Rise of the Horde

Chapter 313 - 313 Chapter 313

313 Chapter 31Hidden by the darkness of the night, the Rhakaddon cavalry were waiting for the signal to head out and destroy their designated target which was the enemy cavalry that was set on pursuing after their allies who acted as bait to lure the, out from their camp. Behind the walls of their fortifications, the Rakshas were waiting for the command of their chieftain to begin the slaughter of their enemies.

Seeing that there was a lack of resistance from the enemy camp after all the probing attacks that they7 have done. The one in command of the archers had them continuously fire their arrows while their allied infantry began approaching the enemy camp while maintaining a tightly close formation.

Ounephes far from the frontline had his scrying spell activated as he followed after the advancement of his soldiers towards the mysterious enemy camp that he really wanted to figure out. He was experiencing a slight headache after continuously using such a spell while switching between two different places in succession. His vision shifted from the infantry then towards their cavalry who went on a pursuit of the enemy army that fled from the battlefield.

When the distance from the battlefield was sufficient enough, Trot’thar went down and informed the chieftain, “Chief, they are far enough not to be spotted by the naked eye.” He reported as even he and his powerful sight could only see a rough silhouette of the enemy cavalry. Khao’khen nodded his head in acknowledgement of the report then directed his gaze towards Dhug’mhar, “You guys are up… Make sure that there are no survivors.” He reminded them.

Dhug’mhar being Dhug’mhar flexed his right bicep while tapping it with his left hand with a few smacks, “Don’t worry chief… This perfect warrior will ensure a perfect victory with my awesomeness…” he grinned then turned his head forward and led his clansmen outside of the camp while carrying with them a few of the wards. The wards crafted by Hekoth and Gunn became so instrumental in the battlefield as they left the enemy commander guessing of their real strength.

“Faster! Charge forward at full power!” the commander of the enemy cavalry that went on the pursuit yelled towards his men as he brandished his weapon expecting for their foes to even increase their pace or right out scatter in different direction to save their own skin but he was gravely mistaken as their targets began huddling together basing on the torches that they carried with them to provide light during the dark. The distance between the torches became closer and closer until they were all tightly huddle together.

The one in command of the Ereian cavalry was befuddled by the actions taken by their foes but they were already on a mad sprint towards them and they would be the one in a great disadvantage if they won’t make use of their momentum to crash against the formation of their enemies while they were still trying to form up their ranks.

Zaraki hurried the Drakhars to cluster together and form up their ranks to form a soldi wall against the charging enemy cavalry but their enemies approach them faster than he had estimated as they crashed against their still forming ranks. Drakhars who were at the forefront were trampled by the steed of their foes while some were sent soaring into the air before crashing down to the ground with a painful thud followed by either a groan of pain from the fall or silence from those who received deadly blows.

With the Ereian cavalry crashing through their ranks, the Drakhars were forced to fight a battle that they weren’t use to as each soldier tried to repel the enemy rider that was in front of him before being eventually cut down or trampled upon.


Haguk who was observing the clash from afar saw that their enemies were now fully committed to the fight, he signaled for his clansmen to move in. Silently, the wargs and their riders approach the Ereian cavalry from the flanks and try to relieve some pressure from their allied infantry that was breaking apart. When there was only about fifty meters of distance between them and their targets, the Warghen cavalry broke out into loud battlecries as they moved in.

The Ereian infantry which was cautiously approaching the enemy camp finally had the gates of the enemy camp in their sight which was wide open for them seemingly welcoming them to begin their looting of whatever treasures were left behind by the enemy army that fled from the battlefield. Trot’thar had a smile on his face as he observed the excited faces of the enemy infantry that began breaking their right formation thinking that the coast was already clear unaware of the danger that was waiting for them right behind the walls of the camp.

“Ready!?” Khao’khen turned his head towards his warriors in a hushed tone and the grin plastered on the faces were all that he needed to know that they were all prepared and excited for the chaos that was about to unfold.

Less than twenty meters in front of the enemy camp that remained mysterious to them as their spies was never able to penetrate the defenses of the sentries, the Ereian infantry began a mad sprint forward not willing to be left behind by their comrades to begin the looting of the enemy camp.

“Collapse the walls!” Khao’khen shouted and the modifications done to the walls of their camp was finally put to use. The orcs broke the locks of the modified walls and two third of the walls with the exception of the center that held the gate crashed forward and effectively squashing the Ereians who were faster than their allies.

“Begin the slaughter! Charge!” Khao’khen’s voice boomed and the Yohan First Horde broke into loud battlecries as they raised their weapons before madly sprinting forward.

“For the chief!”

“For the horde!”

The orcs massive charge took the Ereian infantry by surprise as enemies flooded their messy ranks and easily penetrated deep into their lines. Chaos and panic spread among the Ereians as they desperately tried to get away from foes that they have never expected. The Rakshas was at the forefront of the charge as they stormed the Ereian infantry and effectively trampling their lines like that of a stampeding bull.

“It’s the orcs! RUN!”

“NO! NO! NO! I don’t want to die like this…”

Fear gripped the hearts of the Ereian infantry after learning the identity of their foes and they badly tried to flee towards their camp but they were being block by their allies who were still yet to see who they are actually up against. With the combat prowess of the orcs, they demolished the frontline of the enemy infantry that they were up against especially since they have given up any kind of resistance as they showed their backs to them in an attempt to flee from the battlefield but this just made their demise quicker.

With the Rakshas completely destroying the center of their enemies, the Yurakks began pouring on the rears of their foes trying to encircle them and trap them there which would deny them of any way to escape from the battlefield. The Yurakks were still yet to completely encircle the enemy infantry but the Rakshas were already done with their adversaries as they split the enemy infantry into two with the center cleared of any presence of any except for those who had already fallen or those who were waiting for death to claim them and welcome them in his embrace.

Ounephes was infuriated when his scrying spell began faltering again and not just at one place but on both areas. He was robbed of his vision on their cavalry after the fleeing enemy cavalry started turning around to engage them and the last visual that he had with their cavalry was when they began cutting down the enemy army after they caught up to them before they can fully form up their ranks.

The last image that his spell allowed him to see was the two thirds of the walls of the enemy camp collapsing forward and crushing some of his soldiers then his spell faltered without him seeing what his soldiers were actually up against. With the distance between the Ereian infantry and the archers who participated in the night assault, the archers weren’t able to provide immediate support to their allies and their commander was hesitant to have them advance forward to provide some assistance because they would be easy pickings if their enemies can get close to them.

The Ereian cavalry that went on the pursuit of the Drakhars who they thought were really retreating began being dismembered by the Warghen clan as the wargs easily preyed upon their steeds and tore them to shreds with their fangs and claws while their riders easily overpowered the Ereian riders when it comes to brute strength and combat prowess. Seeing that they are going to be all slaughtered, the commander of the cavalry instructed some of the riders to disengage and head back towards their camp to inform their superiors of the presence of the orcs nearby and there is a huge possibility that the House of Darkhariss was allied with the war-loving creatures.

After hearing the instruction of their commander, more than thirty riders broke away from the clash and began sprinting towards their camp but they didn’t even manage to cover a distance of a hundred meters when they spotted some enormous shadows charging towards them. They didn’t know who or what was approaching towards them but judging by the pace of their charge and the slight tremors being cause by them, they were certain that they weren’t friendlies.


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