Rise of the Limitless One

Chapter 17: A Guardian's Tutorial (V)

Chapter 17: A Guardian's Tutorial (V)


"Hey! Just what do you think you're doing?" A nagging voice sounded behind Lucian, causing him to turn around. Instantly, the visage of a girl with curly, light-violet hair and a tight-fitted battle suit, encasing her apparent curves entered his eyes.

Naturally, this was Priscilla; one of the mouthy additions to the team. However, she also played a vital role. In comparison to Matthias, Elaine, and Cezar, she was no less important. After all, out of the 8 individuals on the team, she played the role of a healer.

But, up till now, there hadn't been a threat strong enough to warrant the use of her ability. Each member of them team held their own effortlessly, eradicating the badgers in mere moments. Unless they were bored, these enemies didn't even require the utilization of their abilities.

Meanwhile, in Lucian's case, he didn't invoke his ability simply because he didn't know how to do so. Despite the Overseer imparting the general knowledge during his concise briefing, it was difficult to release it.

Since he had gone his entire life without emitting mana, it was a foreign feeling for him. Due to its unfamiliarity, it would require further examination of mana invocation and the release process to exercise his ability.

Regrettably, the current environment never permitted him to test out his theories. Either he was on edge for the upcoming battle or preparing to recover from a previous one, taking up the majority of his concentration. Of course, if his vitality and perception were stronger this situation wouldn't be such a dilemma.

"W-what?" Lucian replied, noticing Priscilla moving closer and closer; too close for comfort in fact! From what he saw, it seemed like she was determined to chastise him, walking forth with attitude present in each forceful step.

"What do you mean what? I asked you a question. Are you stupid now? Is there something wrong with you?" Priscilla bickered, causing a wry smile to creep upon Lucian's face. He now understood why Cezar forfeited before the match had even begun.

"I'm not stupid, and nothing is wrong with me. You approached me without voicing the issue," Lucian responded, shaking his head while maintaining eye contact with Priscilla.

For a moment, she was taken aback. Truth be told, she didn't expect him to keep his composure or respond back with an unmoving expression. Typically, someone of Lucian's ranking would be timid, accepting whatever treatment they received to avoid worsening it.

However, Lucian, whom of which didn't possess a proper background knowledge on the behavior of an Awakened or Guardian responded normally. Although normal seemed fine, to Priscilla, who possessed some ability along with a twisted ego, it was unacceptable.

"Eh?! What is this? You have balls, huh?" Priscilla sneered, stepping to Lucian. Her finger constantly poking his chest, which caused him to step back. In his eyes, he didn't say anything to provoke her, she was just crazy akin to a rabid dog barking incessantly.

Meanwhile, in the background, Cezar's remark could be heard, "Yup, he does! I can attest to that. He's not your average F Rank, kid's got some NUTS on him, I tell ya!"

'Oh god, shut up already...you're not helping!' Lucian inwardly groaned but the damage was already done from Cezar's statement.

Priscilla snapped her neck towards Cezar, sparing a dangerous glare, "Did I ask for your input? If you somehow get hurt, I'll let the wound fester."

"Whaaaaaat? What'd I do? Oh, come on. It's not that serious. I wish your sister was here, she's much more manageable," Cezar grumbled. His last sentence was to himself, else he would have only provoked the tigress even more.

"So, mind telling me what's wrong?" Lucian questioned, interrupting their small argument. At the same time, he could be seen wincing as her finger bore deeper into his chest with each poke. Furthermore, they strengthened when Priscilla's attention was placed elsewhere.

"You're what's wrong. Just where do you get off stealing Elaine's kills like that? You saw she was the first to damage it. Thus, she marked it as her kill," Priscilla answered in a snap, her displeasure flaring from Lucian's seemingly oblivious response.

It was short, but Lucian displayed a look of annoyance, frowning faintly before changing his expression. "I understand she did that, but you all were preoccupied so I thou-"

"You thought?! It'll do you good not to think," Priscilla interjected, scoffing at Lucian's answer. The way she viewed Lucian resembled that of a human looking at a revolting bug or an unsettling eyesore; she couldn't help but want to squash it.

"I understand my actions may beget some resentment, but I just acted out of instinct. If it bothered you, I am sorry for your inconvenience and urge you to get that checked out, but I can't survive if I don't claim any points for myself," Lucian retorted, looking at Priscilla with a resolute gaze.

Priscilla was momentarily stunned by Lucian's apology accompanied by a snide quip. She couldn't fathom the gall of this guy! Be that as it may, she still wanted to refute his words, opening her mouth to unleash another storm of hateful words.

Fortunately, Elaine didn't allow that to happen. "Priscilla, that's enough; just drop it. They're just E Rank monsters, the gains would've been minimal regardless. Although each kill is worth something, he's right. We can't have him remaining such a disastrous link forever. He has to get stronger somehow."


"I said drop it," Elaine commanded, shooting Priscilla a domineering gaze. Her frosty gaze capable of freezing a lake many times over sent a chill down Priscilla's back. Reflexively, she stopped complaining.

On the other hand, Lucian felt gratitude towards Elaine, slightly altering his view of her. "Thank you, I appreciate your help."

Elaine skimmed over his presence, barely responding. "Mm."

Afterward, she turned around and retreated to the Guardian Stone's perimeter, falling silent as she browsed through her status screen privately. A small frown appeared on her face when she looked from her screen over to Priscilla and Lucian.

'Still not enough, maybe after the next wave. I understand just why father urged me to aim for creatures stronger than I am, it's the fastest way to grow. I need to reach the 5th floor with haste. From there on, the Monolith is littered with worthwhile opponents,' Elaine thought.

Meanwhile, Matthias was completely pleased by Lucian's actions, beckoning for him. "You there, come over here. I want to have a chat with you."

Lucian turned, noticing Matthias pointing at him. Although he was confused and partly curious, he obliged nonetheless. Based on how Cezar avoided him, Lucian estimated this individual was at the very least on par with Cezar.

"Take a seat and relax your nerves," Matthias chuckled, patting the ground next to him. While Lucian took a seat, Matthias glanced at the bow strapped against the boy's back. "What compelled you to take that weapon?"

"Well, I chose my weapons to deal with any type of opponent. You never know if we'd go against an enemy capable of long-range assaults. At that point, only ranged attacks would be effective," Lucian responded truthfully.

"I see, that's sound judgment and good foresight. Preparing for the unknown is a trait of an experienced hunter. However, if you have no experience wielding that weapon, then it's close to useless. Unless you possess a prodigious talent for it," Matthias responded in the same manner.

Unlike the rest, there was an absence of lofty or conceited undertones in his words. If a stranger were to witness this scene, it would appear to be a normal conversation amongst two peers. T/his chapter is updat/𝓮d by n𝒐v(ê(l)biin.c/o/m

All of a sudden, Matthias leaned forward, delivering a hidden message. Even Cezar's sensitive ears couldn't hear it.

"Be careful and remain wary. There are only two types of beings in this space, the hunter and the hunted; never become the latter as hunters are all around you. That is my message to you."

A moment later, he returned to normal conversation. "Otherwise, I approve of your attitude. It's not overbearing, but you still stand up for yourself. You even seem to know when to lower your head," Matthias voiced, recalling Lucian's partial apology.

"I appreciate your input. Some situations need not be met with hostility. Especially without the power to reinforce those feelings. Unless you want to provoke enmity to shatter your dreams," Lucian answered. A faint brooding smile appeared on his lips as he remembered the fragile state of his siblings.

Matthias could sense the pain he held but didn't pry deeper. Instead, he questioned Lucian about another matter that troubled him, "Why have you yet to use your ability? Are you ashamed of it because your rating was revealed to everyone?"


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