Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 76 Losing someone he cared for

Ronan made one mistake in his ignorance and that was practicing his forbidden elemental powers inside the town of Maharashtra.

The world order monitoring every major city in the world instantly picked up weak readings about the presence of forbidden elemental user , and three balancers were dispatched on the hunt.

Usually with such weak readings it would have been dismissed as a equipment calibration malfunction , however then one of the balancers got a glance of Ronan Draco.

While others maybe fooled by the appearance of the second prince of Avalon and buy into his alias as Rudra Rajput , the balancers were no fools.

Having hunted the kid for over 6 months they knew better than anyone everything about his description and his natural talents. However their suspicion that he had fled rather then kidnapped turned into reality as they observed his behavioural patterns more.

Being free to roam and free to take part in tournaments where he showed his formidable combat skills , it was obvious that Ronan Draco was no kidnapped prisoner , and the story that his wherebouts were unknown and so was the status of his life was all but a ruse.

For the balancers there was no reason as to why a prince of a nation would chose to live like a hermit unless he feared the world orders inspection on his return and hence they watched his fight calmly while admiring the kids talents.

However not only did they find Ronan , they found another wanted criminal as well travelling as his guard in the form of Karna Suryavanshi! a survivor from the suryavanshi clan performing light magic healing on the body of Ronan Draco during match intervals.

Suspected to carry the forbidden bloodline the Suryavanshi’s were sentenced to be exterminated by the world order and Ronan travelling with such a wanted man did not help his case at all.

However even with the strongest of suspicions the balancers could not move against Ronan Draco without probable cause or arrest warrant , but the scenario was different for the wanted suryavanshi..

It was common knowledge that a forbidden element user became berserk after witnessing the death of a loved one , hence the plan devised by the Balancers was simple .

Kill Karna Suryavanshi to flush out the truth behind Ronan’s powers!


Karna was immensely proud of Ronan after the fight as he carried the tired kid on his shoulders back towards the motel.

Although the two walked in silence , both of them had a serene smile plastered on their faces as both of them relished the outcome of the previous fight.

Karna said ” So tell me 3 mistakes you made in the fight ? “.

His tone was gentle and full of anticipation as he wanted to know if Ronan grew from this hardship more than he could have grown in the mountains.

Ronan thought for a minute before replying “

1 . I got a little scared and overwhelmed after my enemy’s strength far surpassed mine and went into a shell in round one where i only thought about defense.

Had I been a little more calculating , i could have created an opening in round one itself. The opponent was strong but he was not the smartest one.

2. In round 2 , my defensive stance was creative , yet it put a lot of pressure on my hamstrings to be fighting in a posture like that while absorbing his blows.

A little more and my legs might be shot.

3. My fighting style is too plain , i need to use more feints and footwork while fighting my opponents , the approach i am using is not upto the mark to fight top calliber opponents. I only won because the martial arts that Karna sensei taught me were superior “.

Karna nodded in acknowledgement as he complimented Ronan on his comprehension. These were truly some areas that he could improve on in his fight.

While the world saw Ronan as a prodigy and there was no doubt about the fact that he was , but looking from the eyes of a veteran Karna knew that there was a lot of room for improvement.

Nobody was born a supreme warrior , one had to work to reach such a peak! However while it was impossible to reach there without sufficient talents and efforts , Ronan had the chance to get there should he continue to improve like he did.

The duo enjoyed a good teacher-student moment before their parade was ruined by three unknown men in green robes.

” Watch where you are going will you? You damn suryavanshi ….. “. Akshat the balancer said in a mocking tone as Karna’s eyes widened in shock!

‘ RUN ! ‘. his mind screamed only one command and in a flash Karna had turned to run , carrying Ronan on his back.

” RAT “. the balancer screamed as the three started to chase them , their speeds being much faster than Karna’s.

” Balancers , no good , Ronan RUN! “. Exclaimed Karna as within that split second he had decided that his life was already a forefit however he could not let Ronan go down with him.

Throwing three small orbs from his spacial pouch on the floor , Karna hoped to bring Ronan to his senses before he could send him off.

” What do you mean Karna sensei run ? who are these men? “. Ronan asked clearly shocked , as three massive explosions rocked the streets of Maharashtra as the orbs that Karna had thrown exploded.

Taking an instant regeneration pill from his spacial pouch he gave it to Ronan as he said in a commanding voice filled with urgency ” EAT “.

Ronan ate the pill as he felt fire flowing through his veins as his entire body felt uncomfortably hot.

His wounds were mended at an rate visible to the naked eye and his Exhausted body was replenished with energy.

Karna said in a solemn voice ” Boy , if you take me as your sensei and trust me THEN RUN! run as fast as you can and never look back! You go straight to Avalon to your father and tell him that the debt i owed him is paid ! , Otherwise this is goodbye , i was proud to be your master “.

Saying his farewell Karna let Ronan off his back as he turned to block an incoming attack.

BAM! Karna was sent flying as a wind palm knocked him off his feet as Ronan watched on in horror.

” KARNA SENSEIII “. Ronan shouted as he ran after his master rather than running for his life , however three green – hooded figures passed his pace like he was a snail , heading towards Karna .

Ronan had tears flowing down his cheeks he could not make sense of the situation at all , however he was unwilling to let go of his sensei hence he chased him nonetheless only to watch him being brutally beat down by three green robed men.

Kicks , punches and elemental attacks , the three of them who were vastly higher levelled mauled and crushed Karna as he bled from his nose , mouth and every single other body part.

This was a shocking scene for Ronan to witness as his invincible sensei was being trampled on like a bug by these strangers and Ronan could do nothing about it.

To make the matters worse the three of them were enjoying it while laughing while making derrogatory comments about Karna’s clan and his role as a master as if putting on a show … A show for the only spectator watching this event …. Him!

Karna was valiant and did not let a single scream escape his mouth even as he was repeatedly stomped on at the balls while feeling mind numbing pain.

” Do you want to live? Do you want mercy ? Ask for it and i will give it to you ….. “. One of the balancers said while having an elated expression on his face.

” Say the suryavanshi clan women were a bunch of ******* c**** and i will stop stomping on your balls “. Another balancer said

” Say that you are a failure of a sensei and everything you taught the kid standing there is a ruse and i will let your corpse be buried … say what ? “.

When the balancers stopped the torture to ask him a question Karna spat blood on their face defiantly , his eyes only staring at Ronan standing at a distance showing him what it meant to be weak and what obstacle he had to overcome in the future as the wielder of the forbidden .

Karna’s act only brought him a fresh round of torture , yet no matter how badly they hurt him his eyes still had the same defiance and he never begged for mercy

This was the pride of the suryavanshi warrior inside him , that refused him to kneel before anyone.

Karna had once told Ronan about the nature of Suryavanshi warriors. The clan prided on having their heads roll with a smile rather than their heads kneeling before anyone in shame.

Only bowing down before God Shiva and God Surya their ancestor , the suryavanshi’s were one of the most stubborn and prideful warriors of Avalon.

While the other balancers did not understand what Karna was trying to do , Ronan understood the message loud and clear.

Shouting at the top of his lungs Ronan said ” YOU THREE …. WHAT IS YOUR NAME? “.

The balancers who were only putting on the show for the sake of gauging Ronan’s true nature naturally intended to humor the kid as they said

” Captain Akshat , Balancer Namra and Balancer Rushabh Of the world order … Wanna kill us? ” Captain Akshat said mocking Ronan , trying to get the beast inside him to takeover.

Little did they know this naming session would be the reason the trio faced a horrible death years later.


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