Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 63 A new start

Karna was the last Survivor of the glorious clan of Light element users called the ‘ Suryavanshi ‘.

Once a dominant clan of many outstanding warriors , and with a lineage of ruling for over 600 years with many big name emperor’s the clan was considered one of the unshakable pillars of the Everlon continent , however then a forbidden user was born within their ranks.

Born with the power to control the sun itself the child was found out by the world order and the entire clan was hunted down mercilessly by the balancers.

It was one of the biggest fight in the history of the continent as it spanned over 20 years and saw millions dying on both sides.

The suryavanshi vowed to topple the world order but in the end they were defeated and the once glorious empire was broken into 7 small kingdoms and many smaller independent villages , a collection of whom was later unified by Alexander to form the kingdom of Avalon.

Karna was a member of the branch family of Suryavanshi who was 45 when the great war ended ..

Hunted by the balancers he had to flee for his life , however while he survived his entire clan and every single person he knew was slaughtered in the aftermath of the war.

At age 49 , 4 years after the great war ,Karna fought Alexander when the village he was given asylum in was attacked by the phoenix clans army , For 3 days and 3 nights the two fought an intense battle at the end of which Karna’s back hit the floor first.

He could not beat Alexander as the level difference between the two was insurmountable , but his excellent battle skills and superior element advantage had made the fight.

At level 115 he was no match for Alexander who was already level 130 at the time , hence he forefit his life to Alexander as he prepared to die by his sword.

However Alexander shockingly pardoned him , and told him that he owed him a favour , a favour that Alexander asked for a decade later as he left his son Ronan to be trained and live with him.

As a survivor of the great war , Karna hated the order to his core and was the only one who Alexander could trust with Ronan’s safety , as Karna was an exceptional warrior and healer who had survived the hunt by the world order for over a decade.


When Karna had first heard about Alexander’s request he wanted to reject immediately . He was a complete bachelor who never stayed at the same place for over 3 months . He was not an ideal guy who should be trusted with bringing up a child. However the urgency and pain in Alexander’s eyes made Karna realize that if Alexander had any other options he would never bring ronan here .

Karna was not scared of Ronan being in posession of the forbidden element , he was quite amused by it , however the part about Ronan that gave him chills was the fact that he was a 9 star talent.

Talent was a department that Karna understood better than anyone being a 4 star talent himself.

Being raised in one of the best clans of the era , he could see how people much younger than him far surpassed his achievements because of posessing a higher natural talent , and it was something that no amount of hardwork could bridge .

Even his defeat to a much younger Alexander a decade ago was testament to the difference in natural talent , however even Alexander was nothing compared to his son in terms of talent who was at the pinnacle being 9 stars.

Karna knew that the child had limitless potential and the brightest of bright futures if nurtured properly , however not only did he not possess the required capital to properly buy supplements for a talent of his callibre to grow properly , but he was also not in posession of lightning techniques to teach the kid.

The only thing he was proficient in was martial arts , as being a member of the suryavanshi clan and a active participant in the great war , Karna was able to learn the clans strongest martial arts , The S ranked skill ‘ The Summer Dragon ‘ .

It consisted of 7 levels , with the highest level proficiency user being capable of even splitting boulders with a single flick of their fingers. However for whollistic development only martial arts was not enough , which meant that the road ahead was full of uncertainties.

But karna was a man of his word , from the moment he accepted Ronan under his wing , he swore to do his best to raise him into a worthy warrior of the Draco clan , as he used the clans strongest healing techniques to treat Ronan’s body while he was unconscious.

When Ronan finally woke up , karna felt a sense of releif in his heart as he walked out of the room to give the kid space for grasping his current situation . He expected Ronan to throw a tantrum or cry for hours being holed up inside the hut , or do other child like things for which he detested all children , however to his surprise Ronan did none.

Supressing his emotions like a true warrior Ronan walked out of the hut and greeted Karna with reverence and respect , as it was that moment that Karna finally let go of the last hesitation in his mind as he decided to start a new chapter of his pointless life.

The chapter of grooming the next Emperor of the free world …. the chapter of raising the broken boy to become the Dragon Emperor!


( Meanwhile in Avalon )

When Percy finally woke up the first thing he did was to ask about the welfare of Ronan , however when nobody would answer him he felt restless as he demanded answers in a more authoritative tone.

When he was finally told that Ronan had been kidnapped by a masked assailant from the palace , Percy completely lost his temper as he could not beleive how the palace security could be so lax.

His temper became so bad that he accidentally set fire to the entire medical wing , however Alexander could not even find the right words to rebuke his son , as the culprit of Percy’s agitated state was none other than he himself.

Alexander knew that the family desperately needed to make a new start and try and wether the storm that had befallen on them , but to do so successfully they needed an immediate outlet for their pent up anger .

And unfortunately for the seven seas organization and the Nothern barrenlands chieftains the anger of the Draco family was focused on them and their audacity to cause the incident that set in motion the events that caused soo much trouble to their happy family.

As the three Draco males , Augustus , Alexander and Percy vowed annihilation as revenge !

/// Apologies for not being able to upload a chapter yesterday , i will cover for it in the next 2 days.

We will also not Hit the powerstone target this week as we will not hit the 300 stones mark. Comeon guys we really need to do better , i hope we pick it up from here and atleast reach 250 stones the coming week for a bonus chapter! ///


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