Rise Of The Hoarder

Chapter 223 The One Who Won


~Skill: <System Correction> is now in Effect~

<Please Select The Designated Route>

—Ideal State

—Original State (Current Condition)

<Alteration Shall Be Applied Immediately After Your Choice>

[End Of Information]

I had already thought hard about the choice, and it was worth the risk!

Confirming my selected option, a brought golden light shone on the boot I selected. in a flash, the massive boot before me vanished, and a buzzing replaced it, almost like a system glitch of some sort.

It stabilized quickly, though, and I saw no [System Error] sign, so that was a good thing. By the time a few seconds elapsed, the bright light had dimmed, and the massive item in my presence had turned into something else entirely.

The Boot had shrunk!

“It works! Whew! That was a relief.”


~Skill <System Correction> Has Been Successfully Applied~

<You May Choose To Revert This Item To Its Original State If You Wish>

[End Of Information].

I could basically make my weapons big or small. It was the ultimate cheat, considering how size came in handy in some cases. I was glad to have gotten the Title of ‘Singularity’ if it meant I could do something like this.

But, I still had to be wary of some things.

These were uncharted waters since a lot of the recent changes were foreign to me. As an anomaly, I was bound to create some ripple effects that would change the scenarios I once knew.

Of course, the major events to come couldn’t be changed, they were inevitable! However, other minor progressions would be affected. That meant I couldn’t blindly trust my knowledge anymore.

‘I should also try not to interfere too much in things if I can help it… no… I will probably have to!’

Usually, at this point, a protagonist would sit back and choose to carefully move from this point, but I was different.

There was no way I could be quiet enough not to upset the balance of everything and still hope to achieve my goals. They were conflicting already.

To achieve greater rewards and amass satisfactory power for myself, I would have to mess with a lot of things. If the price I had to pay for my goals changed in the future I once knew, then that would leave me at an impasse.

‘There’s no need to think about that now, though… one thing at a time.’

The next thing I needed to do was to ‘correct’ all my new items to their ‘Ideal State’. Afterward, I would need to check out my Skills and get as many new ones as I could. Upgrading those I already had would also be useful.

“Hmmmn… I should kill the Hobgoblin Champions I have in my [Subspace] too. It’ll be a bother just having so much extra EXP floating around.”

Of course, not all of them would die. I still needed quite a number of them for… reasons. But, too many of them would just be excesses.

‘With my new Grade 2 Weapons, they shouldn’t pose a problem. I can take care of them and sorry out my stuff at the same time!’

A smirk formed upon my face as I finalized a plan on the idea that just popped up.

Making efficient use of time had always been something I loved.


Barely thirty minutes had passed and I was completely done with all I needed to do. Currently seated on my throne, already retrofitted to suit my size, I gazed satisfactorily at my new Status Information.

“Looks like I am now Level 319… not bad, not bad.”

Killing over a thousand of these freakishly powerful monsters, the Hobgoblin Champions, and I barely got 7 Level Ups. Considering how my Level was already at 312 after defeating the Boss, though, it was understandable.

During the time I spent alone, I successfully returned all my Grade 2 items into their ‘Ideal State’, and while I was sorting my Skills and the Demon Cores in my possession, <Automatic Summon> dealt with the trash for me.

It was quite a convenient ability to have. It gave me enough leeway to concentrate and carefully select my choice. By the time I was done… my Skills were now 40.


* Slot 1 – <Claw Attack>

* Slot 2 – <Spike Attack>

* Slot 3 – <Venomous Spikes>

* Slot 4 – <Steal>

* Slot 5 – <Recall>

* Slot 6 – <Summon>/Automatic Summon

* Slot 7 – <Roar>

* Slot 8 – <Command>

* Slot 9 – <Spike Skin>

* Slot 10 – <Extremity>

* Slot 11 – <Mine Alone>

* Slot 12 – <Nimble>

* Slot 13 – <Great Camouflage>

* Slot 14 – <Great Coordination>

* Slot 15 – <Unbreakable Skin>

* Slot 16 – <Deep Glare>

* Slot 17 – <Great Muscularity>

* Slot 18 – <Parlor Tricks>

* Slot 19 – <Magician>

* Slot 20 – <Dirty Play>

* Slot 21 – <Sneak>

* Slot 22 – <Mana Manipulation>

* Slot 23 – <Fireball>

* Slot 25 – <Spell Conjuring (Basic)>

* Slot 26 – <Illusion Arts>

* Slot 27 – <Invisible Barrier>

* Slot 28 – <System Correction>

* Slot 29 – <Domain>

* Slot 30 – <Earth Grudge>

* Slot 31 – <Great Fireball>

* Slot 32 – <Fortitude>

* Slot 33 – <Insight>

* Slot 34 – <Caster’s Blessing>

* Slot 35 – <Unyielding Spirit>

* Slot 36 – <Mutilate>

* Slot 37 – <Wind Cutter>

* Slot 38- <Healing>

* Slot 39 – <War Cry>

* Slot 40 – <Summon Javelin>

* Slot 41 – <Life Force>

* Slot 42- <Shatter>

* Slot 43- <Pressure>

* Slot 44 – <Perfect Warrior>

* Slot 45- <Translation>

* Slot 46 – <Enchant>

* Slot 47 – <Empty>

* Slot 48 – <Empty>

* Slot 49 – <Empty>

* Slot 50 – <Empty>

* Slot 51: <Empty>

[End Of Information]

Usually, I would have had 50 Slots, but thanks to <System Correction> occupying a Slot on its own, an additional Slot was added.

It was amazing how I had so many new Skills and a lot of my old Skills also experienced upgrades.

“I really didn’t think this Subjugation would be so profitable!”

Of course, the Gate was already closed the moment the System resolved the glitch and I was once again able to save everyone from the scourge of the Hobgoblin Horde.

What a hero I turned out to be! I mean, it wasn’t my intention, but could anyone deny the fact that I had saved literally thousands of humans that would have ultimately challenged this Horde of monsters later in the future.

It was a win-win situation.


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