Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 69 Entering the Tournament

Ronan was elated after eating his first proper supper in months. The comfortable bed that he rested his head on made him feel odd to the point where he ended up sleeping on the floor.

He simply could not sleep over the soft bed , since he had the constant feeling of the bed melting beneath him making him feel uneasy even though it was extremely comfortable.

However while the night was full of excitement for the young man , the next day was even better.

Practically given a free day and a rest from training , Ronan was allowed by Karna to explore the town and have a good time , as he even gave Ronan a little allowance money to enjoy himself.

Ronan ran around the town like a zoo animal that escaped into civilization after too long , as he practically raided ever sweet shop in town for a bite of the delicious sweets.

Karna always mentained an eye on the young Ronan Draco , as even though he gave the boy a free day , he was still responsible for his security. However only after seeing Ronan eat every single sweet from every sweet shop that he came across did Karna realize Ronan’s true nature as a bonafide glutton..

As a kid , sweets were his absolute favourite , yet inside the forest he was deprived of them for months. Hence given the first chance he unloaded all his money on them as he wore a blissful expression after eating each one.

The other thing that drew Ronan’s attention was weapons.

Visiting many blacksmithing shops , Ronan carefully studied each weapon and it’s price tag , as he would politely interact with the blacksmiths to understand the pricing of the products and what made them so valuable.

Apparently he was extremely fascinated with the sharp weapons and the story behind their creation.

However while he admired every weapon out there , his field of interest was definitely in the axe , but to his dismay most of the axes in the blacksmithing shops were for the purpose of wood chopping and there were no battle axes.

Curious as to why Ronan asked the Blacksmith polishing his weapons ” Sir , why don’t you sell battle axes in this store ? aren’t axes the most powerful weapon of them all ? “.

Looking at the 5 foot 2 child without any trace of beard , the blacksmith thought that he must be from a very influential clan to have such defined muscles at this young age , hence thinking about his answer carefully the man replied ” swords are more popular and they fetch a high price. I used to have battle axes but they sit around the store for a long time without anyone buying them , hence i gave up on forging those and only focus on the fast selling swords to make fast money “.

Ronan found this very odd , as he was not convinced by this answer at all . But since it was rude to cross question , he politely thanked the blacksmith for his insight and walked away.

In such a frolicking way Ronan spent the rest of his day as he came back to the motel with content plastered all over his face as he had thoroughly enjoyed his time , carrying a bag of sweets back to the room.

” So how was your day ? “. Karna asked in a nonchalant tone , eventhough he knew exactly how it went.

” Good , i am very happy “. replied Ronan who gave Karna a box of sweets as he opened one for himself.

” I wouldnt eat too much of those today , tommorow is a big day you see “. Karna said as he popped a sweet GulabJamun in his mouth.

Ronan stopped through his eating spree midway as he was puzzled by Karna’s remarks with visible confusion plastered all over his face.

” You see , you may have to fight 3 battles tommorow . 2 at the minimum i think unless your luck is really bad , so prepare to be in top-shape “.

Ronan was really puzzled now , and Karna started to explain about the tournament to him.

After a while a light shone in Ronan’s eyes as he clenched his fists in anticipation.

” … so to sum it up . I genuinely beleive this martial arts tournament will help you grow and improve , as only through fighting a myriad of opponents in intense fights does a warrior truly grow.

While the opponents will most likely be older and stronger than you , you must not put the name of the suryavanshi martial arts to shame.

Even if you lose , lose with dignity “. Karna concluded his explanations with this as Ronan nodded his head fervently as he felt his blood pumping at the mention of battle.

” Needless to say , even though we have successfully suppressed the appearance of your elemental affinity , you cannot reveal it under any circumstances lest we be hunted to the ends of earth.

This is a martial arts tournament and here only your body strength and technique matter. Hence those who use elemental affinity attacks are disqualified anyways.

But even so, don’t get too pumped up and don’t let your aura leak ! understand ? “.

Karna thoroughly prepared Ronan before his fight as he absolutely did not want this outing to turn into a nightmare chase by the balancers.

However he had enough faith in Ronan to reign in himself in time , which was the only reason he brought the kid out here to the town , as within the months of their intense training , there was never a situation where Ronan had lost his temper.

Hence with a new challenge and a good fight to look forward to , Ronan slept on the floor again as he imagined fighting new and interesting people with a myriad of different martial art styles the next day with all that he had got in himself.

Although he could not use his real name in the fight due to obvious reasons , he was going to adapt the name of ‘ Rudra Rajput ‘ and fight as a branch member of the Rajput clan that were influential near the town of Maharashtra.

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