Rosie's Games

Chapter 469: Strolling

Chapter 469: Strolling

Rosalind's curiosity was piqued as she observed the woman's altered appearance, enhanced by skillful makeup. No skin mask concealed her features, but rather, cleverly applied coloring added stubble and emphasized her eyebrows. The woman's gaze remained steady as she spoke, ignoring the audience's dismissive reactions..

"Have you seen it?" she persisted. "Have you laid eyes upon the sea dragon itself?"

A voice from the crowd interjected, exasperated by her inquiry. "How could you come here and ask that? This story is from long ago! Sir Fleur already slew the dragon! Naturally, we would never be able to see it!"

Undeterred, the woman pressed on, showing no interest in backing down. "Did anyone truly witness the dragon then?" she challenged.

"Little one, this is merely a tale. Must you be so critical?" another audience member chided.

"Everyone has embraced this story, crediting the Fleur Family for saving the Empire, when in truth, it was the people of Sloryn themselves!" The woman's voice grew more impassioned. "It was the citizens of Sloryn who valiantly fought those beasts! Many soldiers perished, leaving behind grieving widows and orphaned children. Yet, you choose to disregard their heroic acts and instead glorify a man who never faced a dragon! What a shame!"

"Little man, this is a festive gathering. Why spoil the mood?" an attendant reprimanded. "If you seek to cause trouble, find another venue! This place is not for you!"

"Leave and take your negativity elsewhere!"

Soon, a chorus of voices joined in, condemning the woman dressed as a man. The crowd seemed unfazed by the possibility that the storyteller's words may have been exaggerated.

Rosalind leaned closer to Lucas, her words barely a whisper. "What do you make of all this?" she inquired.

"The chaos?" Lucas mused. "The Fleur Family were never ones for direct confrontation. Even with their blessings, they preferred alternative methods to vanquish their foes."

Rosalind probed further, her curiosity unabated. "So, you believe the woman was speaking the truth? About the Fleur Family?"

Lucas sighed, his tone tinged with skepticism. "Ah... the Fleur Family were cowards in their own way. They were never fond of facing their enemies head-on. While the historical accounts are fragmentary and biased, they can't be trusted entirely."

As their discussion reached its conclusion, Rosalind understood that the truth of the matter lay shrouded in uncertainty. The books she had read provided only partial glimpses of the Fleur Family's history, often glorifying them as heroic figures.

She had always known that those stories were false so she does not trust anything inside those books.

Unaffected by the disdainful comments directed at her, the woman continued to speak her mind, casting blame upon the Fleur Family and challenging the crowd's blind glorification of them.

"It is you who should be ashamed!" the woman's voice resonated, undeterred. "The Fleur Family are nothing but cowards, yet you persist in glorifying them! May the restless spirits of the soldiers who perished defending this place haunt your dreams!" With those cutting words, she turned on her heel and departed from the restaurant.

The immediate aftermath saw the crowd abuzz with discussions, the woman's passionate reproach leaving a lingering impact on their thoughts. Rosalind, her mind teeming with theories, speculated aloud, "Do you think the Fleur Family paid these storytellers to fabricate these tales? Perhaps they shamelessly manipulated public opinion through these orchestrated stories."

"Possibly," Lucas replied, his attention shifting to brewing more tea as the chaos downstairs unfolded.

"The crowd's response is turning into a cacophony of curses," Rosalind observed, her patience waning. "Should we consider leaving this place?"

Lucas nodded in agreement, signaling the attendant for the bill, and the two of them swiftly departed the restaurant. Outside, despite the approaching dawn, numerous people still roamed the streets, engrossed in the ongoing festivities.

Rosalind, astonished by the vibrant atmosphere, inquired, "Is it common for people to stay awake throughout the entire night during festivals like this?"

"They are awaiting the sunrise," Lucas explained. "Once the sun rises, the empire will host various activities, such as sailing, fishing, and even embarking on hunts in the seas."

"Ah, I see. You seem to possess extensive knowledge about Sloryn. Have you visited here in the past?" Rosalind inquired, sensing a deeper connection.

"A long time ago," Lucas replied, his response carrying an air of mystery.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Rosalind sought further clarification. "How long ago is 'long enough'?"

Lucas's enigmatic smile hinted at a multitude of untold stories. "Long enough," he answered, leaving Rosalind to ponder the depths of his experiences and the mysteries that shrouded them.

Suppressing her curiosity, Rosalind decided to refrain from bombarding Lucas with more questions. Instead, they strolled along the vibrant streets, indulging in the tantalizing aromas of street food wafting through the air and immersing themselves in the lively atmosphere. They reveled in the joyous ambiance, captivated by the eclectic performances unfolding before their eyes.

Without her realizing it, Lucas reached out and gently intertwined his fingers with hers. The touch sent a jolt of warmth coursing through Rosalind's veins, and a gentle smile graced her lips. There was no need for words as they walked hand in hand, their silent connection speaking volumes.

As they ventured deeper into the bustling thoroughfare, a raucous clamor caught Rosalind's attention. A crowd had gathered around a makeshift stage, their enthusiastic cheers and applause filling the air. Curiosity piqued, she pointed towards the spectacle, directing Lucas's attention to the scene.

"Look! What's happening over there?" she inquired, her voice filled with intrigue and excitement.

Lucas, always composed and knowledgeable, replied with a casual tone. "Those are couple games, interactive contests designed to engage and entertain couples in a friendly competition."

Intrigued, Rosalind's eyes sparkled with a newfound sense of adventure. Without another word, she tugged at Lucas's hand, leading him toward the animated crowd. Eager to catch a glimpse of the captivating activities, she yearned to be a part of the jubilant festivities.


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