarch's deep voice rumbled through the hall as he gestured for everyone to speak freely. Clad in resplendent crimson robes that mirrored the color of their flag - the same flag that now adorned the circular table, beneath which lay intricately detailed cartography of the entire Continent.

"Report," Lachlan Blaize spoke as he stood stoically behind his father.

One of the Generals immediately stepped forward."Good Evening, Your Blessedness. These are the current reports. We mourn the loss of seven valiant soldiers who fell into a treacherous ambush. Despite our efforts, they succumbed to their grave wounds at the infirmary. Thirty others are wounded and on the path to recovery. Our troops continue their advance at a relentless pace, targeting the northern, eastern, and western regions of Sloryn. The outskirts of Sloryn's first towns will soon be within our grasp. We have followed your command to the letter - attack their soldiers, spare the innocent: women, the elderly, and children. The Gliss and Quarris families have expressed interest in meeting with Your Blessedness to seek a resolution. End of Report."

"Hmmm..." The Patriarch pondered, his hand gesturing dismissively. "And what of the coastal attacks?"

"Our forces are marching steadily, Your Blessedness. We expect to reach the coastal area of Sloryn within the next half-month," the General reported dutifully.

"The Slorynians believed we would cower in silence, but we shall prove them wrong," a Duke interjected, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Their ambush has only galvanized us. Our response has been swift and unyielding. I, for one, am eager to witness their shock at our unwavering resolve."

The Emperor's lips curled into a sinister smile, his gaze unforgiving. He too, knew that the people from Sloryn had been spreading some rumors about the Blaize Family. "Korusta has languished in silence for far too long. It is time we take a stand against these bullies!"

Each noble present nodded with grim determination. Though they might not be entirely confident in their victory, they were resolute in spreading fear and ruthlessness throughout the Continent.

The Emperor's words hung in the air. It had indeed been too long since they asserted their dominance on the continent, and the time had come to shatter the veil of silence that enshrouded Korusta.

Not long after, the Patriarch Blaize, Lachlan, and Josephine departed the meeting room, an air of intrigue and speculation permeated among the remaining nobles. Josephine, a sorceress with an ethereal beauty and an aura of power, had stirred both fascination and apprehension in their hearts. She was no ordinary woman, capable of wielding mystical abilities that surpassed the realm of possibility.

Yet, she was a sorcerer. How could they allow her to stay next to someone who received the blessing of the goddess?

The baron, unable to contain his concern, voiced his objection. "Your Majesty, are we truly to align with the Blaize Family and this sorceress? Our history books paint sorcerers as enemies, as wielders of darkness and malevolence!"

"And who authored those history books? Were they not our ancestors who sought to perpetuate their own version of truth?" the Emperor sneered.

For centuries, the history of the Seven Empires had been carefully curated by the noble families, each one crafting a narrative that glorified their heroes while vilifying others. The sorcerers, in particular, had borne the brunt of this manipulation, their powers depicted as sinister, their intentions malevolent.

The Seven families had long been rivals, each harboring ambitious dreams of expanding their dominion. The peace that ostensibly reigned among them was a facade concealing a seething desire for supremacy. Korusta, despite its claim of strength, had remained stagnant, trapped in the web of political intrigue spun by the Seven Families.

But now, the tide was turning. Korusta had amassed hidden forces, created weapons of immense destruction, and sent spies to infiltrate rival empires. The incident between Brinley Fleur and Lachlan Blaize had provided the perfect pretext to unveil their hidden might.

The war they had long prepared for was finally upon them, and the Empire of Korusta was determined to emerge victorious. Battles would be fought, and losses would be suffered, but they were resolute in their pursuit of a new era, one in which they would command respect and fear from every corner of the continent.


The suffocating silence that descended upon the Blaize Family estate mirrored the tension in the meeting room. Lachlan's anger simmered as he confronted his father, the Patriarch, about bringing Josephine to the gathering.

"Did you have to bring her to that meeting?" Lachlan's eyes blazed with frustration as he locked eyes with his father.

A sly smile curled on the Patriarch's lips, his piercing gaze meeting Lachlan's with unyielding resolve. "You dare question my actions, Lachlan Blaize? Bringing Josephine to the meeting was not a mere whim. It was a calculated move, one that you may not fully comprehend."

Lachlan felt his blood boil, torn between the respect he held for his father and the indignation that gnawed at him. He brought Josephine to Korusta and felt responsible for her safety.

He did not want to put her in danger.

"A true leader must be bold, unafraid to reveal their strength when the time is right." His father continued. "I brought Josephine to the to demonstrate our resolve, to show that we are not beholden to the archaic prejudices of the Seven Families. She may possess power beyond imagination, but she is one of us now, and I won't hide her away like a dirty secret."

Josephine helped them foresee the ambush and that was not a secret in the estate. Because of this, the Patriarch's attitude towards her changed.

Lachlan struggled to find words, his father's cunning apparent in every calculated move he made. But then again, this involved the woman who saved his life. Josephine's presence had indeed left an impression on the other nobles.

Sadly, this attention is a double-edged sword.

Lachlan said nothing as he stared at his father. Seeing this, the older man continued, "She possesses a power that both intrigues and worries everyone including me. A sorceress with the ability to foresee the future is not someone that we could easily offend. Naturally, I have my own plans about this matter."

Lachlan's mind swirled with conflicting emotions. His father's cunning was both a blessing and a curse, and he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this plan than met the eye.

In the aftermath of their heated exchange, Lachlan stormed out of his father's study, the weight of their conversation still heavy on his mind. The Patriarch, undeterred by the tension, calmly summoned his attendant to prepare his tea, a serene smile playing on his lips as he gazed out of the study's windows, taking in the breathtaking view.

The attendant, a loyal confidant who had served the Patriarch for over two decades, approached with a delicate reverence. "What do you think of that sorceress?" the Patriarch inquired, his eyes still fixed on the horizon.

"May I be honest, your blessedness?" the attendant asked, knowing that the Patriarch appreciated candor above all else.

The Patriarch nodded graciously, signaling for his attendant to speak freely.

"I believe Lady Josephine is harboring secrets," the attendant replied, his voice tinged with a sense of intrigue. As he deftly steeped the fragrant flower tea, its delightful aroma enveloped the room, mingling with the air of mystery surrounding the sorceress.

"She may appear outwardly beautiful, innocent, and seemingly navea young woman untouched by the world's harsh realities," the attendant continued. "Her fondness for simple pleasures, like sweets, food, and clothes, gives the impression of an innocent charm. However, beneath that facade, I sense a shroud of mystery, as though she is concealing something profound."

The Patriarch listened intently, his gaze unwavering. He had long valued his attendant's astute observations and trusted his instincts implicitly.

"I must admit, my perception of sorcerers has shaped this impression," the attendant added, his voice lowering as if sharing a confidential insight. "In our history, sorcerers were often depicted as impenetrable figures, capable of wielding powers beyond mortal comprehension. Their motives were rarely straightforward, and their actions concealed deeper meaning. However, they were always depicted as evil. Someone who loved causing chaos."

The Patriarch nodded, his mind contemplating the attendant's observations. The world of sorcery was a domain of ancient secrets and hidden knowledge, and he knew better than to dismiss the attendant's perceptions lightly.

"Lady Josephine's arrival has disrupted the equilibrium within our family, and while her abilities may prove valuable in the times to come, I sense there is more to her than meets the eye," the attendant concluded, carefully presenting the Patriarch with a cup of freshly brewed tea.


A/N: Sorry, I have been very busy this month. We moved houses! I never expected everything to be so chaotic and exhausting. I have temporarily stopped writing for Eve's Gambit as I cannot take it. My schedule is always full these days. I hope everything will be better in 2 to 3 days. Thanks.


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