Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 67 Time Skip (1)

( 6 months Later )

Ronan had mastered the first move of the Suryavanshi Clan martial arts the ‘ Raging Fist ‘.

What took Karna a full 6 years to master , was mastered by Ronan in less than a year and his execution of the move even looked more refined when compared to Karna.

Naturally , with Ronan’s level being low , the power of his move was much lower than Karna’s however overall his technique was much more refined.

While he could not split rivers into two , he could make a fist size dent in any boulder he punched , and could even break them if they were not too big or ridiculously hard.

Ronan had also levelled upto level 38 in the months that went by , and after being carefully fed potions after potions made by Karna to mask his Golden thunder powers , his body was finally not giving out visible fluctuations of his power..

Another notable change was that Ronan looked much more muscular than before as his muscles now looked toned after the hellish training Karna made him undergo day in and day out.

Although he could still not mirror every movement that Karna did , he could now keep up for more than an hour before his body gave out due to exhaustion.

This was a huge improvement as his explosive strength and speed saw a dramatic boost due to the difficult training.

Ronan had also became a proficient hunter and cook in the meanwhile , while also expanding his knowledge about various wild plants and animals as well as constellations as Karna educated him to the best of his abilities.

The duo had shifted camp , 4 times in the last 6 months as they were always on the road , however it had also been several months since Ronan saw another human except for Karna as the places the duo travelled to were always isolated from human civilization.

His secret spell training was also progressing smoothly as he discovered all the lightning spells he had learnt still worked with golden thunder however he could not control the nature of the attacks , as golden thunder in of itself was extremely corrosive.

However whenever he tried to use his powers , a mysterious voice kept trying to lure him into giving up control over his mind , which was a very irritating ordeal since Ronan had no plans of doing so. But with the lack of information of why he was hearing the voices or who they belonged to , he could do practically nothing about it.

Ronan did write to mother Sierra without fail every month , as although he did not recieve letters from her , he was still happy to keep her in the loop and make sure that she knew that he was okay.

Little did he know that his letters were the only joy Sierra , Augustus and Luna had in their lives as every month they would wait for it to appear with eagerness.

4 months ago a large confrontation between the nothern tribe alliance and the Avalonian army took place where many soldiers died .

The coalition army of the nothern chiefs put up a strong fight , however infront of Alexander’s origin flames they finally had to yield as the nothern barrenlands were annexed to the Avalonian empire.

However the war was not without its costs , as the human loss aside , Alexander suffered a scar across his left eye while Augustus’s back was pierced with two arrows.

Although both men were perfectly fine in the end , the injuries left a permanent scar and that left a pyschological impression on young Percy who always saw his family elders as invincible.

Although the Chieftains were hanged by their necks by the Avalonian army , the revenge did not bring any peace to the raging hearts of the Draco males as the real culprits the seven seas organization and the phoenix clan had safely retreated.

However Alexander did not unjustly punish the citizens of the nothern barrenlands for this as he did not punish a single one of them for war crimes or make them slaves.

Although he annexed the territory he immediately appointed a duke to reign over it under the Avalonian crown and declared it to be a semi – Autonomous region.

The Duke was the son of the fallen chieftain and a native , hence the transition of power was comparitively smooth.

However the takeaway from the incident was that , although the new Duke bent the knee to Alexander , he was not truly subservient as he still held Alexander accountable for the death of his father , hence although there was peace with the northerners , the problem was not completely resolved.


Meanwhile the balancers scoured the earth looking for Ronan Draco , however no matter how many days passed there was not even the slightest of information about his whereabouts , and since they could not indefinitely stay on one case forever , looking at the evidence suggesting that Ronan was not a forbidden element user as per the various students and teachers the trio had interviewed , they put a hold on the Ronan Draco man hunt at the moment giving him the benefit of the doubt and not wanting to waste time looking for him.

The order however still remained that should Ronan return to the palace , Alexander was to inform the world order immediately under good faith.

However would Alexander honor such a promise on Ronan’s return?

The answer was a big no , as Alexander started to train like a madman in Ronan’s absence , his goal being to become strong enough to stand upto the balancers of the world government when Ronan eventually returned from his exile.

However Alexander was not the only one with this thought process as Percy was pushing himself to the very limit every single day too , as he blamed himself to be the cause of Ronan’s absence from the palace .

Percy had levelled upto level 56 , which was an unheard achievement for someone who was not even 10 yet.

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