Rosie's Games

Chapter 452: Relatively Peaceful

Chapter 452: Relatively Peaceful

Within the confines of the estate, a different kind of rumor had taken hold. It had nothing to do with the disease afflicting the soldiers but centered instead around the activities of the Duke and Duchess. Whispers traveled through the corridors, each word dripping with anticipation. The rumor mill spun tales of an imminent announcement, one that would undoubtedly involve the prospect of an heir.

When Rosalind first caught wind of this speculation, she was rendered speechless. An heir? The thought seemed ludicrous to her. The events of the past week had been a blur, and the notion that she would now be expected to become pregnant and produce an heir left her incredulous. What were these people thinking?

Perhaps it was the absence of the relentless beast attacks that had shifted the focus to such matters. Seeking solace and a moment of clarity, Rosalind decided to visit the protective walls surrounding the estate. As she strolled along the perimeter, she noticed the soldiers' eyes upon her, their gazes filled with newfound harmony and reverence.

"Your Grace, I did not expect your visit today," greeted General Lytton, a broad smile illuminating his face. Standing beside him was Lieutenant Bohan, bowing respectfully to the Duchess.

"General," Rosalind acknowledged him with a warm smile. "How are things?" she inquired, walking alongside him as they ascended the stairs leading to the walls. The air was charged with a sense of vigilance, soldiers stationed at every vantage point, their watchful eyes scanning the horizon.

"It has been relatively peaceful," the General replied. "The beasts have seemed less aggressive in recent months. However, we remain ever vigilant, maintaining our guard..."

"That is good to hear," Rosalind replied, her eyes scanning the surroundings. She was clad in an elegant black dress, draped in a matching shawl that concealed her form. This perfectly contrasted with the white snow around her.

"Your Grace, I'm pleased to inform you that the soldiers who received your assistance in the past have all made a full recovery. They have been reassigned to their respective posts," the General informed Rosalind promptly, ensuring she was kept abreast of recent developments. In addition, he provided updates on the progress of newly recruited soldiers who had undergone rigorous training.

Rosalind nodded, acknowledging the General's report. "It appears that things are progressing well," she remarked, her expression thoughtful.

The General's response was quick and sincere. "That is due to the benevolence and guidance of the Duke and Duchess."

Rosalind remained silent, her mind filled with a mixture of gratitude and self-awareness. She understood that the stability and resilience of the people in the north were not solely attributed to her efforts. It was the collective determination and relentless perseverance of the people that ensured their safety against the menacing beasts that lurked beyond the walls.

After she visited the protective walls, Rosalind proceeded to the infirmary, where wounded soldiers, injured in their valiant battles against the beasts, were receiving medical care. Without hesitation, she extended her healing touch to those in need, drawing upon the energy within her to mend their wounds and restore their vitality.

"Your Grace, it appears that the Duke is nearing the completion of his tasks," Magda gently informed Rosalind, her voice filled with a sense of anticipation. "Shall we make our way back to the mansion?"

Rosalind nodded in agreement. She had spent more than six hours on the protective walls, immersed in her thoughts and observations. While she relished the time spent in contemplation, she also had matters to discuss with Lucas. She recognized the weight of his responsibilities as Duke and didn't wish to intrude on his work unless necessary.

After bidding farewell to the General and others, Rosalind made her way back to the mansion, her mind focused on the impending conversation with Lucas. As she entered his study, she found him seated at his desk, engrossed in the documents before him. Denys stood nearby, offering his steadfast support.

Lucas raised his head, his gaze meeting Rosalind's as she entered the room. "Ah, you're back," he acknowledged, his tone casual yet warm. "How was your time on the walls?"

"It was good, everything is in order," Rosalind replied, a sense of satisfaction evident in her voice. "I did, however, wish to discuss the matter of the greenhouse that I had previously mentioned. I believe Denys has already apprised you of my intentions, but I wanted to inquire about when we can begin hiring people to commence its construction." The progress had been halted by the recent disease outbreak, and she was eager to address the matter. Moreover, she had prepared herself to present a compelling case if Lucas remained hesitant about the idea of a greenhouse for the estate.

Lucas considered her words, his gaze steady and thoughtful. "Denys will oversee the necessary arrangements. We can initiate the hiring process for the greenhouse construction as soon as possible," he responded, surprising her with his immediate agreement. In the past, the estate had not boasted a greenhouse, leading her to believe that Lucas might be less inclined toward the idea. Rosalind settled into a chair, her surprise giving way to satisfaction as she nodded in approval.

"You can leave us now," Lucas instructed Denys, his voice firm yet gentle. With a nod, Denys exited the room, closing the door behind him. It was now just Lucas and Rosalind, alone in the study.

Lucas turned his attention fully towards Rosalind, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "Why don't you help me review the plans for the greenhouse?" he suggested, leaning closer to her. "I've heard that you played a significant role in its design."

A smile of pride and accomplishment graced Rosalind's lips as she moved closer to Lucas, joining him at the table. "Indeed, I did," she affirmed, her voice laced with satisfaction.

Drawing upon her knowledge and experiences from her past life, she contributed her insights to the creation of the greenhouse she had envisioned. She stood beside him, eager to delve into the plans.

However, before she could fully immerse herself in the task at hand, Lucas surprised her by pulling her onto his lap. Her eyes widened in surprise, a gasp escaping her lips as she adjusted to the sudden change.

"Sit," Lucas instructed, his expression serious yet playful. "It's more comfortable this way."

Rosalind found herself momentarily stunned by his boldness, her cheeks flushing with a hint of pink. However, she quickly composed herself, a mischievous twinkle dancing in her eyes.


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