Rosie's Games

Chapter 441: Jealousy

Chapter 441: Jealousy

Rosalind chose to disregard Lucas's darkened countenance, refusing to be swayed by his brooding presence. She clutched the pearl tightly in her hand, feeling its smooth surface against her skin. It was a remarkable gift, one that had stirred a flicker of curiosity within her.

"Where do you think he obtained this pearl?" Rosalind inquired, her gaze fixed on Lucas. Once again, she disregarded his ominous demeanor, determined to seek answers on her own terms.

Lucas scoffed. "Why are you so interested in such trivial matters?"

"It's beautiful," Rosalind replied, her tone filled with genuine appreciation. "What's wrong with wanting beautiful things? I am, after all, a woman."

Lucas's retort hung in the air, his disapproval palpable. However, Rosalind paid him no mind as she turned her attention back to the feast before her. The delectable aromas filled her senses, urging her to indulge in the culinary delights that adorned the table.

As she savored each mouthful, Rosalind couldn't help but wonder about Belisarius's origins. She had encountered him in her dreams before, but now, he stood before her in the flesh. The puzzle of his presence remained unresolved, but at this moment, she chose to set aside her queries and immerse herself in the pleasure of the present.

She knew that Lucas held the answers she sought, but for now, she preferred to revel in the taste of the extraordinary meal, allowing herself a respite from the tumultuous circumstances that surrounded her.

"If you wanted something like that, you could have said so!" Lucas's voice reverberated through the room, laced with a mix of frustration and exasperation. Rosalind, without a moment's hesitation, shot back with equal determination, her words cutting through the tense air.

"I didn't think it mattered," she retorted, her voice dripping with defiance. She truly did not think it mattered! In her past life, Evan did not ask her what she wanted! In this life, Lucas only married her because of a deal!

Why would she tell him something like this?

However, as soon as the words left her lips, Lucas vanished, leaving nothing but an empty space where he once stood. Rosalind's brows knitted together in a perplexed frown. His sudden disappearance only served to further fuel her frustration.

This man, she thought to herself, had an uncanny knack for showcasing his abilities at the most inconvenient moments. However, she refused to let his vanishing act deter her. The fatigue and stress that had weighed heavily on her lately demanded that she find solace in something, even if it was just a simple meal.

Undeterred, Rosalind continued eating, savoring each bite as if it were the last taste of freedom she would ever experience. She had been tired and overwhelmed, barely able to find joy in the simplest of pleasures. But as the flavors danced upon her palate, she felt a flicker of contentment, a fleeting respite from the burden that weighed on her heart.

She polished off the last morsel that Lucas had so meticulously prepared before she stood in front of the window, where the snow outside painted a serene and ethereal scene. Sleep had evaded her, her mind restless and her thoughts tangled in a web of uncertainties.

And that's when it hit her.

The irritation she felt, the simmering anger that churned within her, wasn't solely directed at Lucas's sudden disappearance. It was a culmination of all the confusion she felt inside. Not knowing a thing about anything is really making her irritated.

The food, the feast that had momentarily distracted her.

In the end, a heavy sigh escaped Rosalind's lips as she retreated to her bed, her mind swirling with confusion and frustration. Just when she thought she was alone, a chill ran down her spine as she caught sight of Lucas standing behind her, his sudden appearance jolting her senses.

"Why... Why would you suddenly show up like that?" she demanded, her voice tinged with annoyance.

This man had a talent for disappearing and reappearing at the most unexpected moments, leaving her perpetually off balance. Before she could utter another word, her eyes fixated on the large velvet box that Lucas held in front of her.

"What are those?" she inquired, her voice laced with anticipation, her gaze flickering between Lucas and the mysterious box he presented.

"Give me the pearl..." Lucas's words hung in the air, his voice laden with a desperate intensity. "I can give you twenty of them." With a theatrical flourish, he opened the box, revealing a collection of pearls in an array of sizes and colors. Each one held a mesmerizing allure, promising untold powers and possibilities.

Rosalind's mind raced, a whirlwind of thoughts and questions colliding within her. She was spellbound by the sheer magnitude of what was laid before her, the intoxicating allure of these rare treasures.

He was quick to explain each of the pearls.

Apparently, there are five pearls capable of saving a dying person, five with the ability to counteract any poison, five that held the power to alter one's appearance, and another five containing a potent poison that could bend others to her will.

"I..." Rosalind's voice faltered, her throat constricted with a mix of awe and trepidation. A thousand inquiries clamored for her attention, begging to be spoken. How did Lucas come to possess such extraordinary pearls? What was their origin?

"These pearls," Lucas began, his voice low and tinged with a hint of urgency, "should not exist in this place... in this dimension."

When she did not utter a word, he spoke again. "Give me the Pearl that Belisarius gave you."

"Why? It was a birthday gift." Why was this man acting so petty? It was simply a gift! Was it because he was jealous? She was quick to push the thought out of her mind.

That is impossible.

A faint flicker of anger flashed across Lucas's eyes, a glimpse of the emotions he had so expertly concealed. "Only I can give you a birthday gift," he retorted, his voice barely above a whisper. But it held an undercurrent of possessiveness, a claim to ownership that sent an electric shock through Rosalind's veins.

A wave of anger surged within her, fueled by the frustration that had been building within her for far too long. At that moment, she couldn't help but unleash the truth that had long been suppressed. "Why do you think you have the right to say that?" she retorted, her voice cutting through the air like a sharp blade. Her eyes bore into his, her gaze unyielding.

"It was merely a gift. Just because I told you I liked you and that we were married does not grant you the power to control me. How could someone who ran away during his wedding night say something like that?" she seethed, her voice trembling with a mix of fury and hurt. The words flowed from her lips before she had a chance to filter them, each one piercing the air like a sharpened dagger.

The room fell silent, the weight of her words hanging heavily between them. Rosalind's chest rose and fell with ragged breaths as she struggled to absorb the gravity of what she had just revealed. The vulnerability of her admission was now laid bare.

Rosalind felt a pang of regret seep through her veins, knowing that her outburst had crossed a line she couldn't retract. She hadn't intended to expose her vulnerabilities so fiercely,

In the ensuing silence, Lucas's expression hardened his face a mask of conflicting emotions. His grip on the velvet box tightened, his fingers digging into the soft fabric. It was a battle of wills, a clash of desires and expectations that hung in the balance.


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