Rosie's Games

Chapter 392: The Dog Like Creature!

Chapter 392: The Dog Like Creature!

"What in Goddess' name are we doing here?" Elias's eyes fixated on the looming boulder that stood before them, its dark crevice resembling the gaping maw of some ancient, sinister creature.

The air around the entrance felt heavy with a foreboding presence as if the very rock harbored secrets better left undisturbed. "We can't set up camp here. It's not safe," he warned, his voice tinged with a mix of concern and wariness.

Atior, undeterred by Elias's apprehension, began to gather the remains of the demonic creatures they had killed during their perilous journey. The bones, twisted and malevolent, held an otherworldly energy that sent shivers down Elias's spine.

With meticulous care, Atior stacked them atop one another, forming a macabre semblance of a campfire in the heart of the darkness.

Elias watched with a mix of curiosity and unease as the eerie display unfolded before him. The skeletal structures seemed to come alive in the light, casting distorted shadows that danced upon the cavern walls.

A chill wind swept through the hidden recesses, whispering secrets only the darkness could comprehend.

"What are you doing?" Elias asked, his voice barely a whisper. His eyes darted between Atior's determined expression and the unnatural amalgamation of bones. The unease grew within him, like a coiled serpent ready to strike.

Atior turned to face Elias, her gaze unwavering. "I'm going to try something," she replied cryptically.

"What something?" Elias's voice was mixed with curiosity and apprehension, his eyes fixed on Atior's determined gaze

"I am going to try and find the lady," Atior replied, her voice calm. The weight of her words hung in the air, piercing the silence like a dagger. Elias's mind reeled, the image of Rosalind's disappearance etched into his memory.

"But we already discussed this," Elias said. "The Duke is with her. He's sworn to protect her."

Atior's eyes narrowed, a shadow of doubt crossing her features. "He cannot be trusted," she declared.

"What?" Elias asked. The Duke had been their ally, a steadfast companion. He is stronger, stronger than everyone he has ever met.

"Do not mind my words," Atior said, her tone grave. She turned away, her movements deliberate and measured, as if she carried the weight of the world upon her shoulders.

"We came here to train, there is no need to" Elias began, his voice laced with frustration, but Atior's interruption cut him off sharply.

"Stop talking," Atior's commanded. While irritated, Elias took a step back and observed Atior from afar.

Weeks had passed since Elias and Atior embarked on their arduous journey, and during that time, Elias had come to deeply respect and acknowledge Atior's formidable sorcerous abilities.

He no longer questioned or pressed her to engage in battles, not out of fear or reluctance, but out of a keen understanding of the necessity to conserve their strength while stranded on this treacherous island.

Together, they had faced down hordes of demons, their battles fraught with danger and peril. Elias had witnessed firsthand the ferocity and power of the otherworldly creatures that lurked within the shadows, creatures that surpassed any he had encountered in his lifetime.

In this dire landscape, Elias had learned the invaluable lesson that every ounce of strength mattered. The island held unknown dangers and lurking terrors, and by reserving his energy, he knew he was safeguarding his own survival. It was a choice born not out of weakness, but out of the wisdom acquired through countless trials and tribulations.


Rosalind's legs propelled her forward, her pounding footsteps reverberating through the desolate depths of the cave. The jagged walls of the rocky enclosure seemed to close in on her, their ancient whispers echoing in her ears like a chorus of the damned.


She could feel the hot breath of the pursuing monster on the nape of her neck, its demonic presence saturating the stagnant air. The stench of decay mingled with the earthy musk of the cave, a sickening blend that assaulted her senses as she fought to stay one step ahead.

Every step was a gamble, a dance with fate on the treacherous ground beneath her feet. Jagged rocks threatened to trip her, unseen crevices yearned to swallow her whole. Yet Rosalind pushed on, her body driven by sheer instinct and primal fear, knowing that hesitation would seal her doom.

Lucas! She called out in her mind. It had been hours since she last saw him and it was honestly making her worry. Determined to find him, she ventured deeper into the labyrinthine caves, her steps cautious and her senses heightened.

As she continued her exploration, a sense of unease settled over her, like an invisible shroud enveloping her very being. Shadows danced menacingly along the cave walls, creating eerie silhouettes that seemed to taunt her with their twisted forms. The air grew heavy with an ominous stillness, broken only by the distant echoes of her own footsteps.

Then, out of the darkness, a snarl pierced the silence, sending a chill down her spine. Her heart quickened its pace, beating with a primal rhythm as she turned her gaze toward the source of the sound. There, before her, stood a demonic creature with a canine-like form, its eyes burning with an otherworldly fire.

Instinctively, she reached for the weapon at her side, her fingers tightening around the hilt as she braced herself for the imminent threat. Fear mingled with adrenaline, sharpening her senses as she prepared to face this malevolent creature head-on.

However, this adrenaline was useless.

Not only was her light blessing useless against the creature, even her dark blessing was not able to hurt it either!

So, she was left with no choice but to run.

She should have listened to that voice, she thought inwardly. The voice had been telling her to run and hide. However, she ignored it as she ventured deeper into the caves.

Now, here she was, desperately running for her life!

"Lucas?" Rosalind's voice quivered with a mix of relief as she called out to the figure not too far away from her, his form emerging from the murky shadows of the cave. Her eyes locked onto his familiar features, confirming her hopes in an instant. It was him!

However, just as the words formed on her lips, ready to warn Lucas of the impending danger, a startling transformation unfolded before Rosalind's eyes. The dog-like demon, once poised to attack, let out an unexpected cry that echoed through the cavernous space.

Bewildered, Rosalind turned on her heel, her gaze drawn to the scene playing out behind her. To her astonishment, the ferocious creature now sat obediently on the ground, its tail wagging with unusual gentleness. Its sharp, spiky features softened, revealing an uncanny resemblance to a loyal canine companion.

A surge of disbelief and wonder washed over her as she watched the demon's gaze fixated on Lucas, its eyes gleaming with an almost playful expression. There was an inexplicable connection between them, as if a hidden thread of understanding had been woven between the human and supernatural realms.

Lucas, too, seemed entranced by the creature's unexpected change in demeanor. His eyes widened with a mix of curiosity and caution, his instincts keeping him on guard despite the creature's apparent submission.


I am back! I was not able to write for Rosie's Games for a few days because I had Cov!d scare! I really thought I had one and took a test. Luckily, I am all good. However, my doctor told me I am allergic to something and... dundun... it was avocado!

I had been doing my best to be healthy and included it on my diet! I always wonder why it felts itchy on my mouth! Then, my tonsils are swollen and next thing I knew, I already had flu!



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