Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 78 An emotional wreck

Ronan ran with everything he had in himself , he ran with no destination in mind and he ran wherever the roads took him in the narrow forests.

He veered off trail for a while then jumped back on , little did he know all his feinting tricks were useless as the ones tracking him down were not level 60 hunters , but level 160 ascended balancers from the world order!

Just a simple spirit sense scan and they discovered the wherebouts of Ronan Draco .

The only reason Ronan made so far was because , Karna’s double explosions were too much to handle even for balancers as they were disoriented and in a mess of blood.

The images of Karna dying kept replaying in Ronan’s mind , as he kept stumbling into darker and darker thoughts as he felt immense power surging through his veins over which he had no control.

Ronan was of the phoenix clan lineage , and the angrier the phoenix clan members got the redder their eyes became and the more powerful their flames were .

While Ronan did not have the scarlet eyes his power did spike with his raging emotions , as it became harder and harder to keep the torrent of golden thunder inside his body .


Ronan used the martial arts ‘ Raging fist ‘ in anger , however the move was embarked with just a little bit of golden thunder power and the results were shocking.

While the normal raging fist was only good enough to crush boulders at best , Ronan’s raging fist thrown in anger created a 6 feet deep , 10 feet wide and 35 feet long canyon in the middle of nowhere..

Even Ronan did not realize the terrifying nature of the element flowing in his veins as he kept on running from his impending death.

‘ Why do you resist dear boy ? …. Let your instincts take over … Do not fear these base humans ‘.

A soothing male voice tried to coax Ronan , as Ronan felt his mind starting to numb.

‘ It hurts ….. it hurts to feel so much ! it hurts … my heart and my head hurts ‘. Ronan complained pitifully to the voice inside , as in his moment of weakness he turned to the voice for solution.

‘ Emotions are what vain humans feel , Us celestials are over this mortal barrier , shed your skin of reason and embrace your true nature and the pain will go away ‘. The voice replied to Ronan’s thoughts , as it dragged Ronan closer and closer to losing control.

Red from crying , Panting from running too hard and an emotional wreck from losing his sensei , Ronan was having one of the hardest days of his life but he had nowhere to vent his emotions as the culprits of the event were too strong for him to face and his own life that Karna sensei died to preserve hung on by a thread.

The only reason why Ronan refused to fall into depravity is because if he did not survive , Karna sensei’s sacrifice would become in vain and hence Ronan pushed to survive despite his own mental state.

‘ I HAVE TO SURVIVE , I HAVE TO , I HAVE TO LIVE AND BECOME STRONG AND AVENGE MY SENSEI ‘ Ronan only repeated those words in his mind as he imprinted the thirst for revenge in his every fabric of being.

Ronan knew for a fact that should he be able to get out of here alive , he had the necessary skills to survive in the wild and grow stronger without needing external help.

Then one day , he would be able to exact his revenge!


( Meanwhile in Avalon )

Percy had invited Maddy to the palace , as he introduced everyone at the house about his new girlfriend.

Contrary to Percy’s anticipation , nobody was warm towards Maddy at all and it was not because they had a prejudice against her but because she was not right for Percy.

It was hard to explain to anyone how someone they loved was not right for them , but from a third person’s perspective the reality was always clear.

The Draco family knew what a driven and focused boy Percy was before he fell for Maddy , and how he has became ever since he entered a relationship with her.

Skipping training , Skipping classes , A moody nature and a posessive personality. These were not the qualities of Percy Draco and they were poisonous elements introduced in him by the vixen.

It was because of this change in Percy that mother Sierra and grandmother Luna did not approve of the relationship at all , and were extremely cold to Maddy while for Augustus the unnamed clan bloodline of Maddy was not deserving enough of a Draco.

In Everlon bloodlines mattered a lot , and breeding with strong bloodlines produced strong offsprings which was why marriage to the right partner decided the rise and fall of a clan.

Augustus laughed at the men who married incompetent women for their beauty , as beauty would only please the **** for a few moments while a strong offspring would take the entire family to new heights.

Percy who was madly in love with Maddy could not realize why the others were cold to his Excellent and perfect girlfriend as she did not miss the chance to bash her eyelids and cry some crocodile tears to crush Percy’s spirits completely.

The fool that Percy Draco had become he did not realize the acting behind Maddy’s tears and did not understand the true purpose of her visit to the palace.

Maddy was given an extremely potent poison called ‘ Essence Of Death ‘ which was odorless and tasteless and was a neurotoxin that paralyzed the motor nerve communication effectively shutting down one’s brain.

One of the deadliest poisons out there , it needed only 2 minutes after being registered to kill it’s prey and the target given to her by the elders of the phoenix clan was Augustus Draco.

Hence while Percy was tending to the tears of Maddy , consoling her and burning his heart over every tear she shed .

Maddy was scheming to take the life of the eldest Draco alive.


( Meanwhile Alexander )

Alexander had finally entered the ruins as shown in the map , but the very first level in the ruins was a maze and Alexander had no way of traversing it.

Roaming the maze endlessly for 2 days Alexander could not find anything resembling an exit or a secret room or anything inside that would suggest that he was making progress.

His nerves were on the edge , and he no longer had any idea where the entry was either. To put it simply ….. he was lost.

However the drive inside him to get the ring for Ronan was extremely strong hence no matter how helpless he felt , his feet kept moving as his eyes kept scanning for clues .

Eventually he found a slight disparity between the color of two bricks on the wall and when he pressed them , one of the bricks went inside to trigger a hidden switch , that revealed a secret passage.

” BINGO! “. Exclaimed Alexander as he was happy to have found the hidden door , as he moved onto the next level.

However the next level of the ancient ruins was filled with all sorts of monsters , and hence began the journey through level 2 for Alexander which was accompanied with constant and bloody battles.

Hordes after hordes after hordes of monsters were burnt down using the flames of the phoenix , as Alexander made his way through them like a supreme Overlord .

” Hang in there my boy , papa will bring you the treasure soon “. Alexander murmured to himself as he reminded his mind about the reason behind his struggles.

There was a chance that his boy could stop his life as a fugitive with this ring …. and for that cause , Alexander was willing to go to any lengths necessary.


( Meanwhile the balancers)

Akshat touched a tree that came into contact with Ronan’s rampant golden thunder and was disintegrated out of existance.

If before today the three only speculated about the nature of Ronan’s powers , now all their doubts had been cleared.

Ronan was a forbidden element wielder!

” It seems like Avalon needs a change in regime …. the Draco clan needs to be wiped out of existance! “. Rushabh said after looking at the evidence.

Akshat nodded coldly as he said ” That is for later , for now we cannot let that boy run far . We must either capture him alive or kill him on the spot.

In any case Ronan Draco cannot be allowed to enter society ever again ! “.

The three balancers quickly started to pick on Ronan’s trail , as they closed in the distance between themselves and Ronan at a rapid rate.

However when they spread their spirit sense again to locate his precise location , what their spirit sense instead washed over was an extremely terrifying entity.

Cold sweats poured down the backs of the three balancers as they were too stunned to move , all they could here from the existance that their spirit sense washed over was ‘ Begone …. PUNY HUMANS ‘.


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