Riser Phenex isn't a villain

Chapter 408: New Universe

Chapter 408: New Universe

Riser wasn't sure how long he had been in space, but it shouldn't have been a month. Yet, even so, the aftermath of his battle with Issei brought so much destruction that it was impossible for it to disappear for at least a decade.

Many lives were lost, and the earth was on the verge of ruin with many earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, and many other disasters that happened every day.

It was already impressive that the earth could hold on until now.

Yet Riser didn't intend to return to his women first; he just rested on one of the beaches in Sri Lanka. He wasn't sure why he appeared here, but he was just there. Frankly, as he was in this place, he was thinking of visiting Adam's Peak, where the first human, Adam, fell to earth for the first time.

Yes, if this was usual for him, he would do this, but unfortunately, he wasn't in such a mood.

As he sat on the Tangalle Beach, he thought about Ophis as he had never thought that she would give herself to him. He could feel her inside him, and he should be able to reincarnate her, yet somehow, he felt that it was wrong. He had failed her, and he couldn't even protect her.

In the end, he was like any other protagonist who relied on the power of others to make himself stronger.

"How can I enjoy my life from now on?"

The peace he sought after was already in his hands.

In this world, he didn't have any opponents, and everything was as good as his. Yet, the price of that was the death of Ophis. He rubbed his temple and thought about what he should do.

"Are you there, system?"

[What's up?]


This strange answer made him nostalgic for some reason, and he also couldn't help but think about his past, where he had to fight Issei for the first time during his engagement with Rias in the past.

The system was such an annoying thing and forced him to do something inexplicable, yet he knew that if this wasn't because of it, he wouldn't become what he was now.

"Do I get a reward?"


[Congratulations, you have received the "Gold Experience Requem," "Raphael, Lord of Knowledge," and "Made in Heaven."]

As expected, the rewards he gained were amazing, but what was the point of it?

He had failed Ophis.

Yes, he could revive Ophis, but somehow, as he had made her sacrifice for himself, it made her death feel worthless, and he felt like he would become something that he didn't want to doif he revived her.

If he revived her, then her feelings would become worthless, and he also wouldn't learn anything.

He might have become an all-mighty being, yet he didn't want to lose his heart.

[How about you check your reward first?]


Riser followed the advice of the system and checked his rewards.

His first reward was the ability of the "Gold Experience Requiem." It was an ability that allowed him to return everything to a zero. A nullification. Returning something back into a state where it never happened.

By using this skill, he could also give life to those who are dead.

Well, that was amazing, but did the system tell him to go to the past to change everything?

Riser shook his head, then checked his next reward, "Raphael, the Lord of Knowledge," an ability that allowed him to understand everything. While he had a high intelligence due to his first reward, he still needed time to understand something, but with this skill, he could understand many things easily.

Learning the use of this ability, his brows furrowed, and he decided to check his last reward.

Made in Heaven.


He was amazed by this ability as it allowed him to accelerate time, yet the true ability of this ability was to create a new universe.

Yes, a new universe.

According to the cyclic model of the universe, after a certain period of time, the universe will eventually begin to contract rather than expand, eventually reaching a singularity point.This singularity point serves as both the end of one cycle of history and the beginning of a new cycle.

In the resulting new world, the path of fate is largely identical to that of the previous universe, with the planet's formation and the lives of living organisms following the same course.

In other words, as long as he used this ability, he would be able to truly escape from his fate that was attacked by Issei, other beings, and the will of the world.

As long as the new world was created, he would be truly free.

Yes, he knew that he might defeat Issei, the beings from another worldand the will of the world, but he knew that they weren't the only ones.

In the future, he could even tell that he would meet Issei from the past, Issei from the world, and many others.

It wouldn't end, no matter how he tried to become a being that dominated this entire universe as this universe was shaped by the will of the world.

Yet, if he created a new world by destroying the universe, then his fate would become truly free from all the burdens.

However, the price was obvious.

He would be forgotten; everything started from a zero.

So, would he do this?

When he thought about all the connections that he had made, he hesitated, and he wasn't sure what to do, so he decided to walk. He walked out of Sri Lanka aimlessly, wondering whether he should create a new world.

Frankly, this plan had 100% success as with "Astarte," he would understand everything, and with the "Gold Experience Requiem," he would nullify all the mistakes.

Still, by then, everyone would forget about what was happening in this world as they would be reincarnated into the new world.

As he hesitated, he heard someone call him.



"Finally! Finally!"

Riser was startled and realized that he had been walking so long that he had arrived in the desert.

"Huh? Why are you here?"

Yet, they didn't answer him and leaped into him, hugging him tightly without letting him go.

"I have finally met you."

"Where have you been?"

"How did you walk into Mecca?"

Was this Mecca?

Riser was speechless, wondering how he could walk at ease from Sri Lanka to Saudi Arabia without much thought, and it made him realize how hard this decision would be. Still, when they met him, there was only one thought on their minds, and they directly made children on this place, which happened to be Mount Arafat.

They weren't sure how long they had been in a state of lust, only thinking about reproduction and making children for him.

Yet, they couldn't be blamed since what had happened previously made them so scared that they thought they couldn't meet him.

However, strangely enough, this meeting erased his worry.

Even if he appeared in Sri Lanka and then wandered to Saudi Arabia, they could meet each other. It was as if fate, gravity, and the world wished for them to meet each other, so even if he created the new world, he knew they would be able to meet each other again.

Or rather, this time, he wouldn't make a mistake.

He wouldn't let those he cared for get hurt.

In the end, even though they tried to defeat him with the quantity, they weren't his opponents, and soon, they fell and slept due to exhaustion.

Only a few of them were able to have their conscious remains and stayed by his side as they watched the stars at night.

"So, Ophis is..."


They were sad, yet they knew that the one who was affected the most was him.

"What are you planning to do?" Serafall asked.

"I plan to make a new world."

"....." Everyone.

With the "Innovate World," Riser had the experience of creating a world, a good world for him to live in. After all, in this world, no matter how strong he became, he would become the invader, a virus that needed to be erased. His existence was such that it couldn't be changed until the new world was born.

"...will we be able to meet again?"

"Of course." Riser nodded. "We have never thought of being together, yet in the end, we are together and live till now. It is like gravity pulling us together. If it can happen once, then it can happen twice. If it doesn't happen, then I will make it happen, so you don't need to worry. We will definitely be together once again."

He had made up his determination to terminate this universe so a new world would be created.

His women also agreed, as they knew that if he didn't do this, he would fight and fight again. While they knew that they wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice themselves like Ophis for him, how would he feel if he were the only one left behind in this world?

In a world where he was alone without anyone, was there any meaning?

So, they could only support him, and because of this, they had sex once again and continued for so long that they had his children. His children were conceived in their wombs, and this would be their reminders so they wouldn't forget about him in the new world. While it was a shame that they wouldn't be able to meet their children in this world, they knew that they would be able to meet them in the new world.

With all of that, Riser used the "Made in Heaven" to terminate this universe and create a new world.

During the process, Riser spoke with the system. "Are you still following me to the new world?"

[I won't.]

"Huh? Why?" Riser was confused.

[On that world, you are not a villain. Your role will be different. I am not needed there. Moreover, you are strong enough now. My role is over. It's great to be with you, Riser.]


Riser wasn't sure how he felt at this moment, but while their beginning was quite rocky, he was glad to have the system since if the system didn't exist, then he might be as good as over.


[No problem.]

There weren't many exchanges between them, but even so, they wouldn't forget each other, like his feelings for all of his women.

By then, Riser used his power and started to create a new world.

Within the universe, all the galaxies were pulled by gravity and merged before they began to collide with each other. By then, all the matter in the universe would be crushed into an infinitely hot, infinitely dense singularity similar to the Big Bang, and then a new universe was created.


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