Rise of the Horde

Chapter 4 - 4

Deeper into the forest, Xiao Chen's group trudged through the dense group of trees. Heavy sounds of battle were up ahead.

In a clearing, bodies, dead bodies were scattered everywhere, both pinkskins and orcs and further ahead, a group of four orcs were resisting several human soldiers, but unlike the ones Xiao Chen encountered before, these were of the infantry.

Huge rectangular towering wooden shields inlaid with iron, complete set of armor from head to toe and moving together in groups, they surrounded the group of four orcs.

Xiao Chen observed them a bit, a huge orc, much bigger and bulkier than the three deceased commanders of theirs, waving around a tree trunk as a club, smashing anyone foolish enough to get within his range.

Further at the back he saw an older orc, who looks frail and weak with a wooded staff decorated with a few animal bones, he was throwing jars containing liquids and powders towards the enemy, the jars contents sometimes melts the flesh of the enemies, others making them disoriented like drunk men turning their neat formation chaotic.

Xiao Chen also spotted another female orc bravely swinging around a two-handed axe which somewhat doesn't match with her frame. She is as savage as Draegh'ana in her actions, cleaving and pummeling anyone who dares to underestimate her prowess.

A strange orc was also spotted by Xiao Chen, an orc with the same frame as Gur'kan but with thicker and bulkier arms, he was throwing anything and everything that he gets his hands on, like swords, spears, shields, pieces of armors, fallen tree branches and rocks. The strange orc was hurling things at the enemies and sometimes successfully killing someone, but his most useful deed was disrupting the enemy formations which free up space around the bulky orc.

Xiao Chen led Gur'kan and Draegh'ana behind the enemies to flank them. With spears at hand like a stretch bow, he hurled them towards the unprotected backs of the enemies, nullifying the protection of their shields. He threw all the spears in his arsenal, each spear successfully taking a life.

Preparing to engage in the melee, he brought out his sword. Gur'kan and Draegh'ana already rushed forward first when he was still throwing the spears and have already joined the fray.

Casting the haste spell on himself, Xiao Chen rushed forward like a charging bison, with the tower shield in front of him and ramming through the enemy formation. With his move the enemy formation got broken, some enemies were sent flying by him and got his shield broken, he slashed with his sword and slammed enemies with a new shield that he picked up among the scattered equipments of the dead enemies, incorporating a few kicks and tackles in his attacks.

The enemies got ambushed successfully and with the bulky orc rampaging around when he was freed from the encirclement; they started loosing morale. A swift orc wielding two swords that they can barely hit, a fully armored orc and one that fights much like a gladiator in the arena, the enemy infantry panicked and started to run away and further gave the upper hand to the orcs.

With the surroundings littered with corpses and a few wounded who are moaning in pain still awaiting death's embrace, Xiao Chen moved towards the bulky orc and his companions.

Gur'kan, being his loyal follower, started clearing the battlefield, killing any enemy that hasn't succumbed to death yet, supplying Xiao Chen with much needed points.

"Greetings, brave warrior, many thanks for aiding us"

The old and frail looking orc said while cupping his right fist to his chest and the bones on his staff rattled as he transferred it to his left hand while he greeted Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen returned the gesture and cupped his right fist to his chest and asked,

"I am called Khao'khen, what are you called elder one"

He asked respectfully as among orcs, chieftains, shamans and witch doctors are highly respected and the old and frail looking orc was a witch doctor, no doubt. How he fought was how witch doctors fight, they threw their harmful concoctions towards the enemies while applying their healing salves or useful concoctions to those who needed.

"I am called Rakh'ash'tha, as you may already guessed, I am a witch doctor, the big one over there is Galum'nor, the brave female one is Aro'shanna my daughter and this one is Trot'thar," Rakh'ash'tha said as he patted Trot'thar's shoulder.

"We acknowledge you as our leader as a token of gratitude since we no longer trust the deceased commander's second in command who ignored us. He just led his group away, leaving us behind to fend for ourselves," Rakh'ash'tha continued.

"Damn those cowards, they will face retribution eventually," Galum'nor angrily stomped at the ground as he spat on the ground, showing his displeasure.

Xiao Chen knew it very well. Rarely will you see orcs come to the rescue of their brethren when their own safety was threatened.

"We better move fast. The enemy will come back soon and in greater numbers than before"

Trot'thar said, his eyes staring far towards where the enemies have retreated to.

Xiao Chen then led away the group. He was in a cheerful mood since his available points now are 103 and his new total of subordinates increased from two to six.


Exiting the tree covers, Xiao Chen arrived at the old winding path towards the Lag'ranna Mountains and behind it was the land of the orcs, tribes scattered all throughout the place and where the pinkskins won't dare follow them without a huge army, a huge army at least with numbers equal to or greater than the number of the orc race.

The old winding path towards Lag'ranna Mountains was also without danger since golems and other monstrosities also visited it, which was far more dangerous than orcs are to humans.

Checking the surroundings for any sign of danger, Xiao Chen was at the forefront while his subordinates followed him in a group of twos since the path only allowed two orcs to walk side by side. One side was the mountain wall while the other, a ridge with a height that can injure or even outright kill even the strongest and toughest orc if they are dumb enough to not watch where his or her foot was stepping on.


Further up ahead, Xiao Chen soon spotted huge moving creature made of rocks, it was smashing the mountain walls with its fist, banging it with enough force that caused some boulders to fall down and block the path.

The creature was over 10 feet tall, with some parts of its body covered in sharp pointed rocks, its legs were a huge group of rocks, probably bigger than Galum'nor's two legs combined, some pieces of gems were embedded in its body, reflecting the rays of the sun.

"Seems like we're in for a tough fight, young one"

Rakh'ash'tha stated the obvious, which earned him an unfriendly gazed from Draegh'ana.

"I heard golems are stronger and tougher creatures than orcs. I will test if those words true"

Galum'nor spoke and readied his weapon, the tree trunk which he used as a club. He loved smashing things more than anything else.

"I hope not"

Trot'thar can't help but mutter with a tone of helplessness as he started picking up rocks from the surroundings and piling them up together, ready to hurl them at the enemy made of rocks.

Xiao Chen didn't know what to do, a golem that wasn't included in any of his memories, both from the original and his own.

"How do you fight a golem?"

He can't help but asked the six, since he did not know of these tough creatures.

"If we can immobilize and destroy its legs, it is our victory"

Rakh'ash'tha commented while busily rummaging around his bag, a bag made of crudely sewn together animal skins. He was sorting out which of his concoctions will work on the golem.

"I'll crush those legs"

Galum'nor was raring to engage the still busy golem pounding its fist on the mountain wall.. Xiao Chen can't help but think of Galum'nor as a muscle head, like one of his men back in Huaxia, he doesn't think nor plan anything like Galum'nor, just acting in his instincts which made Xiao Chen wonder how he survived the many missions that they have undertaken.


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