Rise of the Horde

Chapter 310 - 310 Chapter 310

310 Chapter 31The opening clash of the main battleline of both armies was again between the right flank of the Drakhars and the left flank of the Ereian army under the command of Ounephes. With their formation, the Drakhars won the initiative of the fight as their foes had no way to get them within the range of their weapons. Methodically the Drakhars began cutting down the Ereian left flank but the Ereians maintained their formation without showing signs of backing of from the engagement unlike the previous battle where they were up against each other.

The Ereian archers were still hampering the advance of the Drakhars’ center without much difficulty as their targets were almost stationary because of how slow they moved forward. A quarter of an hour passed and the archers finally ran out of arrows to fire and they were forced to retreat behind their infantry as it was too farfetched for their capabilities to engage the enemy infantry in melee combat.

Zaraki the Black then ordered for their cavalry to move forward to try and lure the enemy cavalry away to let the Drakhars’s left flank to engage without worrying about being flank by the enemy cavalry. The scheme of the Ereian cavalry to flank them was very obvious from the way that they are positioned in the battleline of their foes.

The one in command of the cavalry acknowledge the order of Zaraki and began their advance forward to try and bait the enemy cavalry to chase after them since they were also a threat to their flanks as much as they are to theirs. Seeing the movements of the enemy cavalry, Ounephes instructed fir two units of their cavalry to go forward and fight them. There were still no signs of an advantage from both armies but the battle between the Drakhars’ right flank against the reinforced Ereian left flank was bloody as bodies began to pile up.

The reinforce Ereian left flank finally managed to get through the hurdle of getting through the long spears of their enemies by sacrificing many of those in the front to keep the Drakhars occupied while the second row of their infantry flanked them . The rightmost of the Drakhars right flank was starting to show signs of crumbling as they were being overrun by the enemy infantry. Noticing that they are starting to be overpowered, the commander of the right most unit in the right flank of the Drakhars ordered for his soldiers to focus in defending.

The situation got stabilized when the right most unit of the Drakhars’ right flank halted in their advance as they began mounting up a solid defense while the other two units who were with them in the right flank decimated the numbers of their foes. With the three units of infantry behind them executing a flanking maneuver, the left flank of the Ereian army began showing signs of falling apart as their depth was cut down by half and no one was there to reinforce their numbers after being cut down by the two units of their foes who aggressively advanced forward.



The commanders of the two remaining units of the Drakhars’ continuously shouted for their soldiers to advance knowing that their right most unit was being overpowered by their enemies and they must eliminate or rout the enemy unit in front of them fast in order to provide aid for their allies less they crumble apart which would in turn leave their flank to be open.


The battle raged on with the Drakhars eventually routing the two units of enemy infantry and turned to their right to envelop the remaining enemy infantry that was attempting to break through their flanks. Casualties of the right most unit of the Drakhars was massive as they lost more than half of them while repelling the flanking maneuver of their foes and they were almost at their breaking point but luckily their allies managed to defeat their opponents and timely came to their aid.

With their right flank turning to the right to help the rightmost unit, Zaraki shouted for the center to hurry and engage the enemy center to block them from mounting an attack on the exposed rear of their right flank. The Drakhars center sprinted forward and their formation was thrown into a mess but they quickly steadied it after the initial clash since their only objective was to obstruct the enemy center from striking the rear of their allies.

Far from the battle, the cavalry unit that accompanied the Drakhars were being pursued by two units of the Ereian army. To the north, the cavalry of the Drakhars headed there since they knew that an ally of theirs was patrolling that area. The Ereian cavalry was engrossed in chasing their foes and didn’t realize that they were too far away already from the main battlefield.

The Ereian side still possessing cavalry units to utilize, Zaraki instructed for their left flank to lag behind the center and stay on the defensive to deny the enemy cavalry from attempting to strike at the rear of their center. With the instructions given by the commander of the army, the three units of Drakhars that was on their left flank began forming a diagonal line with the rightmost hugging tightly the edge of their center while the archers were mobilized to position themselves right behind the center of their left flank to aid in deterring any attempts of their foes from maneuvering through their flanks and rear.

Khao’khen can’t help but nod his head in agreement with the arrangements done by Zaraki as he shifted his gaze towards the trail of dust that was heading to the north. He can’t help but smile knowing that the enemy cavalry had no idea that they are heading towards an accidental trap since. The Warghen cavalry was assigned to patrol the north and keep an eye out for another possible enemy army but it seemed like they will see action today. And knowing the love of orcs for battle, Khao’khen was sure of it that the Warghen cavalry would gladly welcome the Ereian cavalry.


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