Rise Of The Hoarder

Chapter 96 Choice

“A carefully planned strategy is in place and our victory is assured as long as we make up for our lack of numbers… so, as fellow Camp Members, I will ask you… who is willing to join forces with the expedition force in order to form the appropriate subjugation team and protect the camp?!”r

Absolute silence filled the air. The once noisy mob shut their mouths and ceased moving.r

Charles was stunned by the response of the crowd. In all fairness, he had expected this much to happen, but seeing something occur before your very eyes is always the best way to confirm it.r

“Anyone?” Charles repeated, his voice echoing through the vast building.r

No one dared to meet his eyes, looking uncomfortable by his declaration. Even in the absence of words, the Camp Members made their stance clearly known.r

‘No one is volunteering… because they don’t want to die!’ I smiled, watching Charles’ expression turn sour.r

Surely, he had realized it by now… that there was no hope for these people. To get what he wanted, our dear Camp Leader would need to step up.r

“I believe you have all misunderstood me. No, perhaps it’s my fault for phrasing this wrongly…” Charles said, now deepening his glare at the people.r.

The Camp members all noticed the change in his tone and looked at their leader.r

“It appears I need to spell out the situation to you. Without a proper subjugation squad, this Camp will be invaded, and every one of you will die. Do not think for one second that you are safe here if you refuse to participate.” Charles declared coldly.r

This harsh reality swept through the minds of everyone, causing their eyes to widen. Despair slowly seeped in, and their hearts which were previously set on avoiding danger was beginning to waver.r

“We do not possess enough resources to support fleeing, and frankly speaking, none of them will be wasted on civilians who refuse to fight. All the resources were brought to this Camp by the expedition team members who risk their lives during every mission. Should there be a choice on preference, they take priority. I hope you all understand what that means?” Charles stated.r

At this point, murmurings could be heard from the members. The scared and selfish people couldn’t accept the future that awaited them. The scarce resources would be given to the Expedition team, while everyone else would be left to fend for themselves.r

“I will say this now. You all have a choice. First would be to support this subjugation mission wholeheartedly…”r

Gasps wafted through the air as the people waited for the second option Charles would give.r

“… The second would be to leave this Camp right here and now! This place has no intention of sheltering cowards who won’t bother fighting for its continued survival.”r

A moment of silence ensued, blood-curdling tension could be seen in everyone’s eyes. From where I watched, I already knew the next action the people would make.r

‘Nice going, Charles. You straight up told them…’r

A roar of complaints burst forth from the dissatisfied members of the Camp. Their faces morphed into selfish, entitled expressions. r

“You can’t do this to us!”r

Sure, he could. Charles called the shots, plus it was for justifiable reasons.r

“We’re humans too, you can’t throw us out now!”r

In such a world, it was every man for himself. The idea of a Camp was flawed from the very start.r

“I’ve worked my hardest in this Camp. I do my part. Those who can fight should do their part as well!”r

It was indeed tragic. However, what was needed at this time was more fighters. No one was allowed to remain on the sidelines.r

More complaints and excuses emanated from the wagging tongues of the audience, but the look on Charles’ face indicated that he wasn’t going to entertain any of them.r

This whole thing was a test, yet the people had no idea. Obviously, not everyone could be sent to subjugate the Demons, to begin with. With my assistance and a decent strategy, we only needed a few dozen more from the hundred-plus in the Camp.r

However, the fact that none of them had any loyalty to the Camp, at least enough to volunteer of their own volition to fight for their survival, showed that there needed to be a check.r

‘The bond of any family is loyalty and trust… this Camp has neither. And as a result, Charles had to resort to this.’r

The reason I caused this riot in the first place was to put him in this situation and show him the true nature of the people he was trying to protect. r

Judging from his reaction, he had learned his lesson.r

“I believe I have given you enough time to consider your options… now then, I will ask you one more time…” Charles spoke, interrupting the protests of the desperate crowd.r

They all stopped their pointless cries and stared at him, begging with their eyes for compassion and mercy. However, the time for that was over.r

“… Who is willing to join forces with the expedition team, so as to form the appropriate subjugation team and protect the camp?”r

I nearly burst out laughing, I was pretty happy with the success of the plan.r

‘With this, we’ll have a better turnout! You can thank me later, Charles.r


In the end, out of the 132 civilian adults in the Camp, over a hundred decided to join the Subjugation force, while the rest took their chances and left.r

Charles, who had the Expedition team directly under his command, didn’t hesitate to drive them out. They couldn’t resist since they had no strength. So, that very afternoon, all 29 traitors were banished from the Camp.r


“Well done, Charles. You handled it well.” I smiled, as I was seated on a chair in Charles’ office.r

The Camp leader didn’t look too happy which made me wonder whether he was still sulking over the 29 who decided to leave the Camp.r

“Hey, don’t look so glum. There was no other choice. You shouldn’t be worried about those traitors. They betrayed the Camp, you know?” r

Charles raised his head and I could see the glare on his face. He wasn’t just shaken about the ones who left. The look in Charles’ eyes had more to it. He was… angry at me…?!r

“Jeremy, what exactly did you do to them?” r


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