Rosie's Games

Chapter 460: Stability

Chapter 460: Stability

It had been several tense and anxious days since the imposing gates of the grand estate were sealed shut. Whispers spread like wildfire among the inhabitants of the northern region, fueling a sense of fear and uncertainty.

Some speculated that the closure was a portentous sign of impending doom, while a select few, privy to clandestine information, suspected a different motive altogetherthe Duke's hidden preparations to secure an heir.

The King, staunchly guarded and unyielding, refused to divulge the truth behind the sealed gates. Instead, he offered vague reassurances, claiming that all was well within the estate's walls.

Meanwhile, the Queen had locked herself away in the opulent palace and withdrew from public view. She shunned banquets, neglected her responsibilities as the Queen, and ceased all interactions with the nobility, including her duty to preside over important celebrations and events.

Restless and consumed by curiosity, the noble families of the realm grew increasingly agitated, desperate to uncover the true purpose behind the Duke's cryptic actions.

Rumors swirled, and intrigue thickened the air like an invisible fog, as each noble house dispatched their most skilled envoys to probe the secrets concealed within the sealed estate.

Yet, as the northern region languished in an unsettling impasse, the Seven Empires and their influential ruling families remained indifferent, preoccupied with their own concerns and challenges.

Despite sending representatives to inquire about the turmoil unfolding in the north, their attention was fleeting, diverted by personal troubles that demanded their immediate attention.

Three long and suspenseful weeks have passed since the closure of the estate when news from the Aster Empire shattered the fragile equilibrium.

In a sudden and shocking move, the gates of the Aster Empire were also slammed shut, plunging the capital and other cities into chaos. Traitors emerged from the shadows, sowing seeds of discord and rebellion.

Whispers carried tales of a climactic clash between the reigning Emperor and the Duke of Duance, as spies relayed stories of a daring assault on the palace and the untimely demise of numerous high-ranking officials.

However, the authenticity of these reports remained dubious, for the Aster Empire had sealed its gates, imprisoning all suspicious individuals and obscuring the truth behind their formidable walls.

Upon hearing this unsettling news, Rosalind's brow furrowed with deep concern. A knot of unease twisted within her gut, and her mind could not help but make a chilling connectionLucas's recent visit.

Slowly, she peeled the skin off a succulent grape, the plucking sound masking her troubled thoughts as she absorbed the latest report from Magda. Was it truly mere coincidence that Lucas had spent time on Aster just weeks ago, or was there something more sinister at play?

"Your grace, there is no need to fret over matters like this," Magda reassured, her voice laced with a hint of concern as she finished perusing the reports. "You should focus on tending to your well-being, body, and spirit. The winter snow has begun to thaw, and a temperature change awaits us in the north. The clothes from Miss Monoroe have arrived, and if you wish to see them, please let me know, and I shall summon the servants to bring them to you."

Rosalind offered Magda a wry smile, a tinge of amusement dancing in her eyes. It seemed that ever since she ascended to the role of Duchess, a peculiar transformation had occurred.

The inhabitants of the grand estate, from the lowliest servant to the most esteemed noble, treated her as though she were a fragile flower, in need of constant protection.

But why? Had she missed some vital piece of information from her past? The enigma gnawed at her curiosity, urging her to unravel the secrets shrouding her newfound status.

"No need, Magda. I trust Miss Monoroe's impeccable taste," Rosalind replied, her voice filled with quiet confidence. She had never been one to idle away her time, after all. With a warm smile, she gestured toward a file of papers neatly arranged on the table before her.

It contained detailed plans for her ambitious greenhouse project and the additional building she had commissioned for Elias and the others. The construction had progressed swiftly, and the structures would soon be ready for occupancy in a matter of days.

Rosalind's eyes sparkled with determination as she poured over the architectural sketches and calculations. The greenhouse represented more than just a physical structure; it was a symbol of her resilience, a testament to her ability to thrive amidst the harshest of conditions.

Inside those walls, vibrant life would flourish, transcending the limitations imposed by the seasons.

The more she delve into this matter, the more excited she became.

Not long after her musings, Denys, brought news that her husband, the Duke, had requested her presence for a lunch meeting. Without hesitation, Rosalind rose from her seat and made her way to the opulent dining room where Lucas awaited her.

The room, once adorned with a lengthy rectangular table, had undergone a transformation. Recognizing Lucas's dislike for the elongated setup, Rosalind's arrival prompted him to commission a renovation. A small, elegant circular table now occupied the space, creating an intimate setting for their shared meals.

A smile graced Rosalind's lips as she surveyed the spread of delectable dishes that awaited them. Ever since their marriage, Lucas had introduced her to an array of cuisines from distant realms, broadening her palate and exposing her to flavors she had never imagined.

The exploration of new tastes had become a cherished ritual between them, a way to forge connections beyond the boundaries of their own kingdom.

As the food was served, Lucas's attention turned to Rosalind, his eyes filled with a mix of tenderness and curiosity. With a gentle gesture, he added more delectable morsels to her bowl, a gesture of affection and care.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, carried by the aroma of exotic spices and the warmth of their shared laughter. Amidst the culinary delights, Lucas broached a seemingly innocuous topic, inquiring about the jewelry Rosalind had received earlier. His tone, however, carried a hint of tension, as if his inquiry masked deeper emotions.

"Yes, I received the jewelry you asked Magda to give me," Rosalind replied, her voice infused with curiosity and confusion. The exquisite gifts bestowed upon her puzzled her greatly. Magda had merely mentioned that they were from the Duke, but as Rosalind examined the shimmering jewels, doubt clouded her thoughts. Could they truly be a genuine offering from Lucas, or was there something more at play?

The gifts themselves held undeniable allure. Each piece radiated a captivating beauty, with gemstones that sparkled like captured starlight. Their grandeur and opulence were unmistakable, a testament to their immense value.

While Rosalind had an appreciation for beautiful things, she couldn't help but question the purpose behind these lavish offerings. In a realm filled with uncertainty and hidden motives, she found herself hesitating to embrace the extravagance before her.

Lucas's gaze sharpened, a glimmer of possessiveness flickering in his eyes. His voice, laden with an underlying warning, sliced through the air like a sharpened blade. "Those trinkets were mere offerings from the noble families," he stated, his words brimming with veiled implications.

"Should you find them displeasing, feel free to discard them, throw them away," he added.

"They are not bad," Rosalind smiled, her voice tinged with a hint of amusement. She had grown accustomed to Lucas's peculiar habit of disliking gifts from others. Whether it stemmed from his childish nature or possessiveness, she couldn't be certain.

Nevertheless, she found the notion of discarding the jewelry to be rather wasteful. "It would be a shame to throw them away. If I don't fancy them, I can always sell them and earn some gold."

To Rosalind, the prospect of selling the extravagant pieces seemed far more sensible than letting them gather dust in some forgotten drawer. The notion of squandering such a valuable opportunity to earn money appeared foolish in her eyes. After all, the funds acquired through their sale could be utilized for various purposes, like buying various engridients to cook more food.

Lucas paused mid-meal, his gaze piercing her like a sharpened blade. His attention shifted from the jewels to her, his expression a mixture of confusion and concern. "Have you seen the books?" he inquired.

Rosalind furrowed her brow, struggling to comprehend why he would raise such a topic at this moment. "Books? Ah... you mean the accounts of the estate?" she replied, attempting to grasp his intentions.

"Yes," he confirmed, his eyes never leaving hers.

"Of course, I have," Rosalind responded. Denys had meticulously guided her through the intricacies of the estate's financial records, ensuring she possessed a comprehensive understanding of their wealth and resources.

"Then you should know that the estate does not lack money," Lucas stated matter-of-factly.

Rosalind's thoughts whirled, attempting to connect the dots between his inquiries and the estate's financial stability. According to the books, their wealth was vast, built through shrewd investments and flourishing business ventures in other Empires. The abundance of resources at their disposal had left her with the impression that money was the last thing they needed.

"Oh..." Rosalind nodded thoughtfully, realization dawning upon her. The estate's financial prosperity was undeniable.

"Then, do you feel like your monthly stipend is not enough?" Lucas's voice carried a mix of confusion and concern, his gaze searching for answers within her.

"What? No. Of course not. It is more than enough," Rosalind replied, her voice brimming with reassurance. The generous monthly allowance she received from the estate exceeded her needs. In fact, she found it to be an abundance of riches, far beyond what she had ever imagined.

"Then why are you selling things like that? If you dislike them, just throw them away," Lucas spoke, his face serious. "If you truly find yourself in need of funds, you need only inform me. I would never allow my wife to endure any form of hardship."

"" Rosalind did not know what to say.


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