Rosie's Games

Chapter 450: Tranquility Amidst the Chaos

Chapter 450: Tranquility Amidst the Chaos

"This place is so beautiful," Rosalind remarked, her eyes filled with wonder as she gazed at the vibrant garden before her. The flowers seemed to possess an ethereal quality, unlike any she had ever seen. She turned to Lucas, who stood beside her, his expression as stoic as ever. "Where exactly are we?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued. After 'eating' in the study, Lucas took her to tour the Mansion. Then they ended up here.

Lucas paused for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "We are currently at the barrier," he replied. "The Rothley Family has been entrusted with its protection for generations."

Rosalind furrowed her brow, confusion evident on her face. "The barrier?" she repeated, struggling to comprehend the significance of his words. "Are we back at the island?"

Lucas shook his head. "No, this is a different place. A hidden sanctuary guarded by the Rothley Family. No one else, aside from its members, can enter this space."

A sense of awe washed over Rosalind. She took the cup of tea Lucas offered her, feeling the warmth of the porcelain against her fingertips. Sipping the fragrant brew, she contemplated.

"What would happen if the barrier were to break?" Rosalind questioned. She couldn't help but wonder about the consequences of such a breach.

Lucas's eyes met hers, radiating quiet confidence. "It will not break," he asserted firmly, his unwavering belief resonating through his words.

Silence hung in the air as Rosalind absorbed his response. She couldn't help but consider the possibility of a different outcome.

Her thoughts drifted to the looming threat of her soul merging with that of the soul within her. Though Lucas had said that absorbing the demon's essence could prevent this fusion, doubt still lingered within her.

What if it had a different agenda? What if she reincarnated because of this soul?

The mere thought sent a shiver down Rosalind's spine. As if sensing her unease, Lucas draped a warm blanket around her shoulders, providing both physical and emotional comfort. She met his gaze, finding solace in the reassurance she found there.

"Shall we return now?" Lucas suggested, breaking the heavy silence that enveloped them.

Lost in her thoughts and the enigmatic realm they found themselves in, Rosalind had lost track of time. But in Lucas's presence, time seemed inconsequential.

She nodded, silently agreeing to his proposal. There was much to process and contemplate, and being in his company brought her a sense of peace. Moreover, this place was actually very good. Just as Lucas claimed, there was food that they could eat. While she had no grasp of the origin of the sumptuous feast they had indulged in within this hidden sanctuary, she couldn't deny that the flavors were unlike anything she had ever experienced before.

It was as if a world of untapped possibilities had been opened before her, and she was eager to explore it, side by side with Lucas.

However, Lucas's words served as a stark reminder of their responsibilities beyond this enchanting place. They were no longer just two individuals lost in a hidden sanctuary; they now held the titles of Duke and Duchess of Wugari, with a duty to protect their people.

The reality of the outside world, tormented by relentless beasts and political turmoil among the Empires, came rushing back to her.

"Do you think we'll be able to return here?" Rosalind inquired, a glimmer of hope in her eyes as she clung to the idea of revisiting this place of tranquility amidst the chaos.

Lucas's response was resolute. "Yes, we will," he affirmed, his voice brimming with confidence.

A smile of pure joy graced Rosalind's lips. It was a relief to know that this sanctuary would remain accessible to them whenever they needed respite from their demanding roles.

Just when she thought their conversation had concluded, Lucas produced a necklace, appearing seemingly out of thin air. He extended it towards her, his gaze filled with a mix of tenderness and anticipation.

"If you ever wish to return, this necklace will grant you access to my study," he explained. "Simply envision yourself standing in the study, and you will be transported there."

Curiosity sparked within Rosalind as she inspected the unadorned necklace. Its simplicity intrigued her; there were no precious gems or ornate designs. Instead, the pendant appeared to be crafted from humble wood, its smooth surface exuding an air of understated elegance.

Grateful for his thoughtful gesture, Rosalind turned around, gracefully sweeping her hair aside to expose the nape of her neck. She felt Lucas's gentle touch as he fastened the necklace around her, his fingertips grazing her skin, igniting a trail of warmth.

"Thank you," she murmured. The necklace now rested against her collarbone, a tangible symbol of their connection and the promise of future visits to the sanctuary they now shared.

After a few minutes, they walked back to his study where they teleported back into their room.

Lucas immediately delved into the reports Denys had handed him, his expression shifted from one of calm to mild amusement. "Four days of silence, and now they're running to the King for answers? Even some Empires sent their representative for inquiries," he chuckled wryly. It seemed some of the other Kingdoms were getting restless and had resorted to tattling about their concerns regarding the mysterious illness that had affected the soldiers.

"It's only natural for them to worry about the estate and its affairs," Rosalind chimed in, her delicate fingers picking at a fresh batch of pastries that had just arrived in the study. The scent of warm, buttery sweetness filled the air, momentarily distracting her from the weight of their responsibilities.

Lucas peered at her, his gaze intense, and he nodded thoughtfully. "You are right," he said.

Her brows furrowed in confusion.

Why did his response feel off? Did she say something wrong?

Despite her lingering doubts, she couldn't help but stand her ground. "Of course, I am," she replied.

She knew his words held more weight than a simple discussion about tattling to the King. There was an intricate web of intrigue surrounding the Rothley Estateone that had attracted covetous gazes for years.

For generations, the Rothley family had stood as guardians of their land, fending off the encroaching beasts without external aid. The very mention of their name instilled fear in the hearts of those who dared challenge their dominion.

But alongside their noble reputation, there existed individuals who harbored a burning desire to uncover the hidden secrets that lay within the estate's walls. And now, in this climate of uncertainty, it seemed opportune for these schemers to seize any advantage they could find.

Yet, Rosalind chose not to delve deeper into the matter. She knew the toll it took on her mind, the exhaustion that consumed her every thought. Her weariness was not merely physical; it was mental fatigue that threatened to consume her.

To replenish her strength, she sought solace in the simple act of eating, finding respite in the taste and texture of the pastries that graced the table.

A shrewd glint appeared in Lucas's eyes as he contemplated their current predicament. "Then let us seize the opportunity presented to us," he declared, his voice laced with determination. "We shall exploit the chaos and uncertainty that surrounds us."

Rosalind regarded him, curiosity mingling with a hint of apprehension. She recognized the calculating nature of his plan, understanding that it would require a firm hand and unwavering resolve.

"Keep the gates closed," Lucas instructed, his tone authoritative. "Answer no questions, provide no explanations. We have enough supplies to sustain ourselves and our soldiers for months on end. There is no urgency to entertain any guests at this time. Inform them that the disease afflicting our soldiers is highly contagious, transmitted through mere touch and air. We must not implicate innocent lives in this matter. Keep the details vague, but instill a sense of imminent danger. Do you know what to do?" His piercing gaze locked onto Denys, awaiting his response.

With a firm nod, Denys affirmed his understanding. "Yes, my lord," he replied, his voice steady. Denys's knowledge of the strategic dance of truth and deception is not to be underestimated.

Denys immediately departed from the study, leaving Rosalind alone with Lucas. Her eyes narrowed as she regarded him.

"Are you using this situation as an excuse to confine us within the walls of this mansion?" Her words were tinged with a hint of accusation as if she had uncovered a secret he had been desperately trying to conceal. Deep down, she sensed that his true motive was not solely driven by the estate's safety.

Lucas, however, seemed unfazed by her scrutiny. He met her gaze with a nonchalant smile, his eyes gleaming mischievously. "Why not?" His response came effortlessly, without a hint of guilt or remorse. It was as if he had anticipated her question and was prepared to defend his unconventional desires.

Rosalind could only stare at him, her mouth agape in disbelief. She had expected some form of explanation or justification, but his shameless admission left her momentarily speechless. The audacity with which he flaunted his true intentions both infuriated and intrigued her.

"How can you be so shameless about it?" she finally managed to utter, a mix of exasperation and amusement coloring her words. There was a part of her that admired his boldness, his refusal to conform to societal norms. But another part of her longed for the seriousness of their responsibilities to take precedence.

Lucas closed the distance between them, his voice lowering to a husky whisper. "Because, my love," he murmured, his warm breath brushing against her ear, "sometimes we must seize the fleeting moments of tranquility amidst the chaos. We can't let the weight of the world consume us entirely, can we?"

He sounded sincere but Rosalind had a hunch that he already planned this from the start.


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