Rise Of The Hoarder

Chapter 233 Fight Back!

There were no such things as words needed in an exchange between two opposing factions, especially where the winner decided everything.

Only the weak would choose to resort to a conversation in order to seek an advantage over those stronger. However, those who were truly powerful only had one thing in mind… to take what they wanted!

“Check their Status Windows, everyone!” Tasha declared, urging her subordinates to march forward without fear.

In numbers, our group had the advantage… and in Levels, we also took the crown. There was no need to hesitate.


The possibility of sparing the lives of the invaders didn’t cross the minds of any Camp Member. They simply did what needed to be done!

I watched as they exchanged Skills and Gifts with one another, silently spectating the show..

‘Oh? The opposing team members aren’t bad. They’re effectively using their Skills in tandem with Gifts, and they’re not hesitating in going for the vital spots of our Camp members…’

Unfortunately, while they were impressive, there were certain heights one could not achieve without the right level. As a result, their skills were crushed by the overwhelming power and multiple Skills on our side.

“Lara is in Level 95. Daniel is at Level 89. Tasha is at Level 85. The remaining are either in the early 70s or late 60s. A few are in the late 50s while Melissa is in the late 40s. There’s no way they will lose to these dregs.” My words unconsciously came out.

Fortunately, it was a whisper, so no one heard me clearly. They were too immersed in their fight to care, anyway.

Out of all the opposing members, none of them actually stood out as powerful. The one with the highest Level among them was in the early 40s, Level 42.

I was certain he held a very high position among the rest since others had an average of 27 Levels.

Unfortunately, their champion was weaker than the most useless in our team. The results were evident.




Screams filled the air as blood spurted from the enemies.

I could see fear planted in their eyes upon realizing they were no match for us. It was foolish of them not to have checked for our Levels earlier, but I had to assume they were too confident in their abilities.

Now that they had realized the error of their ways and tried to escape, it was too late. Tasha personally ripped the heart out of one of the men while Daniel dismembered their limbs. For some reason, he had a pained expression on his face as he shed blood, and even then, he refused to finish off the enemies.

“That’s a Lawful Good Alignment for you, even now he fails to kill these pieces of trash…” Disgust and amusement both mixed into my tone.

It made me remember Anabelle. Since she was the same as Daniel, chances were that she used the same method. No wonder the Camp was defeated. A weak mentality like mercy would only lead to loss.

While taking human life was a qualifier for having the ‘Evil’ Alignment, it was strictly applied to all persons. The motivation for killing mattered when calculating if the action was ‘evil’ or not.

If a person killed out of self-defense or had no choice in the matter, then they would not be branded as ‘evil’ by the system. Another factor was that the people that were killed had to possess the ‘Evil’ Alignment. If a person killed someone with a ‘Good’ Alignment, they would instantly be branded as ‘Evil’, since no ‘Good’ Gifted would put another Gifted in a situation where the latter had to kill the former.

That meant killing ‘Good’ Aligned Gifteds was forbidden, and ‘Evil’ Aligned Gifteds was permissible if it was necessary. Unfortunately, if I killed anyone directly I would be branded as ‘Evil’ since my motivations were not pure.

It was different from these Camp Members, though. They were cutting down actual humans yet their Alignments did not change! This was because they intended to retake their Camp, and also in self-defense.

Using this rationale, people like Ana and Daniel should have had no problem killing people, but doing so would perhaps sully their extremely ‘Good’ Alignment.

Such weakness led to one’s downfall in the end.

‘Still, these guys should be enough to give someone like Anabelle much trouble. There has to be a stronger person around….’

Even if the major firepower of the Camp were gone, Anabelle and her team were considered elite, and their teamwork was not something to scoff at. As long as they were in the Camp, victory was guaranteed, especially if the enemies were these worms.

‘Hmm, I sense two fairly powerful presences. One should be Charles, and the other… hmm, it has started moving…’

I intensified my gaze and realized that the moving presence was actually more powerful than Charles. That meant, whoever that was, he ran the show!

As I mused, I noticed yet another presence, albeit faint. It was stationed a distance away from the Camp, lodging itself on a fairly tall platform that used to be a high-rise building.

It had collapsed now, but the height still exceeded that of the Camp. For someone to have been there, and was clearly focused on our location, it only meant one thing.

‘A sniper, uh? These guys have a sniper… that’s quite good.’

Unfortunately, even with such a distance from us, it was meaningless. Our team would intercept whatever blast he was intending on firing at us, and then as soon as they spotted his location, that was the end.

‘I shouldn’t let him distract them, though. Besides… that sniper could he useful…’

A smile formed on my face as I vanished from the battlefield and made my way to the location of the faraway enemy.


In a flash, I stealthily closed my distance and crossed the wreck of a path to get to the building.


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