Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 1038 Cui Tufei And His Shock

Having seen the scope of control that Lin Wu had, the Wandering Head Bandit was now fully convinced of the power that the being held.

With that, he decided to fully dedicate himself to Lin Wu and follow his orders. He had survived his broken fate and now had a chance to follow a being with capabilities that even exceeded the Hu clan itself.

And while the Wandering Head Bandit watched the many screens, a teleportation circle suddenly activated on the side.


The Wandering Head Bandit turned to see and saw a woman appearing from it. She seemed to be relatively young, looking to be in her early twenties. But from his experience he could tell that she was not simple at all.

"No, wait… Dao Shell realm?" the Wandering Head bandit sensed the cultivation base of the woman. "Shell Expansion Stage too!"

"Is this the new person you were talking about Master?" Cang Ci asked while looking at the man.

"He's the Wandering Head bandit. You two will be working together now." Lin Wu replied. "He'll be your intelligence expert in the Hu Continent." He added.

"Oh? I see." Cang Ci smiled. "This'll make it easier to teach the new seedlings too." She added.

"You can bring them over in the next turn. We'll need to expand soon enough and you'll need the help too." Lin Wu stated.

"Thank you master." Cang Ci said with gratitude.

She then turned to the Wandering Head bandit and asked, "so what is your name? Or do you want us to just call you the Wandering Head bandit?"

"My name?" The Wandering Head bandit raised a brow… "I don't have one… I was born a servant and after that I was taken in by the Hu clan's heir. The Wandering Head bandit is all I have as a name." He answered.

"Guess we'll just have to give you a name then." Cang Ci said before turning to Lin Wu. "Will you do the honors, master?"

"Hmm…" Lin Wu thought over it for a bit before coming up with one. "Your name shall now be Cui Tufei." He stated.

"Cui Tufei… Alright, from today I am no longer the Wandering Head bandit but Cui Tufei!" The man accepted the new reality.

"So what are we to do next master?" Cang Ci asked after the little ceremony.

"For now… we have two great pawns in our hand. So we shall let them man our fields, while we set things up in the back." Lin Wu told Cang Ci about Hu Peiliang being turned into a slave and more.

The two of them discussed the coming plans and Cui Tufei listened to everything intently. The more he heard, the more surprised he got. The plans Lin Wu had for the Hu Continent would be devastating for the Hu clan and if they truly succeeded the guarding clan would become but a little guard dog for Lin Wu.

But in all this, Cui Tufei was confused about one thing. Lin Wu and Cang Ci seemed to be discussing something about brining in supplies from Tieba city.

'I don't think there is any city named that in the Hu Empire…' Cui Tufei tried hard to think.

This was until they said something that stunned him.

"The Teleportation relay will be finished in two weeks. Once that is done, the link between Long and Hu continents should be good enough for us to do better travel." Lin Wu stated.

"Yes master." Cang Ci nodded her hand and recorded some points in her crystal slip.

"Wait… Long continent?" Cui Tufei said with surprise. "What do you mean Long continent?"

"THE Long continent, one of the other continents in Ming Dao world." Cang Ci responded.

"You… that can't be… You managed to make a teleportation array linking the two continents!?" Cui Tufei was stunned.

"Yes… master did." Cang Ci said while looking at Lin Wu. "We came from there after all."

At first Cui Tufei had thought that Lin Wu was just some old being that had been hidden in the Hu continent for a long time and was forgotten in history. But now that he had heard that he had come over from the Long Continent, a lot of things started to make sense to him.

It was as if a veil was lifted from his eyes and all the things started to fit together.

"Master are you… From the Long clan?" Cui Tufei asked in doubt. "And here to expand their scope of control?"

"AHAHAHA!" Upon hearing that Lin Wu burst into laughter unable to hold himself back.

"That's hilarious." Cang Ci chuckled as well.

Cui Tufei looked at the two, unable to comprehend what was happening.

"Am… am I wrong?" he asked.

"You asked if master belongs to the long clan? Haha… it's the other way round." Cang Ci replied. "The Long clan belongs to HIM!"


Cui Tufei swallowed his saliva in nervousness. He decided to just be silent and digest all the information he was getting.

'If I ask questions again, I fear I might just die from the shock.' He thought to himself.

Lin Wu stopped laughing too and went back to discussing plans with Cang Ci.

There were a lot of things that were on his plane and finishing them would take a few years at least.

But now that he also had Hu clan slowly entering his grasp, things would inevitably get faster.

'A couple years should be enough for me to nurture the Dao Embryos to the maximum… and if I can find the unknown beast in that time as well, things would be a lot better.' Lin Wu pondered.

Once the Long Clan and Hu clan were under him, the only power left would be the Gui clan.

'The Gui clan should be the easiest considering their solitude. I'll be a lot stronger when going for them too.' Lin Wu smiled to himself, looking forward to the future.

The people of the Hu clan knew nothing of the storm that would be descending on them in some time.


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