Rosie's Games

Chapter 471: Noble Act

Chapter 471: Noble Act

Rosalind's expression contorted into a frown, her brows furrowing deeply, as soon as the man's name reached her ears. It took only moments for her to witness two figures emerge from the shadows at the back of the stage.

It was indeed Brinley, accompanied by a younger woman who bore a striking resemblance to himso much so that she could be mistaken for his daughter. While Brinley himself was not old, appearing to be in his late twenties, the woman before her seemed like a mere teenager.

Her long, perfectly curled black hair cascaded around her, framing a pair of innocent yet intensely fiery eyes. Though a smile graced her lips, the fierce determination emanating from her gaze was unmistakable.

"I thought he was married," Rosalind whispered under her breath, her voice barely audible. She believed that only couples were allowed to participate in this game. If Brinley and Princess Ishmael were indeed together, then what about his wife? The thought lingered in her mind, perplexing her.

"He is," Lucas replied, his tone uncharacteristically audible despite her whispering. Choosing to respond at a normal volume, he divulged the information. Rosalind merely nodded in acknowledgment. Brinley was undoubtedly married.

Furthermore, she couldn't help but wonder why they were so openly present. Weren't they concerned about the looming threats from the Korusta Empire? The Blaize Family was relentlessly attempting to pressure the Sloryn Empire into surrendering Brinley. Naturally, Sloryn would never comply, but Rosalind struggled to grasp the basis of their unwavering confidence.

"Why are they so confident in letting Brinley out and allowing him to partake in the festivities?" Lucas's voice reverberated inside her head, providing a possible explanation. Once again, she silently acknowledged his words.

Amidst the jubilant cheers and adoration resonating from the surrounding crowd, Rosalind could already discern their reaction to this impending engagement. Her gaze shifted towards the woman beside Brinley, and as if on cue, the woman's eyes met hers.

In that moment of connection, the woman's clear eyes locked onto Rosalind's own. Though a smile played upon her lips, Rosalind, attuned to the subtleties of others' auras, sensed a profound discontent brewing within her. It was evident that the woman harbored no happiness toward this arrangement.

Rosalind's senses abruptly heightened, an unsettling feeling settling around her like a shroud. Her brows furrowed in response, and she instinctively scanned her surroundings, searching for the source of the ominous aura that hung in the air. A sense of foreboding gripped her, but frustratingly, the eerie presence vanished as swiftly as it had appeared, leaving her questioning her own intuition.

The announcer's voice cut through the silence, drawing everyone's attention back to the stage. "Now, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce the remaining participants to tonight's thrilling treasure hunt," the announcer declared, his voice resounding with enthusiasm. "First, we have the esteemed daughter of Duke Cedric Harrington and Duchess Genevieve Harrington, the radiant Lady Seraphina Harrington, accompanied by her beloved, the valiant General Alexander Stormcrest!" With beaming smiles, a couple with blond hair strode into the spotlight, their joyful energy filling the room.

The announcer continued, unveiling the next pair. "Next, we have the esteemed Marquess Gabriel Merrow and his enchanting fiance, Lady Luna Skylark!" Each name was enunciated with a flourish, capturing the attention of the audience.

As the announcer proceeded to call out the names of the remaining participants, Rosalind observed that all of them were noble couples, a realization that surprised her. She hadn't anticipated that the allure of these games extended to the highborn as well. While a part of her yearned to embrace the excitement, she couldn't shake off the lingering unease from the peculiar sensation she had experienced earlier.

"Please, set me down," Rosalind requested, her voice firm yet tinged with apprehension. Lucas obliged without a word, carefully lowering her feet to the ground. "I believe it would be wise for us to leave this place," she stated, her tone resolute.

Lucas raised an eyebrow, seemingly unaware of the disquieting aura that had unsettled Rosalind. However, a flicker of doubt crossed her mind, unsure if he truly remained unaffected by it. "Oh? Aren't you interested in witnessing this captivating spectacle?" he inquired, a hint of curiosity coloring his words.

"No," Rosalind responded firmly, her instincts urging her to avoid entanglement in any potential danger that lurked beneath the surface.

To Rosalind's surprise, Lucas acquiesced to her request without further inquiry, a response that only fueled her growing suspicion. As they managed to extricate themselves from the throng of increasingly excited onlookers, who eagerly gathered to catch a glimpse of the noble participants, she wasted no time in addressing her concerns.

"You felt it too, didn't you?" she inquired as soon as they found respite away from the bustling crowd. The atmosphere around the event had become electrified, and people were flocking towards the stage, causing the area to grow densely crowded.

"I did," Lucas confirmed, his voice carrying a note of acknowledgment. Without missing a beat, he led her to a small stall tucked away from the commotion. With a nonchalant demeanor, he ordered a serving of dried fish sticks, handing them to her. "These are delicious. Give them a try."

Rosalind nodded, her curiosity still lingering, yet she decided to momentarily set aside her questions, opting to savor the flavorsome treat instead. After taking her first bite, she found Lucas's recommendation to be accuratethe dried fish was indeed delectable. With a mouthful, she resumed their conversation.

"So... do you think they are...?" she began, intending to inquire whether the unsettling presence she had sensed could be attributed to demons, but she hesitated, allowing her words to trail off.

"It is quite likely," Lucas responded with a calm demeanor, his eyes focused on the path ahead.

"In this place?" Rosalind's eyes widened in astonishment, realizing the gravity of the situation.

"Yes," Lucas replied without a hint of surprise or concern.

"And this doesn't worry you?" she probed as they continued to distance themselves from the clamor of the crowd.

"No," Lucas answered bluntly, leaving no room for further questions. Rosalind pondered pressing for an explanation but chose against it, aware of his indifference towards such matters in the past. After all, she knew all too well that Lucas held little regard for the existence of demons.

"Should I be worried?" Lucas turned to face Rosalind, his gaze searching for reassurance.

"No," Rosalind responded, taking another bite of the dried fish. Yet, an underlying unease gnawed at her. How many demons had managed to breach the boundaries and infiltrate this continent? She couldn't help but wonder. "Were you able to trace the source?" she asked, hoping for some insight.

"No," Lucas admitted with a touch of frustration. "It happened so quickly. The perpetrator concealed themselves skillfully, but it's highly likely that one of the participating nobles is involved."

Rosalind nodded, absorbing the information in silence. Her mind swirled with questions, and she couldn't resist probing further. "Those creatures... are they truly difficult to defeat?" she inquired. With Lucas's family having safeguarded the barrier for generations, she assumed he possessed knowledge about the demons.

Lucas nodded, his expression solemn. "Indeed, they are formidable adversaries."

"However," Rosalind hesitated, finally mustering the courage to voice her deepest concern, "if we eliminate them, wouldn't it lessen the likelihood of the entity inside me resurfacing?"

At that moment, Lucas halted their stride, his gaze intently focused on her as if attempting to decipher her thoughts. Undeterred, Rosalind maintained eye contact, refusing to back down. Unexpectedly, Lucas bent down and kissed her lips, catching her off guard.

"What are you" Rosalind began, taken aback by his sudden action. Irritated, she retaliated by biting his lower lip, surprising him. He leaned back, laughing softly. "We were having a serious discussion," she chided him.

"Hmm, indeed we were," Lucas acknowledged, licking his lower lip. "That was not very good," he admitted.

"The kiss?" Rosalind blinked, slightly disoriented by the sudden shift in the atmosphere. Was it because of the dried fish? Did she eat too much and started stinking like a fish?

"Biting your husband," Lucas clarified with a mischievous grin, then gestured towards a nearby building. "Next to an inn, no less."

Rosalind's face burned with embarrassment as she realized their current locationstanding in front of an inn. She had been so engrossed in her thoughts about demons that she had failed to notice their surroundings. Mortified, she swiftly attempted to tug Lucas along, determined to leave the area and its potentially prying eyes behind.

"Why must you act like such a hooligan?" she chastised him, her tone carrying a mix of exasperation and flustered embarrassment. How could he make light of their situation, especially in such a public space?

Lucas chuckled softly, his laughter mingling with the surrounding ambiance. "Testing the beds is considered being a hooligan? I thought this was a pretty noble act," he quipped, finding amusement in their banter.

"Lower your voice!" Rosalind hissed through clenched teeth, her discomfort growing. There were still numerous people nearby, and she couldn't help but notice the presence of children within earshot. How shameless could this man be? She struggled to find words to express her frustration, momentarily at a loss.

Aware of Rosalind's rising frustration, Lucas relented, his laughter subsiding.

But he did not move away from the inn.


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