Rise of the Horde

Chapter 294 - 294 Chapter 294

294 Chapter 29The skirmish between the Ereian Bloodhounds against the empowered Baron Masud was finally coming to an end as the baron thrashed his weakened enemies without much difficulty. Commander Lastam tried as he might but he can’t escape the inevitable. Baron Masud clutched the unwilling commander by the neck and raised him up into the air, “You’re pathetic…” he mocked in the voice that didn’t seem to belong in the world of the living. “A-at-least… I…d-d-don’t…re…ly…on…d-dark…p—p—powers…ptooey!” Commander Lastam struggled to utter his words while he was being strangled by his foe and as a last hurrah he spat at the face of his enemy and a mocking smile was on his lips despite the situation that he was currently in.

Baron Masud didn’t bother to wipe the saliva mixed with blood on his face as he gave off a grin, he transferred his hold on the neck of the enemy commander to his left hand and his right hand went on to grab a hold of his skull. Commander Lastam’s eyes showed no fear as he knew that it was pointless and he has already accepted his fate, ‘I guess this is the end for me…’ he thought then the pain from his skull being squeezed tight by his foe assaulted his senses but he refused to utter even a sound. Irritated that his foe didn’t make the sound that he wanted, the baron began pulling back the skull of his victim with all his might. Commander Lastam endured the pain silently and still refused to make a sound which further infuriated the beast that was in front of him but he didn’t care. The baron unleashed one loud anger filled roar and with all his might dragged the skull of the stubborn commander back while he pushed his body downwards by applying force upon his collarbones and loosening his grip onto his neck.

Seeing that his victim still refused to release even a groan of pain, Baron Masud released his grip unto the skull of his victim and dug his sharp claws unto his spine. Finally, Commander Lastam let out a gasp of surprise after feeling something inside his back. The baron let out a smile as he started pulling upon the spine of his foe and watched the stalwart eyes of the commander begin shaking from the pain that he was enduring. A mighty tug of the baron onto the spine finally ended everything as he raised the spined attached with the head of the enemy commander into the air like a champion would do to a trophy after winning the competition.

“A freaking sadist!” Khao’khen exclaimed after seeing what the demon-like creature was doing to his foe. Even he wouldn’t go that far, even against his most hated enemy. The Skallsers began cheering wildly after the baron raised his claimed trophy from the body of his foe like he was one of them which unsettled Khao’khen but soon he heard the sound of someone vomiting which was then followed by another.

As soon as he turned his head around, he saw the Ereian who he can’t remember his name was with his body leaning forward as he threw out the contents of his stomach and not far away from him was also Adhalia who was doing the same. The Drakhars were clearly trying hold themselves back from doing the same but their faces says it all that they were holding it in. Only the orcs were crazy enough to enjoy and cheer after witnessing such a brutal scene.

The baron soon turned his head towards the source of the noise and he saw that their were still others that he could fight and inflict more pain. He began walking towards them in a slow pace which further increased the pressure that Khao’khen had to endure after seeing that their foe was taking his time, ‘Why? This guy knows to show off…’ he thought but then he would also do the same if he knows that he can intimidate his enemies.

The effect of his slow approach came into effect as some of the Drakhars began shaking in fear after thinking about the possibility of fighting against such a vicious foe. Khao’khen was in turmoil as he can’t think of any plan to deal with this kind of foe and the expectant gazes of the Skallsers that was directed at him gave him even more pressure. The look upon the eyes of the orcs was telling him to step up and go challenge the powerful since he was the strongest among them and they see the unhurried steps of their foe which was heading towards them as a declaration of challenge and him being their chieftain had to answer the challenge and prove that he is stronger than their foe.

“I am screwed…” Khao’khen groaned after seeing that the gaze of their foes was focused on him and no one else, it seems like the demon-like creature was actually challenging him to a duel. He wanted to make use of their numbers against their foes but seemed to be unrealistic at the moment as the orcs began chanting his name and even the carefree ogres joined in started chanting his name.

“Khao’khen! Khao’khen! Khao’khen!”


“Go chief! Crush him! Show him your strength!”

The shouts of his warriors cheering for him didn’t make him feel better but instead put him on the tight spot, if he wouldn’t step up and exchange blows with their foe alone, his prestige would drastically fall among his warriors since he would be deemed a coward and unworthy of their respect and no worth following. “What the f*ck!” he cursed in his native tongue which nobody could understand except for him but the cheers began louder as his warriors misinterpreted his outburst as a battle cry.

Khao’khen finally decided to just step forward since he can’t think of any other way for this to en, he was betting that his warriors would come to his aid when he will be in a really dire situation which would need their intervention. He was thinking if he should go ahead and charge at his foe to somehow put some pressure on his foe with his opening attacks or just remain where he is at and prepare to defend and counter when the opportunity arises. “F*ck this sh*t! Come on!” he pointed at his foe which further increased the volume of the cheers of his warriors.


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