Rosie's Games

Chapter 431: Action! Not Contemplation!

Chapter 431: Action! Not Contemplation!

Rosalind entered the opulent room reserved for her by the Blaize Family, her heart brimming with elation. She couldn't believe her luckshe had actually managed to capture the patriarch's attention, and he had listened intently to every word she uttered. It was a momentous occasion, news that filled her with excitement and anticipation. However, a nagging sense of suspicion tugged at her mind as she reflected on the smoothness of their interaction.

Why had the old man readily agreed to her proposal of collaborating with Wugari? And not only that, he had pledged to expedite the project's commencement. He wanted it to start withing the week!

Rosalind couldn't help but question the motives behind his swift and unwavering support. It seemed almost too good to be true, causing her to doubt the authenticity of the situation.

Regrettably, time was not on Rosalind's side. Despite her eagerness to delve deeper into these newfound connections, she had no choice but to bid farewell to the Blaize Family and depart on the very same day. She promised them that she would return as soon as circumstances allowed, her determination driving her forward.

Hours later, as Rosalind prepared to leave, she said her goodbyes to Lachlan and the patriarch. To her surprise, Josephine, showed no inclination to accompany her. Rosalind couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and curiosity at Josephine's change in behavior, which she suspected might be attributed to the incredible transformation brought about by the lavish feasts she had been indulging in.

"May I inquire about your age?" Rosalind asked Josephine as she leaned against the balcony as they stood side by side.

The question had been gnawing at her since she first laid eyes on the seemingly youthful woman. Josephine's appearance defied her assumption of being a teenager, leaving Rosalind dumbfounded. Little did she know that Josephine was, in fact, approaching her thirtieth year of existence.

"Older than you," Josephine replied curtly, offering no further explanation. Rosalind's curiosity remained unsatisfied, but she understood that some secrets were best left untouched for the time being.

"I came to discuss Atior with you," Josephine finally spoke, diverting their conversation to the matter at hand. Rosalind nodded attentively, eager to delve into the heart of their discussion.

"The reason I journeyed to the northern lands was due to Atior's summons," Josephine confessed, her voice laced with purpose. "I was tasked with meeting you, bringing us together. However, your companion seemed to believe that Atior betrayed you and the rest."

Josephine met Rosalind's gaze squarely, her eyes burning with conviction. "Atior's intentions were pure. She only desired to see you empowered, to witness your rise to greatness," she explained earnestly, her words hanging in the air like a fragile thread. "Although our intentions are different."

Rosalind's expression hardened as she grappled with conflicting emotions. Atior had vanished without a trace, denying her the opportunity for a direct conversation. Uncertainty and unanswered questions gnawed at her, but she chose to hold her silence for now, allowing the weight of Josephine's words to settle.

"I understand your lack of trust in me," Josephine continued, her voice softening. "That's why I've decided to remain here, to prove my loyalty and dedication to your cause."

A flicker of skepticism danced in Rosalind's eyes as she confronted the notion that Josephine's decision to stay might be influenced by her newfound indulgence in the bountiful feasts provided by the Blaize Family. It was a concern she couldn't ignore, yet she dared not voice it outright.

"Is it not the allure of this lavish lifestyle that entices you to stay?" Rosalind asked pointedly. What was the use of pretending now?

Josephine shrugged, evading a direct answer. "There are many who have been waiting for your return," she replied cryptically, her tone filled with a tinge of sorrow. "My mother was merely one of them. For centuries, we dwelled in the depths of the forest, concealed from the prying eyes of humanity, hiding from the clutches of the seven influential families. We knew all too well that acceptance from humans would forever remain a distant dream. However, my mother and I and the rest of us are different from Atior."

Confusion etched across Rosalind's face as she struggled to comprehend Josephine's cryptic revelations. "Why are you sharing this with me?" she inquired, her voice tinged with both frustration and intrigue.

Josephine's eyes bore into Rosalind's, her gaze intense. "Because you know nothing," she declared, her voice laced with a hint of condescension. "You're as clueless as a blank canvas waiting to be painted upon."

Rosalind's frown deepened, a mix of apprehension and unease enveloping her. She sensed that this conversation was veering into dangerous territory, unraveling a tapestry of secrets and truths she may not be prepared to face.

"Is that all you wanted to say?" Rosalind's patience wore thin as she posed the question to Josephine.

She desperately wanted to divert the conversation away from the enigmatic topic of her being a supposed 'goddess.' The mere thought of it stirred up a storm of confusion within her, igniting a turmoil she wished to avoid at all costs.

Josephine's eyes bore into Rosalind's, brimming with curiosity and persistence. "Don't you harbor even the slightest trace of curiosity about who you once were?" she prodded, her tone laced with a mix of urgency and intrigue.

"I have no interest in delving into my past," Rosalind asserted, mustering a strained smile. She had never possessed the intellect or inclination to dissect the mysteries of her existence. The complexity of it all only served to overwhelm and bewilder her. "All that matters to me is the future."

Indeed, all she yearned for was a chance to live a peaceful and fulfilling life in the present. Unfortunately, fate had entangled her in a web of intricate complications, thrusting her into a role she neither sought nor comprehended.

With determined resolve, Rosalind redirected her thoughts toward more practical matters.

Instead of surrendering herself to the tangled web of 'what-ifs,' she understood that her time and energy were better spent preparing herself and Wugari for the impending doom that loomed ahead. The present demanded action, not fruitless contemplation.


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