Rosie's Games

Chapter 399: Concerns

Chapter 399: Concerns

"Tell me everything that has happened since we left," Rosalind's face displayed utmost seriousness as she made her request, her mind overwhelmed by a flurry of thoughts. The memories of the island, the existence of demons, the enigma of Lucas, and now the sudden appearance of the members of the seven familiesall of these swirled in her mind, creating a tangled web of concerns.

"In the time you were away, strange creatures began wreaking havoc in the north, and we haven't been able to determine where they came from," Denys responded. Rosalind found it odd that he didn't inquire about the Duke, which made her suspect a possible connection to Belisarius. Could Denys be aware of him too?

"Lonyth has suffered greatly," he added. "We're doing our best to control the situation, but defending our gates while also sending aid to other Kingdoms has been a challenge."

"So, you're saying you don't know the origin of these creatures? They're not native to the north?" Rosalind questioned, her thoughts turning to the possibility of demons. Her time on the island had revealed many unknowns about the world.

"No, they don't resemble the usual beasts," Denys replied uncertainly.

Driven by curiosity, Rosalind pressed for more information. "What do you mean, Denys?"

"They... They look like humans," Denys spoke, his concern evident in his expression.

"What? Humans?"

Denys reluctantly acknowledged, "Even with their remarkable transformations, there is an unsettling similarity to humans. One of them had six arms and a monstrous visage, yet their teeth resembled those of a human. Another possessed horns, but their tongue was undeniably human-like."

"Why would" Rosalind started to question but stopped herself. "Demons..."

"No, they were not," Denys quickly interjected, surprising her. It seemed that most of the Duke's men were aware of the existence of demons.

"So, they're not demons, but they're not ordinary beasts either... then what are they?" Rosalind couldn't help but inquire, yet her question was met with silence.

"There have been a few attacks within and beyond Wugari, but nothing too significant," Denys continued. "What we do know is that these creatures are agile and possess cunning intelligence."

"Tell me more," Rosalind urged.

"They have intelligence just like humans, they know what they were doing. They are unlike mindless beasts. They know how to hide and strike at the right moments," Denys explained.

"Do you think... a sorcerer is controlling them?" Rosalind couldn't help but inquire, her voice laced with concern.

"I cannot say for certain. We have yet to capture one of them," Denys responded, his tone thoughtful.

"So, they possess enough intelligence to evade capture and hide," Rosalind mused, her voice tinged with a mix of awe and worry. "What about the King?"

"He has heightened security measures across the Kingdom," Denys revealed. "He awaits the Duke's decisions regarding this matter. After all, the four pillars of the north will only heed the Duke's commands."

Rosalind's expression turned grave. She needed to ascertain Lucas's return. "Inform the leaders of the four pillars to assemble in two hours. There are crucial pieces of information they need to be aware of. Close the estate gates and take inventory of our provisions. Ensure we have enough supplies for the next year. If we fall short, make arrangements to procure more."

"Understood," Denys acknowledged. "Is there anything else?" he inquired.

"Yes, there is," Rosalind replied with determination. "I want to visit his old study. The one he used to use."

"I'm afraid I cannot assist you," Denys quickly responded. "No one can"

"I have already been there," Rosalind clarified, referring to the old study where she had delved into studying relics. She hoped to find some information about the demons within its walls. "I have visited the place."

"It's not that I don't want to take you there. It's just... I haven't been there myself, and I have no knowledge of its location," Denys admitted, his tone apologetic.

"I understand," Rosalind nodded resolutely. "Please bring me a map of Wugari and the north."

Denys acknowledged her request and retrieved a couple of maps from a nearby drawer.

"This is the old map and the updated one," Denys explained, presenting the maps to Rosalind.

Taking the maps in her hands, Rosalind carefully examined them. "Could you show me the locations of all the monster attacks?" she asked, her gaze fixed on Denys.

"I have another map specifically marked with the attack sites," Denys replied, retrieving an additional map. It displayed clear indications of the attacks. "The first sighting occurred in Lonyth. The monsters ravaged two houses, feeding on human flesh. Here are the corresponding timelines..."

Rosalind's frown deepened as she perused the information on the map. The attacks had only commenced a few days ago. How did the situation escalate so rapidly? The question nagged at her, leaving her deeply concerned.

"Thank you. I will call you if I require anything," Rosalind expressed her gratitude. However, when Denys didn't make a move to leave, she raised her gaze, fixing it upon him. "Is something the matter?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Denys hesitated for a moment before speaking. "The reports regarding the current state of the estate are here," he began. "But they don't account for the sudden interest of certain members from the seven families in visiting the gates."

Rosalind's attention was immediately captured. Those individuals shamelessly arrived without any formal invitation or letter. Why would they do such a thing? Her preoccupied mind had caused her to overlook their presence and intentions entirely.

Surely, those individuals must have some ulterior motive. A scheme could be unfolding right under her nose, and she had been oblivious to it amidst her own concerns and worries.

Before Rosalind could inquire further, a sudden knock echoed through the room, drawing her attention. "Come in," she beckoned, and the door swung open to reveal a familiar face.

"General Lytton," Rosalind greeted, recognizing him immediately.

"I rushed here upon hearing the news," the General gasped, clearly out of breath. "The mansion where the members of the seven families are staying is currently under attack. Should we provide assistance?" he asked, awaiting Rosalind's instructions with urgency in his eyes.


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