Rise of the Horde

Chapter 273 - 273 Chapter 273

273 Chapter 27Khao’khen and his group made their way out of the woods and followed the dirt road which led to the town up ahead which they seek to lay siege at with the help of the ogres. The towering ogres who were at the rear of their formation were carrying with them trunks of small tree which they uprooted as both a weapon and as a material for siege engines whenever a need for them arises. Adhalia was leading her Drakhars while Yakuh himself was leading the warriors of his tribe with the assistance of the father and son Pelko and Ikrah who were leading their warg riders.

They were still more or less an hour away from the town up ahead and were still oblivious of the battle that was going on inside the town. Khao’khen himself felt that something wasn’t right as they haven’t seen or notice any sign of enemy scouts, their foes might have really good scouts or something is really going on within the town that they were unaware of. “Hasten the pace, something doesn’t feel right…” he commanded as he gave further instructions to the warg riders of the Skallser clan to scout the surrounding areas for any presence of their foes or any traps that they might have set up for them. Ikrah led half of the warg riders while his father Pelko led the other half and they went to different directions, Adhalia herself also instructed the Drakhars to do some scouting along with their orc friends and the designated scouts among her soldiers separated themselves from the main group and spread out.


“Annoying bastards…” Commander Lastam snorted after turning a house into rubble with his previous and along with the collapse of the house were the archers who were hiding in it as they got buried in the ruins of the destroyed residence. “It’s not just here boss, they are everywhere…” one of the elites of his men cried out to after deflecting a series of arrows that was clearly aimed at him. “There on the left…also to the north!” another one of his men cried out as he hid behind the walls of a nearby building to avoid the arrows that came flying out of nowhere.

The hounds who were scattered throughout the town to begin their looting were faced with a lot of difficulties as the remaining infantry under the lead of Captain Kertakk or one of his sergeants would ambush their unsuspecting foes from alleyways with the support of the archers who were hiding in the houses nearby.

In an alleyway, Captain Kertakk and his men who were with him were taking a break after taking out a group of their foes who aimed to loot the warehouses near the marketplace in town. “Captain, foes were spotted a hundred meter to the east.” A soldier of his reported after receiving words from and archer who quickly departed after saying what he had to say and headed towards the houses to make himself scarce as not to be notice by their foes who were all over the town. “Alright men… It seems we have a new target to take out… Same as before… Take them out as quickly as possible before they can call for reinforcements… Let’s do this.” His voice was filled with confidence after their series of victories against their foes in this unorthodox way of fighting. He didn’t know how many enemies have they taken out already nor the number of groups that they have defeated but he sure was happy that they were slowly thinning out the number of their foes within the town and denying them from having an easy time in heading towards the castle where their families were taking refuge at.

“This is becoming annoying…” an elite soldier among the hounds snarled after taking out another group of irritating archers in the houses up ahead. He made use of the most direct approach to get rid of their foes which was taking them out along with their hiding spot as he turned five buildings in the surroundings into rubble. “It seems that our enemies are trying to delay for time…” Lishtal whispered to himself after noticing what their foes were trying to do and he was correct in his guess but their opponents weren’t just trying to delay for some time but also aimed to take out as many of them as they can to reduce the burden of their comrades when the siege on the castle begins.

Commander Lastam was still confident in taking the town as their numbers was greater than their foes, he just didn’t knew by how much. He was also getting annoyed by the arrangements of their foes against the, “Lishtal! Send word to our scattered men to gather at the center of the town… We will directly head for the castle and end this farce one simple all.” Lishtal by his side nodded his head in acknowledgement and began arranging for the runners to spread out and disseminate the order of their commander.

Captain Kertakk and his soldiers successfully took out their next targets and also got rid of the enemy reinforcement that was lacking in number compared to them, he lose some of his men in the previous encounter but he can’t do anything about and casualties will always be a part of bloody struggles. “News from the lookouts captain…” a soldier not from his group ran up to them while breathing haggardly as he had his hands on his knees while crouched down trying to catch his breath. “Go on… What is the news?” the captain allowed the exhausted soldier to rest for some time as he patiently waited for his response.


“Our foes are gathering together…huff…. It seems they have given up….huff… trying to take the town…huff… in scattered groups… huff… huff…” the soldier reported in between breaths while still trying to stabilized his breathing. Captain Kertakk frowned after hearing the words of the soldier as the move of their foes would negate his previous arrangement with their archers spreading out in town to ambush their foes.

After a few moments of silence, the captain made his decision, “Inform the others to fall back to the castle… We will make our last stand there… You! You and You! Help him to spread out my orders!” he commanded as he pointed at his chosen men to inform the others of his new arrangements. The soldiers chosen by him nodded their heads upon being tasked by their captain and hurriedly headed in different directions to inform their comrades of the new order.


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