Rosie's Games

Chapter 428: Blaize Family Estate

Chapter 428: Blaize Family Estate

Deep Within the Lavish Confines of Rosalind's New Study.

"You are going to accompany me back to Korusta?" Lachlan spoke, frowning. "If you wanted to stop this war... I can tell you now that there is no way that would happen. Those people tried to kill me. The Fluer Family needed to suffer."

Rosalind, composed and collected, raised an eyebrow as she calmly sipped her tea, the bitter taste mirroring the discord in the room. "I do not want to stop the war," she stated firmly, setting her cup down with a deliberate clink. "However, I am very interested in establishing trade with the Empire of Korusta. I have already spoken to influential individuals from Rakha, and they have agreed to provide us with the necessary supplies to create a portal."

Lachlan's hand shot up, halting Rosalind's explanation mid-sentence. His eyes widened in disbelief. "Are you telling me that you... that you have no intentions in the war? Instead, you are going there to convince the Emperor to trade?" His disbelief was palpable, his assumptions shattered. He had expected a more combative stance from the new Duchess.

"What does the war have to do with me?" she countered, her voice infused with a quiet determination. "Even if trade is established, it does not mean it will be affected by the war. The conflict will not be waged in Korusta. It is Sloryn that will bear the brunt of the devastation if they wait for you to reach their gates."

A heavy silence descended upon the room. The vast distance between Korusta and Sloryn loomed before them, a stark reminder of the futility and senseless loss that awaited both sides should war erupt. The realization settled inRosalind's trading plans would proceed undeterred, detached from the impending conflict.

The Blaize Family's reputation for their impulsive nature had preceded them, and Rosalind knew all too well the potential for them to ignite a full-blown war. But she had no intention of getting entangled in their fiery squabble. Her priority lay in preparing the north for the impending demon threat, a responsibility she couldn't afford to neglect by involving herself in the Blaize family's vendetta.

"Look, you just got married and " Lachlan was not able to complete his words when Rosalind interrupted him.

"If you do not want me to go to Korusta, just say it," she interjected, her eyes meeting his with unwavering determination.

Caught off guard, Lachlan opened his mouth to respond but found himself speechless. He stared at Rosalind, his mind racing with conflicting thoughts and unspoken emotions.

"Then I will accompany you to talk to the Emperor," he said.

"Very well," Rosalind got up.

"Where are you going?'

"To Korusta" Rosalind said.

"N Now?" Lachlan stammered, taken aback by her sudden urgency.

"Did you expect us to wait for days? Time is of the essence, and I have none to spare," she explained, her voice tinged with a hint of impatience.

Confusion clouded Lachlan's face as he noticed the peculiar devices on the table. "What are those?" he asked, pointing at the teleportation devices before them.

Rosalind's lips curled into a knowing smile. "Teleportation devices," she revealed. "They will transport us to Korusta swiftly. However, each device can only be used once before disappearing."

Lachlan's surprise mingled with curiosity. He had underestimated the extent of Rosalind's capabilities. "You possess such artifacts?" he mused, his voice filled with astonishment.

"Times are changing," she uttered, her words resonating with a quiet determination. "Humans are evolving, and we must adapt if we are to forge a brighter future."


Their are various of reasons why the Blaize Family chose to settle in the Korusta Empire and one of them is it's proximity with volcanoes.

This unique arrangement between the fire-blessed people and the volcanic environment is driven by a combination of cultural, mystical, and practical reasons.

First was it's connection to the element that they could wield. The fire-blessed individuals believed that they possess an innate affinity for fire and draw their powers from the elemental energy present in their surroundings. Volcanoes, with their erupting lava and intense heat, are believed to be powerful sources of raw fire energy. Living near volcanoes allows these gifted individuals to tap into this potent energy and enhance their fire manipulation abilities.

Second was the fact that this volcanic regions are seen as sacred sanctuaries where the fire-blessed people can commune with the primal forces of fire. The intense heat, glowing lava, and billowing smoke are seen as manifestations of the goddess's presence. By residing close to volcanoes, they can better connect with their elemental patron and harness their powers to their fullest potential.

Third was that the harsh environment surrounding volcanoes provides a challenging training ground for those seeking to master their fire manipulation abilities. The constant exposure to intense heat, unpredictable eruptions, and molten lava forces the fire-blessed individuals to develop exceptional control over their powers. They learn to manipulate fire in its rawest form, honing their skills and becoming formidable practitioners of fire magic. Because of this, the Blaize Family always thought that they are superior to the other members of the blessed families because they were able to embrace their essence by exposing themselves in endless hot environment.

Fourth and the most important reason was that living near volcanoes grants the fire-blessed community access to unique resources. The volcanic soil, enriched with minerals and nutrients, supports fertile lands that yield abundant crops. The heat generated by the volcano can be channeled for various practical purposes, such as heating homes, powering forges, and enhancing craftsmanship in metalworking. They have learned to harness the volcanic resources to enhance their quality of life and advance their society.

Rosalind's gaze shifted from the billowing smoke of the grand buildings in Korusta, her eyes tracing the swirling plumes as a chill ran down her spine. It wasn't the cold that caused the shiver, but rather the unfamiliarity of the scorching climate. Her body, accustomed to the temperate north, struggled to acclimate to the relentless heat. She silently praised her own foresight for choosing simple, lightweight clothinga shirt and trouserswhile Lachlan, in his traditional mindset, frowned at her departure from the expected dress attire for women in this region.

A wry smile played at the corners of Rosalind's lips as she contemplated the stark contrast between the open-mindedness of the northern lands and the conservative customs of the south. It seemed that even the sweltering climate couldn't melt away the rigid expectations placed upon women. Nevertheless, she remained resolute in her refusal to conform, rolling her eyes at the antiquated norms that confined her freedom.

"Follow me," Lachlan commanded, his gaze shifting between Rosalind and Josephine. Josephine's insisted on accompanying them, Lachlan surprisingly agreed without much resistance to Rosalind's irritation.

Since that incident with Atior, Rosalind had been trying to keep the woman at an arms length. She did not want to entangled herself with another sorcerer.

"This place is a bit weird," Josephine mused. "It's too hot. Why do humans live here?"

"This place is good" Lachlan lead them to the market. The teleportation took them to the Black market in Korusta which was connected to the Market in the Capital of Korusta. Soon enough, the three of them found horses and started traveling towards the Blaize estate.

After about an hour, they finally reached the famous mansion of the Blaize Family.

In her previous life, Rosalind had heard whispers and tales about the unique Blaize estate, but she could never have fathomed the true nature of its peculiarity. As she stood before the mansion, her eyes widened in disbelief. She found herself blinking repeatedly to ensure she wasn't caught in some sort of vivid dream. The imposing structure appeared to have forged its existence upon the very side of a dormant volcano, as if it were an extension of the fiery depths below.

The mansion's architecture, meticulously crafted with a blend of opulence and practicality, bore the unmistakable marks of the Blaize Family's connection to the element of fire. The walls, fashioned from a mix of dark volcanic stone and shimmering red bricks, exuded an air of strength and resilience. Intricate carvings depicting dancing flames adorned every corner, paying homage to the ancestral bond between the Blaize lineage and the element that had blessed them.

As Rosalind's gaze ascended, her eyes were drawn to the cascading balconies that seemed to dangle precariously over the edge, offering an unparalleled view of the sprawling volcanic landscape below. The balconies, wrought with ornate ironwork that mimicked the sinuous movements of flames.

Rosalind took in the mansion's grandeur. It was as if the very heartbeat of the Blaize Family resonated within these walls, pulsating with the raw energy of the fire they commanded.

The air surrounding the mansion carried a distinct warmth, a gentle caress that whispered of the eternal fire simmering beneath the earth's surface.

However, the scorching heat of the surroundings was unbearable, especially for someone who had grown accustomed to the colder climates of the north.

Beads of perspiration formed on her brow, threatening to dampen her resolve. She wiped her forehead with the back of her hand, feeling the heat radiating from her own skin. It was as if the very air itself was aflame, testing the limits of endurance.

"I can only assume that the fire-man is immune to the searing temperatures," Josephine mused aloud. "But what about the others? How can they withstand such intense heat? It seems unbearable for them to live here."

"Those who bear the blood of the Blaize Family, regardless of their ability to manipulate fire, possess an inherent resilience to the heat," Lachlan explained. "This place, our ancestral home, serves as a sanctuary to us. It is a testament to the fiery essence that flows through our veins."

Before Lachlan could delve further into his explanation, a commotion erupted around them. Shouts and cries filled the air as people within the mansion's vicinity noticed the presence of Lachlan, Rosalind, and Josephine. The news spread like wildfire, igniting a wave of chaos and curiosity among the inhabitants.


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