Rise of the Horde

Chapter 324 - 324 Chapter 324

324 Chapter 32As soon as Ounephes and his troops were gathered together with everything that they needed for the journey, they headed for the eastern entrance of the village under the watchful of the village head. After moments of silence, Ounephes suddenly halted his steed in its tracks then made it turn around to face the village chief who was following after them. He knew that he wasn’t actually there to escort them but to keep an eye on them in case they do something untoward the villagers that they will meet along the way.

“I apologize for bringing trouble unto the doorstep of your village, Chief Ka.” Ounephes slightly bowed his head towards the village head who was taken aback by the actions and words of the noble in front of him, he was a bit confused and didn’t know what to respond but he just went with what came into his mind first. “Don’t worry about it…” the village head replied then bade them farewell.

As Ounephes and his troops started their journey, Chief Ka was thinking on how would they hold a conversation to the enemy army that erected a fort overnight near their village. He was about to turn around and head back to the western entrance of the village when he heard the loud voice of the leader of their visitors, “As a token of gratitude! Here is my parting gift for you and your village!”

Balls of flames started appearing after another in front of Ounephes who had a smirk on his face as he stared at Chief Ka who was running towards his direction, “You ungrateful bastard!” the village head screamed as he brought forward the giant sword that has always been strapped on his back.

With a click of his tongue, Ounephes unleashed a barrage of Fireballs towards the charging village chief and directed the other balls of fire towards the huts in the distance. “No need to thank me! It’s my pleasure leaving you with these gifts!” he shouted as he ushered his steed into a sprint to get away from the angered village head as soon as possible and catch up with his troops who were waiting for him in the distance.

“Why you…” Chief Ka grinded his teeth together in anger as he watch the receding figure of Ounephes who was getting further and further away from him. Due to him losing focus for a few moments, a few spheres of flames exploded upon his body and caused him to suffer some burns in different parts of his body.

Focusing his attention to the incoming balls of fire, Chief Ka channeled his battle energy and created a barrier around his entire body and coated his weapon with his battle energy. A pale bluish light surrounded his entire figure as he swatted away the spells of Ounephes but with sheer number of the burning spheres, many of them went pass by him and landed among the huts in the village and easily set ablaze the wooden huts.

The villagers were quick to notice the spreading fire and began dashing towards the river to fetch water in order to put out the fire while some villagers who were able to use battle energies began to make use of the grains of sand to try and contain the fire. Albeit they reacted quickly to the situation, the fire quickly spread all around the village and the raging flames devoured more than half of the huts in the village in its fiery inferno. With the easily flammable materials of the huts, the fire was hard to contain and thick smoke began engulfing the village.

Seeing that the flames were getting bigger and bigger, the women, old and children decided to evacuate first with the aid of the men. The villagers tried to save whatever they can get their hands on and fled from the city.


Chief Ka was fuming with rage as he rescued every villager that he could find amidst the roaring flames. He wanted to chase after the bastard that caused the destruction of the village but the cry for help of his fellow villagers made him not act upon his emotions. It didn’t take long for the raging flames to devour the entirety of the village and a thick trail of smoke rose up high into the sky, the searing heat from the flames made anyone apprehensive of staying close to the village.

Khao’khen’s rest was disturbed by the runners who were the re to inform him that the village ahead was burning. A bit alarmed that an enemy army might be the ones responsible for it, the battle horns inside the camp resounded and aroused all the warriors of Yohan from their slumber. Rapid footsteps came and go near the tent of the chief and Trot’thar quickly climbed up the shorter tower that was erected last night to try and get some information of what was happening to the village in the distance.

Seeing the thick smore coming from the area where the village was at and the roaring flames, there was no mistaking it that the place was set aflame by someone. The outline of the villagers became clear upon the sight of Drakhars and the warriors of Yohan, the Drakhars wanted to head there and provide help for their fellow Ereians but they needed the permission of the chieftain which was being delayed with the reason that it might be trap set by their foes to catch them off guard.

With the powerful sight of Trot’thar, he confirmed that there was no presence of an enemy army within five kilometers of the burning village or anything that resembles an army. Trot’thar quickly came down from the tower and reported what he had seen to the chief and with the confirmation of Trot’thar that it was safe, Khao’khen quickly sent out all the Drakhars to provide aid to the survivors of the village along with carts of food , water and medicines.

At first, the villagers were apprehensive of the people that originated from the suspected hostile fort but after knowing that they were there to lend them some help, their apprehension went away especially after realizing that the soldiers were their fellow Ereians.


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