Rosie's Games

Chapter 380: Blush

Chapter 380: Blush

"One more!" Lucas exclaimed as Rosalind stumbled and fell to the ground, gasping for breath. The training session had been grueling, pushing her physical and mental limits to the edge.

"I..." Rosalind's voice wavered, her body trembling with fatigue.

"Focus, Rosalind," Lucas interrupted, dismissing her pale appearance and pleading eyes. "In a real battle against a demon, you wouldn't have the luxury of giving up. You must push past your limits if you wish to survive."

Rosalind's mind raced with conflicting emotions.

Summoning her remaining strength, Rosalind rose to her feet, determination glinting in her eyes. She refused to let exhaustion defeat her.

With her shoulders squared and determination burning in her eyes, Rosalind prepared herself for the next round. She knew that facing Lucas in combat was never a simple task, and she had come to understand the depth of his training methods. But this time, he had a new challenge in mind for her.

"Alright," Lucas said. "Today, we're going to take things up a notch. I want you to incorporate both your light and dark Blessings in your attacks against me."

Rosalind's eyebrows shot up in surprise. The idea of using both light and dark Blessings was a daring proposition.

These two opposing forces were often kept separate, each with its own distinct purposes and applications.

"Fighting with both light and dark Blessings?" she repeated, a mixture of curiosity colored her words. A flicker of doubt passed through her eyes. It wasn't that she lacked the skill or knowledge, but rather the inherent nature of the Blessings themselves.

"Lucas," she began, her voice tinged with uncertainty, "Using both Blessings together... It's not something I've been able to achieve. The light and dark Blessings have always remained distinct and separate in my abilities."

Lucas nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "The integration of your Blessings will open up new possibilities in combat. It will require balance, control, and a deep understanding of both sides. Do not worry. I will not hit you. That hard."

Since they started, Rosalind had been using her darkness to fight him. Sadly, she could not even land a hit. Luckily, Lucas held back and did not really hurt her or she would have fainted a long time ago.

She took a deep breath as she steadied herself.

"Alright," she nodded.

Rosalind and Lucas engaged in another fierce sparring session.

She focused on each movement, channeling her light Blessing with precision and grace, and then transitioning seamlessly to tap into the depths of her dark Blessing. It was a delicate dance, a careful balancing act between the two forces that resided within her.

Yet, despite her efforts, the Blessings remained distinct, refusing to fully merge. Frustration soon filled her veins.

The thought was actually simple. Since she had been using both of her Blessings since she went back in time, she should have the ability to combine them, or at least know how to use both to her advantage.

Sadly, it was futile.

Rosalind reluctantly sat down, her frustration evident. The inability to merge her light and dark Blessings weighed heavily on her. She had hoped for a breakthrough, a moment of triumph, but instead found herself confronted with her own limitations.

Sighing heavily, Rosalind ran a hand through her hair, feeling the strands slip through her fingers.

"You're exhausted. You should get some rest. I'll take care of the food," he suggested with concern etched on his face.

Rosalind nodded, appreciating his consideration. However, the thought of indulging in a meal felt unappealing to her at the moment. Her weariness seemed to permeate every aspect of her being, draining her appetite along with her energy.

"Or we can eat beef jerky," she mumbled, her voice lacking enthusiasm. The idea of a quick, convenient snack seemed more tolerable than a proper meal.

"Or, you can just sleep while I prepare the meal," he offered. He paused, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Or... is it that you cannot sleep when I am nearby?" he arched an eyebrow, his tone teasing.

Rosalind's cheeks flushed at his playful remark. She couldn't deny the truth in his words. Ever since she had confessed her feelings for him, she had become more self-conscious around him.

She found herself constantly adjusting her hair, ensuring there were no stray strands on her face, and discreetly wiping away any signs of perspiration, hoping she wouldn't appear unkempt or sweaty in his presence.

She couldn't help but feel a twinge of embarrassment at her own actions.

Was she being silly?

She was!

She could not deny that!

These were things that she had not experienced in her past life. She had been guarded, reserved, and cautious, rarely allowing herself to fully embrace the joys of being vulnerable and carefree.

She pondered over her previous hesitations, wondering if it was truly wrong to indulge in these newfound emotions and experiences. After all, life was meant to be lived, to be savored, and to be embraced with open arms. If not now, then when? If not with Lucas, then who?

Out of nowhere, Rosalind slapped her own forehead, as if trying to physically shake off her thoughts.

Why is she thinking about embarrassing things like this?

Amid her self-inflicted reprimand, she thought she heard Lucas chuckle softly. A warm and gentle sound that only served to amplify her self-consciousness. Irritated with herself and determined to regain her composure, she ignored his amusement.

"You know," Rosalind said, a hint of amusement in her voice, "If you keep teasing me like this, I might start thinking you're enjoying making me blush."

Lucas's smirk widened, his eyes gleaming mischievously. "Perhaps, I am," he admitted unabashedly, his playful tone matching the glint in his eyes.

Rosalind tried to maintain her composure, meeting his gaze with a raised eyebrow. "Well, I hope you find my embarrassment entertaining, then."

Lucas chuckled again.

Her cheeks flushed, but this time it was accompanied by a small smile that tugged at the corners of her lips.

It was refreshing.

She quite liked it like this.

Yes, she quite liked him like this.



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