Rosie's Games

Chapter 415: Duke of Duance's Offer

Chapter 415: Duke of Duance's Offer

"The Duke of Duance?" Mr. Pratt raised an intrigued eyebrow upon hearing about the Duke's arrival. His gaze shifted towards Rosalind. "I assure you, I didn't inform him of your presence."

Rosalind flashed a knowing smile. "I understand, Mr. Pratt. No need to concern yourself. If the Duke wishes to speak with me, feel free to send him in."

"Are you certain about that?" Mr. Pratt inquired, uncertainty lingering in his voice.

"Yes," Rosalind replied with conviction. The Duke had his own network of informants within this establishment. She would let Mr. Pratt puzzle it out on his own.

"Miss Lin..." The Duke of Duance greeted Rosalind, a warm smile adorning his face. "It has been a few months."

"Indeed..." Rosalind rose from her seat and cast a glance at the Duke's legs. He still maintained the faade of needing a wheelchair, perhaps to hide his ability to walk. Catching her gaze, the older man beamed and motioned for his servants and knight, except for one, to leave the room.

As the door closed behind them, the Duke stood up and took hold of Rosalind's hand, giving it a firm shake. "I am immensely grateful to Miss Lin for the tremendous favor she has bestowed upon me and my family. Rest assured, I will reward you generously for your assistance."

"Your grace... there is no need for such formalities," Rosalind replied with a gracious smile. "It is truly an honor to aid the future Emperor of Aster."

"You" The Duke began to speak, but Rosalind swiftly interjected.

"Please forgive me, but I took it upon myself to coax the information from Mr. Pratt regarding your condition. I have been away for quite some time, and I desired to know how those I had treated in the past were faring," Rosalind explained, ensuring that it didn't appear as if Mr. Pratt willingly divulged the information.

"Ah... there's no need for apologies, Miss Lin," the Duke reassured her.

"Why don't we all take our seats?" Mr. Pratt suggested. "Mathies..."

"Yes," Mathies acknowledged Mr. Pratt's request and left the room to fetch refreshments.

"I apologize for interrupting your meeting with Mr. Pratt," the Duke began, his tone apologetic. "You must understand, I have eagerly awaited news of your visit. When my informants mentioned your name from the staff, I immediately assumed you had arrived."

"There's no need to worry about that, your grace," Rosalind replied calmly, her voice tinged with reassurance. Confronting him about his spies would only complicate matters. "I can assure you that our discussion revolved around less significant matters. I merely inquired about the well-being of the individuals I had treated during the plague, as well as your own health."

Rosalind attentively observed the Duke's physical state. He appeared more youthful than the last time she had seen him, indicating a promising recovery.

"Thank you, Miss Lin. I never imagined I would regain the ability to walk," the Duke expressed, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. Emotion welled up within him.

"Please, your grace, there's no need for such overwhelming emotions," Rosalind interjected, her tone gentle yet firm. "I was simply utilizing my skills and expertise while earning a fair compensation." She emphasized the aspect of compensation, for she had her own needs and desires to fulfill.

Gold may not buy her happiness, but it would provide the essentials of food and shelter, bringing some semblance of comfort to her daily life.

"Miss Lin, while it may be true that compensation was part of our arrangement, I cannot deny the profound impact your actions have had on my life and the lives of my loved ones," the Duke confessed, his voice filled with sincerity. "You have not only restored my ability to walk, but you have also reignited a flicker of hope within me."

"I am filled with immense gratitude for the opportunity to serve you, your grace," she responded.

The Duke of Duance's smile widened, revealing a glimmer of mischief. "Ah, but it is not only gratitude that brings me here," he remarked, his voice dripping with anticipation. "In the face of the impending storm... I yearn for someone of your caliber to stand beside me. A formidable ally capable of not only mending my wounded soul but also tending to the plight of my people. Miss Lin... join forces with me. I shall grant you any desire your heart craves. Embrace my side and lend your unwavering aid in my relentless crusade to conquer the realm of Aster."

"Your grace..." Mr. Pratt swiftly intervened, understanding his duty to safeguard Rosalind's best interests. Upon hearing his protective stance, a glimmer of delight danced in Rosalind's eyes, and a smile curved upon her lips.

"It's alright, Mr. Pratt," Rosalind reassured, her gaze fixed upon the seasoned gentleman, conveying a shared understanding. Then, she turned her attention back to the Duke, her expression steady and resolute. "Your grace, while I am truly grateful for your desire to have someone like me at your side, I must respectfully decline your gracious offer."

The Duke's persistence remained unyielding as he asserted, "I am willing to bestow upon you any material possession your heart desires."

Rosalind's smile deepened, her eyes filled with wisdom. "This goes beyond mere wealth, your grace..."

Puzzled, the Duke inquired, "Then what is it that you seek? Gold? Jewels? Estates?"

Silently, Rosalind met his gaze, her intuition piercing through the Duke's facade. She understood that he was testing her, searching for vulnerabilities beneath her composed demeanor. A flicker of defiance danced in her eyes as she considered her response.

However, as the weight of their exchange settled upon her, Rosalind's expression turned serious. A tinge of sorrow mingled with determination, for she knew she had to conceal her true desires.

"Your grace, what I truly seek cannot be measured in gold or gemstones," she began, her voice steady. "It is the pursuit of justice, the preservation of truth, and the restoration of honor. These are the treasures I hold dear, for they have the power to shape destinies and transform lives." Rosalind said with conviction.

Obviously, those were nothing but lies.

What she needed was peace.

What she needed was to live a happy life.

What she needed was Lucas.


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