Rosie's Games

Chapter 401: Uncharted Territory

Chapter 401: Uncharted Territory

Rosalind's face lit up with a warm smile as she laid eyes on her own father. "Your Blessedness," she greeted him with reverence.

Martin Lux stepped out of the carriage, his expression clouded with a mix of anger and apprehension. It was unclear whether his dark countenance was due to being caught in the act of leaving the others, or if he sensed a subtle threat from Rosalind's words.

Undeterred, Rosalind maintained her poise and adorned the man with another captivating smile. "May I inquire as to the reason for the duchess's presence?" Martin inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity.

With a hint of playful sarcasm, Rosalind swiftly retorted, "Were you expecting to find me on the front lines?" Pausing briefly, she added, "I am merely a helpless woman, deprived of the goddess's blessing. Surely you did not anticipate me to engage in combat, did you?"

"Duchess, there are boundaries that must not be crossed," Martin asserted firmly.

Perplexed, Rosalind took a deliberate step toward Martin. "I fail to comprehend the significance of your words, Your Blessedness," she replied, her eyebrow arched inquisitively.

She held her ground, awaiting his explanation, her eyes filled with a mix of anticipation and intrigue. How would her very own father react to her disrespect? Rosalind wanted to know.

This newfound audacity in her interactions with her father was uncharted territory for Rosalind, but she couldn't deny the thrill it brought her to provoke him.

"Could you enlighten me as to why you seem so determined to embarrass the seven families?" Martin inquired, surprising Rosalind with his composed demeanor.

Years of disciplined training in the art of remaining composed and collected had honed Martin's demeanor, and it became evident that his efforts had not been in vain. "Throughout your visit to the Empire," he stated, his voice steady and controlled, "I cannot recall any occasion where I intentionally offended the Duchess."

Rosalind's lips curled into a knowing smile. "Is it necessary for me to embarrass the seven families? It seems to me that they are quite proficient in doing so on their own," she retorted.

"You" Martin began to interject, but Rosalind swiftly cut him off, her voice dripping with venom.

"You are leaving while the four pillars of the Rothley estate are fighting those monstrous creatures. Isn't that sufficient to tarnish your reputation?" she asked.

"I believe I owe you no explanations," Martin retorted, his tone defiant.

However, before Rosalind could respond, a deafening howl reverberated through the air. Her expression turned to a frown as she turned to face Denys.

"We must seek refuge within the mansion," Denys spoke, his face grave.

Perplexed, Rosalind questioned, "Why? I thought the four families could handle the situation."

"More of them are coming our way," Denys replied, sparing no time for further inquiries as he led her toward the mansion gates. Observing this, Martin glanced around before a furrow formed on his brow.

"Take the carriage back inside," Martin ordered.

Just as the command left his lips, a colossal monster materialized out of thin air. Martin stumbled backward, his backside meeting the snowy ground. Fortunately, Denys came to his aid, swiftly dispatching the creature with a single deft strike.

Martin's gaze fixated on Denys' sturdy back, astonished by the man's agility that had gone unnoticed.

"To the mansion," Denys declared. He turned away without offering any assistance to Martin. Then he strode towards Rosalind, both of them swiftly seeking refuge within the safety of the gates. Martin followed them.

Within the confines of the estate, Martin could not help but start blaming the Duchess. If not for her intervention, Martin would have long departed this vicinity.

Interrupting his contemplation, Dorothy's voice broke through the haze." Father, why have you returned?" she inquired, confusion evident in her expression. Martin shifted his attention to his daughter, who had chosen to remain in the company of Brinley.

"More enemies approach from the exit," Rosalind interjected, providing an explanation on Martin's behalf.

"Duchess..." Dorothy's confusion lingered as she glanced at her father, seeking understanding, yet Martin offered no explanation.

"Where is Brinley?" Martin asked.

"The newcomers took charge of attending to His Blessedness," Dorothy explained, her voice betraying worry. "He fainted due to overexertion of his abilities."

Martin frowned. He side-eyed Rosalind and realized that the woman was just staring intently at Dorothy as if she was trying to open the flesh of Martin's daughter and peek at what was inside of her body. Martin's expression grew darker as he pulled Dorothy behind him, seemingly trying to protect her from Rosalind's prying gaze.

"The Duchess and her entourage have arrived to offer their assistance," Martin reluctantly admitted, his words laced with a begrudging acknowledgment. Deep down, he loathed having to accept it, but the truth remained: the presence of the Duchess and her people had ultimately saved them.

The painful reality stung his pride and the pride of the seven families. In his defense, the Fluer family lacked formidable offensive abilities. How could they possibly overcome such formidable monsters?

Furthermore, neither Martin nor Dorothy possessed the capabilities to combat these creatures. The Lux Family were not known for their combat prowess. Their skills lay in the realm of illusions, which proved futile against adversaries equipped with heightened senses such as those monsters outside.

As Martin grappled with the limitations of his family's abilities, a sense of frustration and helplessness gnawed at him. He couldn't bear the thought of being reliant on others, especially the Duchess and her entourage!

"I sincerely thank you for coming to our aid," she expressed with genuine appreciation. "However, given the injuries sustained by our knights, I must extend my apologies, as I cannot fulfill my duties as a host. My priority lies in tending to the wounded."

Rosalind remained silent, her gaze fixed upon Dorothy, studying her intently. Curiosity danced in her eyes before she asked."I have heard murmurs of your healing abilities in the past," Rosalind began, her tone measured. "However, there seems to be talk that you did not utilize your healing powers during the previous tide."

"Yes, indeed, I did not utilize my healing abilities during the previous beast tide," Dorothy acknowledged, her voice steady. "But it was not due to a lack of willingness or capability. It was due to the will of the goddess." Dorothy declared.


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