Rosie's Games

Chapter 466: Marriage Alliance

Chapter 466: Marriage Alliance

"I never expected you to immerse yourself in the intricate politics of the seven families," Lucas remarked, his surprise evident in his voice. "And I certainly didn't anticipate you being aware of something as secretive as the Iron Souls."

Rosalind responded with a smile, but her attention drifted toward the cup of bitter tea placed in front of her. She had entered the room without expecting to find Lucas there; he had been occupied with various matters in the past few days.

"It was purely coincidental," Rosalind explained, pondering how to convey the truth without revealing her knowledge from a past life. "I began gathering information about the mercenary companies during the tide." She poured herself a cup of tea and then gracefully poured one for Lucas. Looking up at him, she flashed a warm smile. "While the Iron Souls had a renowned reputation, it struck me as odd that they did not assist the north during the tide. It piqued my curiosity."

Lucas nodded, refraining from further inquiries, instead relishing the flavor of his tea, his eyes flickering mischievously. "It appears I underestimated you."

"What?" Rosalind snorted, incredulous.

"I never expected you to take immediate action and even devise schemes against Aster," he confessed, a hint of admiration in his voice.

Rosalind's silence lingered, concealing her true intentions of scheming not only against Aster but the entire network of the seven families. Naturally, she withheld this information from Lucas, confident that he would eventually deduce her broader plans.

"How about we go to Sloryn?" the Duke proposed, a gleeful smile playing on his lips.

"Sloryn?" Rosalind raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. Although he had previously mentioned Sloryn as a potential destination, the timing of his suggestion, right after she had decided to involve herself in the politics of Aster, made her suspicious. She couldn't help but suspect that he had ulterior motives yet again.

Suppressing her doubts, Rosalind responded with a captivating smile, masking any reservations. "Why not?"

As Lucas rose from his seat, a perplexed frown tugged at Rosalind's features. "Um... where are you going?" she inquired, curiosity lacing her words. It was already the dead of the night. Was he going to make preparations for their trip, tonight?

"Tonight, Sloryn is hosting its annual celebration," he explained. "The festivities include various nighttime activities. It would be best for us to seize the opportunity and travel there now."

Rosalind blinked, momentarily taken aback. "N-now? You mean... right now?" she stammered, her mind racing. Could it be that he possessed a means of instant transportation to a very far place like Slortyn? Sloryn is even further down south than Korusta Empire! It would take at least a year to travel there by carriage!

The prospect of utilizing Mr. Pratt's teleportation devices crossed Rosalind's mind, offering the potential for a significantly shorter travel time. However, she quickly realized that such a plan would require adequate preparations and financial resources. How could she simply request such a device from Mr. Pratt without proper arrangements?

Rosalind had originally envisioned meticulously planning their journey, intending to depart the following day after careful preparations. Therefore, Lucas's sudden decision caught her completely off guard, leaving her momentarily flustered.

"Is something the matter?" he innocently inquired, his gaze curious.

Rosalind let out a resigned sigh, realizing that she had momentarily forgotten the true nature of her husband. As one of the Guardians of the Barrier, Lucas possessed advantages and resources beyond the scope of ordinary individuals like herself.

"Don't you need some rest?" she asked, attempting to mask her surprise.

"Do you?" he countered, a playful twinkle in his eyes.

In response, she shook her head, silently acknowledging her readiness for the unexpected.

"Good," Lucas remarked, a mischievous undertone lacing his words.

"What do you mean by that?" Rosalind couldn't help but inquire, a flicker of suspicion dancing in her mind, suggesting that Lucas was up to something mischievous once again.

"The view of the sea from Sloryn is truly breathtaking," Lucas remarked, his voice filled with an air of excitement as he enveloped her hand in his. "You're going to adore it."

Before Rosalind could utter another word, her surroundings suddenly spun around her, leaving her momentarily disoriented. The world seemed to blur, shapes and colors merging into a whirlwind of motion. It felt as if time itself had folded, transporting them to a different realm.

As the dizziness subsided, Rosalind's eyes widened in astonishment, taking in the newfound landscape that stretched before her. They were no longer in their familiar surroundings but now stood on the cliffs of Sloryn, overlooking a vast expanse of sparkling azure waters. The rhythmic sound of crashing waves against the rugged shore filled the air, serenading their arrival.

Lucas, wearing an impish grin, gazed at her, delighted with her reaction. "Welcome to Sloryn," he said, his voice laced with wonder. "Now, shall we find an inn so we can enjoy the view even better?" he asked, a mischievous glint apparent in his eyes.



"You look like you've eaten some rotten fish," the Empress of Sloryn remarked upon seeing the Princess's face for the first time in days. The Princess had been sequestered in her room, withdrawing from interactions with other members of the noble families and even her own parents, ever since the announcement of her upcoming marriage alliance with none other than Brinley Fleur, a blessed individual from the esteemed Fleur Family.

"That's because I feel like I'm about to eat a rotten fish," Princess Eshmael frowned, her gaze fixed on the view beyond her expansive windows. From her vantage point, she could see the magnificence of Sloryn, the Empire nestled in the southern lands, emanating an undeniable charm that derived from its breathtaking coastal location. The gentle caress of waves against sun-kissed shores provided a backdrop of perpetual serenade.

The landscape of Sloryn was a masterwork painted by nature's hand, featuring picturesque cliffs that overlooked the vast expanse of azure waters. Towering with majestic grace, these cliffs acted as guardians, steadfast against the eternal rhythm of the ocean. They unveiled awe-inspiring panoramic vistas, showcasing the boundless expanse of the sea that seemed to stretch endlessly toward the horizon.

The Empire itself stood as a testament to architectural grandeur and storied history. Graceful structures, adorned with intricate ornamentation, were crafted from weathered stone, their essence harmonizing with the natural surroundings. Opulent palaces, serving as sanctuaries for the ruling elite, coexisted with bustling marketplaces where vibrant textiles and exotic treasures enticed the senses. Sloryn's cities were a vibrant tapestry, interwoven with the threads of life, commerce, and cultural diversity.

The streets thrived with the harmonious convergence of diverse traditions and vibrant celebrations. Colorful festivals filled the air with joyous melodies and the tantalizing aromas of exotic delicacies. Sloryn's inhabitants, known for their warmth and hospitality, shared the rich tapestry of ancient legends and tales of maritime conquests, keeping their vibrant heritage alive.

In Sloryn, trade and commerce flourished, benefiting from its strategic coastal location that opened gateways to distant lands and lucrative markets. The Empire's economy thrived on its seafaring prowess, boasting a formidable fleet of ships that sailed under the banner of Sloryn, venturing fearlessly into uncharted waters and forging connections with foreign empires.

"I do not want to marry him," the Princess voiced, her tone resolute, her gaze reflecting unwavering determination.

"But you've always dreamt of marrying him since you were a child," the Empress interjected, offering a gentle smile as she began to pat Princess Eshmael's hair, attempting to soothe her distress.

"I am still a child, Mother," Eshmael retorted, her voice tinged with defiance. "Do not forget, I have yet to turn fifteen. How could you force me into this marriage?"

"Eshmael..." the Empress's voice carried a hint of warning.

In response, Eshmael let out a weary sigh. "I merely requested to stay here for a few more years. All I asked was for you to extend the engagement period. Perhaps five years. I am certain I will be ready by then."

"Eshmael..." the Empress's tone held a mix of understanding and concern.

"I know," the Princess sighed, her defiance yielding to acceptance. "I understand my responsibilities."

"Rest assured, my dear child, he will not treat you poorly," the Empress assured with a warm smile. "Besides, how could anyone mistreat such a radiant and beautiful woman like you?"

Eshmael's doubts remained persistent. "But I heard he already has a wife. Even if"

"Eshmael, my precious princess, you must understand your worth as a member of the royal family," the Empress interrupted gently, her voice laced with firmness. "How could they dare treat you unfairly? Furthermore, you must comprehend that other empires have now thrown their support behind the esteemed Fleur Family. It is necessary for you to marry into the Fleur Family to secure support for your older brother's ascension to the throne. Once he becomes the next Emperor, I can promise you... you will no longer suffer any injustices. By then, you will have the freedom to pursue your heart's desires." The Empress's smile held a glimmer of hope. "Do you understand the message your mother is trying to convey?"

Eshmael hesitated, her thoughts grappling with the weight of her mother's words. She yearned for independence and autonomy, but the Empress's reasoning held a pragmatic truth that was difficult to ignore. With a heavy sigh, Eshmael reluctantly nodded, understanding the necessity of the alliance and the potential future it held for her and her family.


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