Rise Of The Hoarder

Chapter 114 Slaughter




Blending flesh, spraying blood, and the cries of the victims filled the air.

As I cut them down one after the other, in their hundreds, they all succumbed to death. I spared no expense in sending the Hobgoblins to oblivion. Using the weapons I possessed and the personal summoning at my disposal, I laid waste to the enemy Recalling and summoning my weapons again, the bodies of the Hobs became nothing but target practice which tore to pieces after countless stabs and slices.

I didn’t allow my weapons to do all the work, though. With my sword in hand, I raced amid the enemies and began slashing my way through. Even with <Aura> gone, I was plenty fast and powerful.

I dodged the hits they gave, twisting my body to deal deadly strikes at my foes. Swiftly moving my body, yet powerful swinging my arms, I locked on to the arms, legs, and when I was done immobilizing the prey, I sliced their necks.

“GUARRRRKKKKKIIIIIKKKK!!!” They cried in pain, breathing their last.

Their bodies left no traces, allowing me to easily move to the next targets without any obstacles..

“Die! Die! Die!” I obsessively grinned while cutting down the Hobs.

Sparks of crimson energy were generated from my blade, easing the impact it made with their flesh.

Of course, I still kept launching my weapons at the Hobgoblins I wasn’t directly fighting. Darting my eyes quickly, I spotted the targets and used <Summon> to generate the sharp daggers where they were needed, effectively using the little time I had to completely subjugate the monsters.

‘Ten more!’ My mind rang as I used <Recall> to retrieve all the expended weapons in my arsenal, deciding to hunt the rest of the Demons myself.

The Core 5 sword I wielded also vanished since I decided to kill the remaining Hobgoblins using a different approach.

‘I haven’t tried this before… so you lot should be grateful.’ I grinned, readying myself with a stance.

Instead of using the usual method of subjugation, there was something I had been meaning to try. Pressing my feet into the ground, I created enough pressure, even cracking the surface I stood on.

>BOOOM< My body was launched high, toward the remaining Hobgoblins who were already fleeing.

Spinning midair, I instantly created a frenzied dance once more, summoning two of the <Hell Kobold King Claw> from [Subspace]. Grabbing one with my left hand, while the other made its way to my right, I made my way to the running targets.

“I’m Dual-wielding, baby!!!” I screamed with excitement.

Swinging both hands at one of the Hobgoblins, I created a synergy with both weapons, causing a deeper spark of crimson energy to burst forth from it. The swords ripped through the flesh of the Demon from both ends, even before their tip touched its skin.


In a flash, the Demon got blitzed. As I saw it turn ashen, and its blood particles drifting in the air, I got excited once more, feeling the effects of having two blades rather than one on both hands.

“More! Let’s do more!” I grinned, seeing 9 more fodder to try more techniques on.

“Gurrrukiiiii!!!” They made noises, indicating that none of them had any intention of dying by my hands.

Not that they had a choice in the matter, though.

Dashing once more, I tightly gripped both ends of the sword and slashed at my enemies, cutting them down before they could even react.

Bursts of crimson light filled the air, illuminating the frightened expressions the Hobgoblins made, while also reflecting on the blood spilled.

Cries kept ringing out in the dead of night, the cries of bloodthirsty monsters who had lost their drive to fight and only craved survival.

The predators became prey, hunted by a more brutal and ravenous creature… Me!

I kept hacking at them, already drowned in the ecstasy of killing freely, something I hadn’t done in so long.

This continued, until finally… I couldn’t hear any more noise. The cries of the Demons had ceased, and the reason for that wasn’t too far-fetched. They had all died.

I looked around me, seeing the last one to perish turn to dust. The rest had already left behind their Demon Cores, and their blood was still evaporating.

“Huu…” I heaved heavily, staring coldly at the sight of carnage left in my wake.

“How boring… I wanted to have more fun…”

A pinging sound appeared in my head, and I saw the notifications that had been piling up since my first Level-Up while fighting the Hobs.

[You Have Leveled Up]

[You Have Leveled Up]

[You Have Leveled Up]

[You Have Leveled Up]

“Oh? Your level-ups… adding the last one to the mix, I leveled up a total of five times, uh? That’s neat…” I muttered, proceeding to check my Status Information.

“Status Win-“

Before I finished making my statement, I heard approaching sounds from a distance. This alerted me in an instant. Upon leveling up, the range of my senses had increased considerably, so I could notice the presence approaching from a better distance.

“It looks like they’re close already…” I mumbled, gritting my teeth.

The scouts and guards from the Camp must have been alerted by the noise generated by my clash with the Demons.

Since it sounded pretty dangerous, they must have realized that they couldn’t handle it alone. The scouts would have notified Daniel, who in turn would gather top Gifteds, while alerting the whole Camp.

‘Since the noise could be caused by a coming threat, everyone needs to be on guard.’

Using this mindset, Daniel would set out with the scouts and top leveled Gifteds to assess the situation.

“They’ll soon be here…” I whispered, looking around me to see the Demon Cores left behind by the Hobgoblin slaughter.

Their blood had also not vanished entirely. Daniel’s group was sure to reach this location before it completely evaporated, leaving evidence of a fight here. However, I had no time to worry about that. A more pressing concern came to mind.

‘The Demon Cores!’ My mind rang.

There was no way I could leave them behind.


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