Rise of the Horde

Chapter 318 - 318 Chapter 318

318 Chapter 31After deliberating for a few moments, Khao’khen stood up from his chair and stretched his limbs, “Inform the Drakhars to get themselves ready and have the Yurakks start assembling three battering rams which we may need in case the enemy army refuses our call for a pitch battle. Trot’thar had his shoulders drooped low after not hearing what he wanted to hear which was him being allowed to participate in the upcoming battle as the chieftain passed by him but before the chief could make it out of his tent, he turned around then grinned towards Trot’thar, “And also prepare your gear, I know you’re thirsting for some excitement of battle after being confined in the tower for so long.” “Yes, chief!” Trot’thar quickly responded with his voice filled with eagerness as he dashed out of the chieftain’s tent with a smile plastered upon his lips.

It was about two hours after lunch when the Yurakks were done assembling battering rams which clearly looked crude but frightening just by its appearance alone especially with those giant bones and horn-like things that were on the assembled rams which puzzled Khao’khen on when and where the hell did the orcs get their hands on those things. He ordered for the Yurakks to test the assembled rams if it will work as it was intended to and a few orcs pulled back the huge logs that was in the middle of the crude siege engines before letting it go after they can no longer drag it back any further and the massive wooden pieces swung forward with momentum before swinging back, they swung back and forth a few times before coming to a halt to which Khao’khen nodded in approval after knowing that his warriors built working rams and not just a displays.

Khao’khen then ordered for some fortifications to be built around the rams and had the giant shields of the Yurakks be placed around the engines to protect it since their foes would surely to try to set it aflame in order to destroy them. After a few more hours of modifying the assembled rams, four rectangular small fortresses were built, the rams were covered all over the place which serves as a protection to the ones who will be manning it but what Khao’khen really intended for the fortifications of the rams was for the ones who will be operating it to be hidden as with the size of the rams, it would only be the orcs who would be able to use it normally.

It was almost an hour before darkness would come looming over the horizon to begin its reign on the world of Azgalor when the call for battle from the side of Drakhars resounded through the battlefield calling for the enemies to come and answer their call. The Drakhars assembled their battleline and despite their fewer numbers because of the wounded and the casualties that they suffered from the previous clashes with their foes, they remained unfazed knowing that their orcish allies had their backs and would make a quick work of their enemies if push comes to shove.

The Ereian camp was alarmed after hearing the call for battle by their opponents but without the presence Ounephes inside the camp, the most senior officer around made a decision that they should mount a defense of their base instead of going out of their camp to meet their rivals in the open field. The current in-command of the Ereians thought that their foes wouldn’t be able to do much damage against them since they have the walls of their fort to aid them in the upcoming clash.

After waiting for a few moments for the Ereians to respond to their call for battle, Khao’khen ordered for the rams to make their appearance and upon the gates of their camp came out the juggernauts that were terrifyingly threatening by its size but also seemed comical with the overprotection that it possesses which made it looked like a moving huge box. The rams made their way to the front of the Drakhars’ battleline and started heading towards the enemy camp while the Drakhars followed it from behind. Inside the overprotection of the rams were the orcs who were specifically instructed by the chieftain that no matter what happens, they must not make their presence known to the enemy and keep their foes guessing on who or what are they really up against.

The Ereians were moving about inside their camp as they prepared their defenses against the assault of their foes but it has already been almost an hour when they were finished setting up their defenses but their foes were yet to get within striking distance of their archers because of the slow paced of the rams which built tension among the hearts of the Ereian soldiers since they knew that for sure that they can’t do much damage against the juggernaut of a siege engine that their foes fielded since they don’t have any cavalry unit to sally out and try attack those huge rams while they were still not up their walls and the gate.

After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, the four rams finally entered the range of the Ereian archers and arrows came dropping down upon them like raindrops but to no avail as the shields of the Yurakks that were placed to protect the rams negated whatever damage the arrows should do as most of them bounced off the metal shields while some made some hollow marks upon them. Realizing that the regular arrows were doing no damage upon the terrifying juggernauts, the commander of the archers ordered for the archers to use flaming arrows to try and set it aflame. The second round of arrow rain came but this time they came with fire but just like the previous attempt of the Ereians, the shields negated whatever damage they could do against the main parts of the rams with only a few flaming arrows landing upon the exposed ram heads whose flames were quickly put out after not finding anything flammable material to consume as the bone and horn covered ram heads remained intact without suffering any real damage at all expect for a few chips upon the bones that covered it.



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