Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 1064 End Of Thousands Of Years Of Enmity

The Cruel Helm Octopus was already battered and weakened. Its spirit Qi had been exhausted and his vitality was low. 

At that point, it couldn't even keep up a defense against Tim and its skull caved in.


But once the armor was broken, its flesh was easy game. Tim continued tearing through it and came out all the way from its beak!


A massive wave spread out from the collapse of the Octopus while Tim flew back out from the water.


Tim let out a cry of victory as a burst of aura spread from him. All those that felt his aura at that moment, saw an illusion. To them, it was as if a great conqueror was present there, having slain a beast.

It seemed rather strange, as the conqueror was none other than another beast. 

But Lin Wu who saw the illusion, knew that the conqueror was none other than one of Tim's past reincarnations.

'So this is what Huang Weisheng meant by the effects will start to show.' Lin Wu thought to himself. 

Lin Wu still didn't know exactly how Tim's past bloodlines will reflect, but from what he could see now, it was possibly a partial representation of the bloodlines. Of course, not all of them will appear, as the weak ones will simply get wiped away.

Only the truly strong ones will stay intact and show their prominence.

"He… He won… he really won!" The people of the Wide Crag kingdom who were watching though couldn't care less about the illusion.

To them, it didn't matter if it was a beast who had killed the Cruel Helm Octopus or a conqueror. All that mattered to them was the fact that the Cruel Helm octopus was finally dead. The being that had been threatening their existence for literally thousands of years was finally dead.


But just as they were all rejoicing, a faint wave of energy spread from the corpse of the Cruel Helm Octopus. A moment later, a translucent figure flew out of its corpse.

"Finish your work Tim." Lin Wu ordered.

"Can I eat it?" Tim asked first.

"You may as well have it. The Nascent soul will dissipate anyways." Lin Wu permitted.

"YAY!" Tim directly pounced on the Nascent soul, not even letting it adapt to its surroundings.

Tim directly opened his mouth wide and swallowed the Nascent soul whole. The Cruel Helm Octopus's existence was truly erased now, with only its corpse left behind as proof that it ever existed.

"Let's get this finished then." Lin Wu waved his tail, generating gusts of wind.

The wind swirled and collected all the severed body parts of the Cruel Helm Octopus and brought it to the shore. Once there, the wind turned into a cyclone and quickly lifted it up onto the cliff and then to the snowy plains behind the city.

"There we go." Lin Wu said, having finished his part of the deal.

"Can I have more now?" Tim asked right away, drool already at the corner of his mouth.

"You can have four tentacles, but no more." Lin Wu answered, much to the beast's excitement.


Tim immediately flew away to claim his spoils while Lin Wu got to talk to the King.

"There you go, it's done." Lin Wu said to King Yun Guiren.

The man seemed to not have come to terms with the situation yet. It took the shaking of several people for him to finally gather his wits.

"Y-yes… it's actually over…" Despite seeing the proof right in front of him, the man had a hard time believing it. 

Only when he went to touch the corpse did he confirm it.

"AHAHAHA! ITS DEAD! THE DEVIL IS DEAD!" The king laughed out loud.




It didn't take long for the chants of its death to spread throughout the Cragfall city. 

"King Lin Wu, you shall forever be our saviour. No… Not just you, The Myriad Obsidian Weasel shall be out patron too!" The king proclaimed.

"All hail King Lin Wu!"

"All Hail the Myriad Obsidian Weasel!"

Lin Wu basked in the praises of all, while Tim didn't care at all. The weasel was pleased by simply having more food to eat. Right now, he was busy stuffing his face with some fresh octopus sashimi.

It didn't take long for him to finish the portion that was allotted to him either. 

"King Lin Wu, I have a request." The first prince asked with hesitation.

"Oh?" Lin Wu looked down at the prince, who seemed to be rather anxious. "What is it?" he didn't mind listening to them.

After all, Lin Wu had basically obtained an entire kingdom now. A few minor requests were basically nothing compared to that.

"Can we keep the hooks from the Cruel Helm Octopus' tentacles?" the prince asked.

Lin Wu then recalled that these hooks used to be prized for fishing in the past and were really sturdy.

"Sure. It'll help improve your fishing industry again, right?" Lin Wu agreed.

"YES! Thank you King Lin Wu!" The prince and others were really happy hearing it.

Their generation had only heard about the stories of their elders, about how they used the barbed hooks of the Cruel Helm Octopus to catch aquatic beasts. But ever since the beast grew stronger, that was no longer possible.

And now that the aquatic beasts had been driven away by the Cruel Helm Octopus' attack, fishing would only get harder. It would take a year or so before the ocean beasts might finally return to near their city.

"King Lin Wu, we'll prepare a banquet for you. Please stay over for another day." King Yun Guiren requested.

"Sure, that won't be an issue." Lin Wu said before looking at the Octopus corpse in the distance. "Though… can you cook that for me?" he asked next.

"Of course! It'll be our greatest pleasure and vindication as well!" The king agreed right away.


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