Rosie's Games

Chapter 447: Blurred

Chapter 447: Blurred

When Lucas had warned Rosalind about the trouble that awaited them, she had expected a different kind of challengea tempest of passion and desire that would consume them both.

However, as she slowly opened her eyes, the weight of their intense encounter settled upon her like a heavy burden. Her body felt as though it had weathered a brutal storm, every muscle aching with an intensity she had never known.

As she attempted to rise, the pain radiated through her, threatening to break her spirit along with her body. She struggled to lift her arms, finding them weak and unresponsive. The reality of their night together hit her with full force, and she couldn't help but wonder if this was the trouble he had alluded to.

Rosalind sighed as she mustered every ounce of strength to sit up, her gaze scanning the room in search of Lucas. To her dismay, he was nowhere to be found.

He had vanished, leaving her alone in the aftermath of their passion. The emptiness of his absence settled over her like a heavy shroud, casting a shadow on the intensity they had shared.

A surge of frustration mingled with her physical discomfort, stirring a storm of emotions within her. How could he just leave her like this?

How could he disappear without a word, leaving her to navigate the aftermath of their union alone?

Irritation flashed in her eyes.

Just as her thoughts began to spiral into a melancholic abyss, a voice broke the silence, cutting through her internal turmoil. "I'm surprised you could even sit down," Lucas spoke.

Startled, Rosalind turned her gaze toward the door, her heart skipping a beat as Lucas entered the room, a tray in his hands. Mixed emotions surged within herrelief at his return, coupled with lingering anger at his abrupt departure.

"If I cannot even sit down, how do you want me to join my own celebration?" she quipped. She was talking about her birthday celebration.

Lucas met her gaze, his eyes betraying a hint of remorse. Did he regret putting her in too much pain?

"I decided to postpone our celebration by a week," he explained, his tone softened by an undercurrent of genuine concern. "I couldn't bear to see you in such pain. So I told everyone it was because of the sick soldiers, without revealing the true reason."

Her eyes softened, a flicker of vulnerability shining through her gaze. "You didn't have to do that," she murmured. She could use her blessing to heal her own body.

As Lucas placed the tray on the bed, a tantalizing aroma filled the air, carrying the scent of delicious food that made Rosalind's stomach growl in hunger. But amidst her physical needs, her heart remained entangled in the delicate dance of emotions and desire that had transpired between them.

"Hold on did I just sleep the whole day?" she asked, her voice tinged with surprise and perhaps a hint of disappointment that she had missed some precious moments.

"And night," Lucas replied, his own voice betraying a mix of relief and concern. He had watched over her as she slept, resisting the temptation to bring more trouble to her side when he believed she needed rest more than his presence.

Rosalind's thoughts spun in a whirlwind of confusion and desire, her mind grappling with the man who sat before her. She observed him with a mix of fascination and apprehension, his every move carrying an air of intrigue that both enticed and unnerved her. The memories of their passionate night together lingered in her mind, an intoxicating blend of embarrassment and longing fueling her curiosity for more.

Was she being greedy?

As Lucas skillfully prepared a cup of bitter tea by the bedside, the room filled with an alluring aroma, heightening the tension between them. The delicate steam rose in an ethereal dance, casting an enchanting spell over the atmosphere.

When he handed her the cup, their fingers brushed ever so briefly, sending a surge of electric heat coursing through her veins. The intensity of their connection was undeniable, a magnetic pull that seemed to defy reason.

Lost in the tumult of her emotions, Rosalind lowered her head, her focus shifting to the array of food before her. She knew she needed sustenance to regain her strength. She then glanced up at Lucas when she realized that he did not join her.

"Are you not planning to join me?" she asked, a mix of disappointment and longing coloring her voice as she gestured toward the spread of enticing dishes.

A hint of mischief danced in Lucas's eyes as he met her gaze, his lips curling into a playful smile. "I have other plans," he replied cryptically, his words tinged with a teasing allure that sent a shiver down her spine.

The disappointment in her voice was impossible to hide as she asked, "Are you leaving?"

He shook his head, his expression betraying a secret delight. "On the contrary, I've been waiting for you to heal yourself," he confessed, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Rosalind's horror was evident as his words registered.

"Youwhat are you talking about?" she stammered, the incredulity evident in her voice as her mind raced to comprehend his insinuation.

A shameless smirk played upon Lucas's lips as he leaned closer, his eyes gleaming with a devilish charm. "I can't fully enjoy this feast if you're not strong enough to join me," he shamelessly revealed, his words dripping with seductive intent.

The realization of his meaning struck Rosalind like a bolt of lightning, her cheeks flushing with a mixture of embarrassment and desire. She was taken aback by his audacity, by the boldness of his proposition. Yet, deep down, she couldn't deny the thrill that coursed through her veins, the exhilaration of the uncharted territory they were venturing into.

"You-," Her voice caught in her throat, unable to find the right words to convey the jumble of emotions swirling within her. Lucas's unapologetic nature had rendered her speechless, leaving her to grapple with her conflicting desires. The line between danger and allure blurred once again.


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