Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 1028 Capturing The Real Wandering Head Bandit

The Wide Claw Tiger Bloodline was descended from the White Tiger Bloodline and was relatively strong. At the very least, its contribution to the avatar was decent enough for Lin Wu to feel the progress.

"This is going well… I should have expected this…" Lin Wu observed his Dao Embryo and saw it grow once more.

The Helix of Assimilation had absorbed thousands of bloodlines at this point and Lin Wu was sure that the improvement would be reflecting in the avatar soon enough.

'Its just like the time when it absorbed the beasts earlier along with the Aqua Dream Ocean Lotus. It needs some time to assimilate it all.' Lin Wu waited for the effects to appear.

After about four hours, he sensed the change.

"Hmm… let's see." Lin Wu looked through the data but didn't see any changes in his innate skills. 'Guess that was expected. It won't improve this fast. It had just increase a while back.' He thought.

But that didn't mean that there was no improvement.

"System, show me the Dao Traces now." Lin Wu ordered.




1. Fire Dao Trace [Compatibility: 75%]

2. Water Dao Trace [Compatibility: 45%]

3. Earth Dao Trace [Compatibility: 96%]

4. Wood Dao Trace [Compatibility: 86%]

5. Metal Dao Trace [Compatibility: 90%][Updated]

6. Wind Dao Trace [Compatibility: 90%]

7. Lightning Dao Trace [Compatibility: 75%]

8. Light Dao Trace [Compatibility: 26%]

9. Darkness Dao Trace [Compatibility: 11%]

10. Shadow Dao Trace [Compatibility: 19%]

11. Spear Dao Trace [Compatibility: 38%]

12. Beast Dao Trace [Compatibility: 98%]

13. Formation Dao Trace [Compatibility: 40%]

14. Sword Dao Trace [Compatibility: 35%][Updated]

15. Poison Dao Trace [Compatibility: 90%]

16. Assimilation Dao Trace (Avatar) [Compatibility: 100%]

17. Upheaval Dao Trace (Main Body) [Compatibility: 100%]

18. Sharpness Dao Trace [Compatibility: 50%][new]


"So there it is…" Lin Wu saw that the compatibility of two of his Dao Traces had been improved.

These being the Metal Dao Trace and the Sword Dao Trace.

"It makes sense for the Metal Dao Trace's compatibility to improve since the Wide Claw Tiger in innately compatible with it, but the Sword Dao trace improved too?" Lin Wu was a little surprised.

But he could only attribute it to the Metal Dao Trace being closed to the Sword Dao Trace.

"But there's a new addition too…" Lin Wu didn't forget to see the Sharpness Dao Trace that had been added.

Not only had an entirely new Dao Trace been added, but it was also at 50% compatibility from the start!

"Now this is a welcome addition…" Lin Wu wouldn't mind more of the Dao Traces being added.

In fact, he would prefer if there were more of them. After all, the more there were, the better his skills would be in the future and the cultivation speed as well.

Plus, the Sharpness Dao Trace was something that Lin Wu could directly make use of.

Several of the skills he had made, such as the Undying Sapphire Blaze Cleaver, were basically in the form of a blade that used a sharp edge. If he could utilize the Sharpness Dao Trace, he would be able to improve the power of the attack too.

"This was certainly added due to the Wide Claw Tiger Bloodline." Lin Wu knew that the Hu clan formed two types of Dao Embryos with one belonging to the Sharpness Dao.

Thus it made sense for the Compatibility to jump to 50% right from the start.

With such a harvest, Lin Wu was tempted to 'farm' a little more.

But unfortunately for him, there were a few events that would now need his attention.

"Master, they seem to have finally acted." Cang Ci sent a message.

Lin Wu instantly connected to her and replied, "What did they do?" he asked.

"The Wandering Head Bandit has appeared in Danching City." Cang Ci replied.

"Danching city?" Lin Wu quickly checked the map and saw that it was located about two thousand kilometer northeast of the Second Light city.

Upon seeing this, Lin Wu knew that they were trying to lure him away from Second Light city. So far the activity of the fake Wandering Head Bandit had been in the Second Light city, thus by making the real one appear, they were clearly pulling his attention.

It would help them stabilize the situation in the Second Light city while also tracking who was behind all the kidnappings.

"When did the real Wandering Head Bandit appear?" Lin Wu asked next.

"The report came just three minutes ago. He was very recently spotted." Cang Ci replied.

"Alright… seems like it's time to catch the real culprits." Lin Wu stated.

While he knew that the Wandering Head Bandit had only captured the fake Hu Dagao, Lin Wu also knew that he would be able to get clues to the real one from him.

Besides, there was no need for him to 'interrogate' the man. Lin Wu didn't have to care whether the man was asked to misdirect him.

'As long as I eat him, his memories will be mine anyway. No secret can hide from the system.' Lin Wu smirked as he activated the teleportation array.


A minute later, he had appeared in another city that was located a thousand kilometers away from the Second Light City. This wasn't Danching City and was just the closest city that Lin Wu could teleport to.

From here, he simply dug his way to Danching city, reaching it in less than an hour.

While this seemed like more than enough time for the Wandering Head Bandit to have escaped, Lin Wu knew they wouldn't be doing that.

Since their goal was most likely to lure out the fake Wandering Head Bandit, they would be leaving behind traces so that the real could be tracked this time. Or perhaps they might even make him appear from time to time.

It didn't matter to Lin Wu though, as he could simply scan to search the entire city at once.

"And here we are…" Lin Wu spread his spirit sense and observed the city above him.

It was several times smaller than Second Light city and thus he could easily cover it entirely with his spirit sense. Lin Wu looked for the signs of the Wandering Head Bandit and soon found it.

"My, my, they are quite brazen, aren't they?" Lin Wu saw the man sitting openly in a tea shop.

The shop was empty other than a very nervous looking waiter and the real Wandering Head Bandit.

The area around it had also been cleared out, and the guards of the city had made a secure perimeter. They didn't allow anyone to enter, though the area had already been evacuated.

"Its interesting that they don't try to capture the man either… guess they are waiting for someone stronger to appear?" Lin Wu didn't know if some stronger expert had been asked to come over, but he also guessed that the guards might have been directed to act this way.

Lin Wu listened to their conversations and confirmed it in a couple of minutes.

"Sure enough… They have orders from above to not engage. They are to just create a secure perimeter and observe all those that are in it." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

It also allowed him to know that someone influential might be involved in all this too.

'If they can give orders to the city guards, they must be several steps above the city mayor…' Lin Wu couldn't sense anyone stronger than Dao Shell realm in the city.

That was more than enough to confirm his suspicions that someone from outside might be doing this all.

"Well… no use in speculating when I can get the answers myself." Lin Wu said to himself before moving towards the tea shop.

The avatar arrived several hundred meters below the shop and its tentacles started to rise up from his body. They dug through the ground before appearing in an alley.

They quickly transformed into the fake Wandering Head Bandit and Lin Wu controlled it to walk towards the tea shop.


The door of the tea shop was wide open, allowing anyone to see inside and outside as well. This made the sound of the new person's steps very clear.

"Huh? Who would come here now—" The waiter who was forced to serve was stunned upon seeing the man standing in the doorway.

His head snapped to look at another man sitting at the table. The same man who had basically held him hostage here with just a look.

"How's this possible?" the waiter couldn't believe his eyes and rubbed them several times.

It didn't matter much though as the newly appeared man walked towards the only occupied table.

He pulled a chair before taking a seat.

Now it looked like someone had placed a mirror on the table as two identical people were sitting on it.

"That disguise skill is certainly impeccable…" The real Wandering Head Bandit spoke as he took a sip of his tea.


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