Rosie's Games

Chapter 463: A Melodramatic Tone

Chapter 463: A Melodramatic Tone

"Provoking the Queen like that," Magda shook her head, her voice laced with both admiration and concern as she followed Rosalind out of the opulent palace and into the awaiting carriage. "You truly are a courageous soul."

Rosalind merely chuckled in response, her mind consumed by the words that had passed between her and the formidable Queen. The weight of their conversation lingered, intertwining with her thoughts. "Have you participated in the Hunting Games before?" she inquired, her voice filled with genuine curiosity.

Magda paused for a moment, her gaze turning inward as she reflected on her memories. "Hmmm," Magda mused. "It is an annual tradition. Previously, it was only our family against the four ruling families. A thrilling spectacle, indeed."

Rosalind's curiosity was piqued further. "So, the Duke always emerges as the victor, then?" she ventured, her voice tinged with anticipation.

A knowing smile played on Magda's lips. "Oh no, the Duke refrains from participating. It would be deemed unfair if he were to join the games. Thus, he stands aside, observing the prowess of others."

Rosalind nodded, absorbing this newfound information. The puzzle pieces of the Hunting Games began to form a more intricate picture in her mind. Why had the other Empires suddenly agreed to send their representatives this year, when they had previously abstained from participating?

Not long after, Rosalind settled into the carriage, departing from the resplendent palace and making her way back to the familiar embrace of Luca's estate. The man himself awaited her in his study, his back turned to her as he peered out the window, his gaze lost in the snow-covered landscape.

"You look refreshed," Lucas's voice greeted her, a hint of intrigue lacing his words. He must have observed her arrival from the study's vantage point.

A playful smile curled on Rosalind's lips as she approached him, her eyes mirroring the joy that danced within her. "Indeed, I feel invigorated," she confessed. "Engaging in conversation with the Queen proved to be unexpectedly delightful." The mere thought of their exchange brought forth a lightness within her spirit, a spark that ignited a desire to delve deeper into the mysteries surrounding the royal court.

"Perhaps," Rosalind mused, her voice brimming with amusement, "I should make it a habit to visit the Queen regularly, indulging in the intricacies of courtly affairs." Her gaze swept over the sprawling landscape, where people braved the thawing snow to engage in various activities. The world outside seemed alive, pulsating with possibilities.

Lucas regarded Rosalind with a playful glint in his eyes, a hint of mischief tugging at the corners of his lips. "Ah, so that would mean spending more time away from me," he remarked, feigning a melodramatic tone. In response, Rosalind pursed her lips and playfully made a face at him, unable to suppress a teasing smile. His chuckle echoed through the room, creating a warm and intimate atmosphere.

"I must admit," Rosalind admitted, her tone tinged with a mix of amusement and affection, "I did not expect to discover this side of the feared Duke that strikes terror into the hearts of many. But since you are already my husband, I suppose I have no other choice but to accept it, don't I?" Her playful jab was met with yet another bout of laughter from Lucas, his eyes shining with genuine mirth.

As the conversation shifted, Lucas broached the subject that had recently captured Rosalind's attentionthe Hunting Games. "The Hunting Games are upon us," he stated, his voice carrying a note of intrigue.

Rosalind's curiosity was piqued further, and she couldn't help but wonder if Lucas possessed prior knowledge of the discussions she had shared with the Queen. Was it mere coincidence that he brought up the games now, immediately after her conversation with the Queen?

"Do you like to join the fun?" he asked.

Drawing in a breath, she answered his question, her voice direct. "No," she replied, leaving no room for doubt.

The Hunting Games held no appeal for her. She had journeyed to the North with a singular purpose: to survive. There was no need for her to entangle herself in the complex web of power dynamics and alliances woven by the seven ruling families. Instead, she planned to observe from the sidelines, content to watch the drama unfold. After all, she had a hunch that the games would provide an enthralling spectacle, one brimming with excitement and intrigue.

Lucas's eyes remained fixed on Rosalind, a mixture of understanding and respect shining within their depths. He recognized the strength that resided within her, the desires that fueled her spirit. "Very well," he conceded with a warm smile. "Since you have chosen not to partake in the games, I shall have the chef prepare a delightful assortment of snacks for you to enjoy while we wait for the warriors to return."

Rosalind's curiosity persisted, a lingering question burning in her mind. "Hmmm... I heard the Queen mention that some members of the seven families have decided to participate this year," she began, her tone laced with intrigue. "Do you happen to know why? It seems unusual considering their lack of involvement in the past."

A playful glimmer danced in Lucas's eyes as he turned to face her. Mischief was evident in his expression. "Ah, dearest Duchess," he replied, his tone teasing, "Since you have made your decision not to participate, there is no need for you to concern yourself with such matters anymore." His gaze held a sense of mystery, hinting at secrets that he did not yet reveal. "All you need to focus on is your greenhouse and..."

Rosalind leaned in closer, her curiosity momentarily forgotten, her heart skipping a beat as she finished his sentence. "And what?" she inquired, her voice barely above a whisper. Had she missed something? A hidden meaning concealed within his words?

"Naturally," Lucas whispered, his tone filled with a mix of tenderness and desire, "you need to focus on your husband." Before Rosalind could react, she found herself enveloped in his arms, their bodies drawing closer, their lips meeting in a passionate embrace.

Time seemed to stand still as the world around them faded into insignificance.

A knock on the door pierced the air, reluctantly tearing Lucas and Rosalind apart from their passionate embrace. Lucas's gaze shifted towards the source of the interruption as he released Rosalind, a mixture of annoyance and curiosity etched upon his features. "Denys, what do you need?" he inquired, granting permission for the advisor to enter.

Denys stepped into the room, his demeanor exuding a sense of deference. "Your grace," he began, his voice respectful yet tinged with urgency, "I have received news that the Queen intends to send soldiers to support the Emperor of Aster. She has requested that General Lytton take command of the troops."

Lucas's brows furrowed, a flicker of indignation flaring within his eyes. "Such matters are beyond the scope of the four families," he retorted, his tone laced with both frustration and determination. Settling into his chair, he poured himself a cup of tea, the liquid cascading smoothly into the porcelain vessel. "If the Queen wishes to provide aid, she should rely on her own forces."

Denys hesitated for a moment, carefully choosing his words before continuing. "Your grace, if I may speak my mind?" he sought permission.

Lucas nodded, gesturing for Denys to proceed. "Go ahead."

"It seems to me," Denys began, his voice cautious yet tinged with concern, "that the Queen is deliberately seeking faults within the Four Great Pillars. Her actions appear to be a means of provocation, a way to antagonize and undermine the standing of the four families. Perhaps she aims to rally support from other noble houses, fueling further unrest."

Denys's words settled in the room, the implications of the Queen's actions beginning to unfold. Lucas's gaze hardened. "If the Queen desires a battle, then a battle she shall have," he declared, his words resolute. "But let it be known that the four families shall stand firm in the face of her provocations. The Four Families existed to protect the estate."

Hearing this, Rosalind said nothing as she made herself comfortable on the couch. "I believe you should agree to the Queen's request," Rosalind suddenly spoke.

"Hm?" Lucas and Denys looked at her.

"If she wanted to send soldiers then let her send soldiers. What can her soldiers do?" Rosalind smiled. "By the time that they get there, the Duke of Duance already succeeded. It is best that you send the General with gifts to send your congratulations to the new Emperor."

"You truly believe the Duke of Duance will succeed?" Lucas questioned, his curiosity piqued.

Rosalind's smile grew wider, a glint of confidence in her eyes. "They will," she affirmed. "Without Federico, Martin and the Emperor are mere puppets. The Duke's cunning and strategic prowess will ensure his victory. Furthermore, the other Empires have their own troubles to deal with. They cannot afford to divert their attention and resources to aid the Emperor and the Lux Family. By the time the Queen's soldiers arrive, the confrontation between the Duke and the Emperor will have reached its climactic end."


Hello, I have been very sick lately. I am going to write 1 chaps for now. I am going to my province to spend some time with family and hopefully feel better. The environment in the city is not really good for my health. I am not sure if this is hormones or not.


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