Rome Must Fall

Chapter 54: Rome Comes to Attack Again

Chapter 54: Rome Comes to Attack Again

“Since we arrived here suddenly, and the only places nearby that could mobilize troops to attack within a day are probably Pompeii and Lucania. Frontinus, is it possible for them to send troops?” Maximus asked.

“Pompeians wouldn’t dare to provoke us. As for Lucania——” Frontinus’ face showed a complex expression. “From what I know, it’s a colonial town built by a dictator to house his loyal soldiers. If they haven’t lost their fighting spirit after more than ten years, they might send troops…”

“If Lucania does send troops, how many would they send?”

“I don’t know.” Frontinus shrugged. “After Sulla led his army to attack Rome, I became a slave. We only heard about the construction of the Lucania colonial town in southern Campania while repairing the Roman roads. As for how many soldiers are stationed there now and how many residents are left… How could I possibly know? But when we were causing trouble in the Vesuvius area before, Lucania remained quiet. So if we don’t provoke them, I think they won’t provoke us either.”

“Based on the interrogation just now, the owner of this farm is a Roman senator and has no connection to the people of Lucania…” Maximus pondered for a moment and said in a deep voice, “We traveled so far, and it was not easy to capture such a large farming estate. If we just go back like this, it will not only affect morale, but other teams will also mock us when they learn about it. Plus, it would be a waste to abandon such a vast wheat field… So, I’ve decided that we will harvest it before returning!”

After a brief pause, Maximus made further arrangements. “I will have Hagueux lead a reconnaissance team to investigate the situation in the direction of Lucania. At the same time, someone will be dispatched to the camp to report our situation. The soldiers from the three platoons will intensify the wheat harvest, accompanied by these liberated slaves. As for the specific arrangements, Vorenus, it will be your responsibility.”

“Um…” Vorenus hesitated for a moment but then responded, “Alright.”

“Frontinus, do you see anything else that needs attention?”

“I think you shouldn’t let everyone go and harvest the wheat. At least one platoon should stay to guard the farm in case of any unexpected events.”

“…That makes sense. I was a bit too hasty.” Maximus thought for a moment and openly admitted his mistake. “Let the soldiers from the first platoon stay to guard the farm. When the other platoons get tired, we can rotate them. This way, it will be fair and allow them to regain their strength. What do you think?”

Frontinus nodded. Being open to advice and willing to accept suggestions was one of the significant advantages of this young leader of the rebel army, and it was one of the reasons why Frontinus and others were happy to stay in the logistics camp and serve him.

“Vorenus, can we harvest everything in one day?”

Vorenus considered and said, “…The captives just mentioned that there are about 209 acres of wheat fields here. With our two platoons and over 400 liberated slaves, totaling more than 600 capable young workers, as long as we arrange it well, one day should be enough.”

“Then I’ll leave this matter to you. If there’s anything I can do, just let me know.”


Maximus led the guard team to station at the farm, intense battlefield scene soon turned into a laborious one with sweat pouring like rain.

During this time, Hagueux reported several times that “a few small groups of Lucanians were approaching to scout,” but ultimately Lucania did not send troops to attack.

When the soldiers finally finished harvesting the wheat fields. Maximus let out a long sigh of relief the moment he gave the order to “return to the camp.”

Although nothing unusual happened during this day, Maximus remained on edge. It was his first time being away from the main force and carrying out such a dangerous mission alone with his team. The lives of hundreds of people depended solely on him, which put him under immense pressure but also greatly tested his character.

As the guard team of the logistics camp marched back, they were accompanied by a convoy comprising 15 wagons loaded with wheat (five of which were originally from this farm and used for grain trading). Additionally, three bullock carts pulled by oxen were filled with wheat, along with over 400 liberated slaves each carrying a sack of wheat, except for the women. Although there was still some leftover wheat that couldn’t be taken away, Maximus opted not to order its destruction. Instead, it was neatly piled up in the farm’s warehouse, awaiting discovery, to ensure it wouldn’t go to waste.

The group of nearly 800 people set out on the return journey early in the morning. Due to the burden of the supplies, they made frequent stops along the way. They spent the entire day walking for around 12 kilometers and only arrived at the camp at dusk.

Maximus hadn’t even had a chance to catch his breath when he received a messenger from the rebel army leader: Spartacus was calling for an urgent meeting.

When Maximus entered the farm hall, the other leaders of the uprising were already seated inside.

“I apologize for coming back late!” Maximus immediately greeted everyone with an apology.

“I didn’t expect you, Maximus, to be so daring. You only brought 300 soldiers but ventured deep into the south. We were all worried about you. Did you encounter any danger?” Spartacus asked with concern.

“What is there to worry about? The entire Vesuvius region and its surroundings are now under our control. Who dares to provoke us?!” Crixus interjected.

“There was indeed no danger. We captured a large farm without any casualties and harvested approximately 36,200 kilograms of wheat. We also liberated over 400 slaves who joined our ranks,” Maximus said nonchalantly.

“So much wheat! This greatly relieves the pressure on our food supply!” Hamilcar said joyfully.

“After the meeting is over, I will ask you to count the supplies and slaves we brought back,” Maximus said to his mentor.

“Alright,” Hamilcar nodded.

“Your logistics camp’s guard team did a great job this time!” After Spartacus’ praise, he looked around the crowd and his expression became serious: “We called this emergency meeting today because our scouts obtained information that a Roman legion has left Rome and is advancing towards us.”

“A legion?!” Artorix’s face changed.

“Only one legion? As long as they dare to come, we are fully capable of defeating them!” Oenomaus said fearlessly.

“That’s right. Our soldiers now number close to 10,000, and after two months of training, our combat strength has greatly increased. We are fully capable of defeating them in battle!” Crixus was also full of confidence.

Artemus, the rugged-looking leader who joined the uprising later, had a rough appearance and a lean and strong figure. He had been fighting against the wind and waves on the sea for many years. Although he had never experienced combat before, he boldly exclaimed, “As long as the Roman army arrives, we’ll take them on! Since we can defeat them once, we can defeat them a second time!”

“You’re all right. We don’t need to worry about the Roman legion’s attack much,” Spartacus said, seizing the opportunity as he noticed the high spirits of everyone, far better than the previous time. “But instead of waiting for the Roman army to attack, we should take the initiative to attack them.”

“Initiate an attack?!” The others were taken aback. This statement completely surprised them. Spartacus had been more cautious than anyone before the last battle with the Romans, they didn’t expect him to become so aggressive this time.

However, Spartacus didn’t see his approach as radical. Instead, it was a general tactical principle that he had formulated after learning the lessons of the last battle and carefully analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the Romans and the rebels. He didn’t elaborate on it but instead glanced at Hamilcar.

Hamilcar understood and explained, “According to the information obtained by the scouts, this legion sent by the Romans is marching along the Via Latina. They are divided into two parts, with their vanguard consisting of 2,000 men, which arrived in Cales this afternoon. The main force of 4,000 men is in Suessa, with a difference of about half a day’s journey between the two.”


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