Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 986 Situation Of The Hu And Gui Continents

Lin Wu looked at Jifen with his several eyes, making the man shiver. No matter how long it had been since he had been in the presence of Lin Wu, the feeling of terror just couldn't be removed.

The man had been a subordinated of Tian Guisha for hundreds of years and was fine with him even if the Ghost of Tian wasn't fully human now. But Lin Wu wasn't like that. He had no human appearance, and his aura was too much to bear.

Not to mention the fiend had paralyzed him with just a single look, which terrified him greatly.

'For it to do this to me, a Dao Treading realm cultivator with just a look… just how strong is it? What is its cultivation base?' Jifen wondered.

"Jifen!" but soon he was knocked out of his thoughts by Tian Guisha's call.

"Ah yes!" he hurriedly replied.

"Tell the Calamity Fiend about the situation in the Hu continent and the Gui Continents." Tian Guisha ordered.

"The situation in the Hu continent is a little strange as of now. Our last contact with the spies there was over a hundred years ago. After that though, all our contact has failed. They should have contacted us at least 10 years ago according to the general time, but they have failed to do so." Jifen answered.

"No contact? And you can't establish contact from your end, either?" Lin Wu asked.

Even Tian Guisha seemed to be doubtful about this. "This has never happened before. They were always prompt to contact us. In the past two thousand years, it has never been so that they missed a regular report."

"This is certainly suspicious… do you think the spies were caught?" Lin Wu asked.

"That is doubtful. There is no reason for them to be caught, and all of them are in positions where no one can truly restrain them. All of our spies are either at the Dao Treading realm or the Dao Shell realm." Tian Guisha replied.

Hearing this, Lin Wu was rather impressed. Dao Shell realm and Dao Treading realm experts were already very high up in the rankings of the world. Whether it be the Long Continent or the Hu Continent, it would be the same.

"Tell me more about the Hu continent first. What are the powers there?" Lin Wu asked.

"Similar to Long Clan, the Hu continent is run by the Hu clan. But different from here, they rule the Hu continent directly. In the past five thousand years, they suppressed all individual clans and sects, taking over them or assimilating them.

In all senses, the Hu clan has become the total ruler of the Hu continent." Jifen answered.

'This is not what the information I have states…' Lin Wu was taken aback. "Strange… I've heard quite the opposite." He said to them.

"The Hu clan has indeed kept it hidden. They make it so that the clans and sects exist on the surface, but all of them have been taken over by them. It is all a facade to keep the Long clan and the Gui clan fooled." Tian Guisha was the one who spoke this time.

"So this is why you said your spies cannot be suppressed?" Lin Wu guessed.

"Yes… all our spies are external members of the Hu clan. So there is no chance of them being pressured." Tian Guisha confirmed.

"So you didn't think of sending anyone over to the Hu continent either?" Lin Wu asked next.

"Sending someone to the Hu continent isn't easy. Our travel routes are hard to use without proper precaution." Jifen replied, making Lin Wu interested.

"And what are these Travel routes? I haven't sensed any teleportation arrays on the island here. Do you go through the sea?" Lin Wu casually asked.

"We do have teleportation arrays, but they aren't here." Jifen shook his head. "They are scattered on multiple islands that are spread between here and the Hu continent. Some of these need to be reached though the ocean, while some can be covered using the teleportation arrays."

"So it is a long relay of arrays you use? But where did they come from?" Lin Wu asked.

"These are old arrays left over from the time of the invaders. They had used it and were its makers as well. Most of them have broken down and cannot be repaired, so we use those that still work and cover the rest of the distance through the ocean.

But this isn't safe most of the time. Only when the currents are in favor, can we travel through the ocean, otherwise the storms and beasts would prove to be deadly. Only master can travel without any issues among us." Jifen explained in detail.

"I see…" Lin Wu had expected there to be old relics from the time of the invaders to be left behind, but he didn't think their influence was spread all the way there.

"And what about the Gui continent? What's the situation there?" Lin Wu asked next.

"The Gui continent is rather calm. We still get reports from there and the last report stated no particular development out of the normal." Jifen replied.

"Hmm… what's the power structure there?" Lin Wu questioned, wondering if it was similar to Hu or Long clans.

"The Gui clan has given free rein for the other powers to grow on the Gui continent. In fact, they don't even leave their own territory most of the time. And when they do, it's usually one of the external members going out for some mission. The core of the clan is almost never seen.

Even in our spies, they haven't seen any core members for over three thousand years. Though since nearly seventy percent of the Gui continent is frozen or covered under snow for most of the year, the palaces where the powers can grow are also less.

The Gui continent has the smallest population among the three continents, perhaps only a quarter of what we have on the Long continent." Jifen answered in detail.


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