Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 47 Ronan Vs Nitin

Ronan was surprised to see Nitin make it back to the martial arena after he had dumped him over .

Nitin had used his variant skills to make it back on top of the arena , right before he fell through the elimination line.

This was one of the reasons why wind users and the like that had the ability to fly were highly valued in the winter games , as unless they were completely disabled , they could use their skills to maneuver back into the arena.

Nitin was a sonic type variant , a type of sound skill , where he could produce sonic booms by vibrating his body . The original body owner had no control whatsoever over the direction of the sonic booms he could produce , however the same could not be said for Deckard.

Having perfected the control over the skills of this inferior body , Deckard was deadly accurate with his use of skills and powers.

” Ronan Draco , the real fight starts now …. ” Exclaimed Deckard as he took a perfect fighting stance.

Ronan too responded in kind as he took a proper fighting stance of his own.

The excitement of the crowd boiled , as this was more like the exchange they wanted to see rather than the one sided beatdown they witnessed moments ago..

Ronan charged towards Deckard , as he prepared a lightning spell in his left hand , it was the lightning fist.

Deckard saw Ronan’s path of attack and he used sonic blasts to force Ronan to dodge and slow down.


Sonic blasts hit the martial stage , as Ronan had to zip across them to avoid getting hit , however he was very agile and was hardly slowed down by these attacks.

In a flash he was under Deckard as he tried to pull up an uppercut with his lightning covered fist.

Deckard was alarmed by Ronan’s speed , however he did see the attack coming and leaned back to just avoid contact.

However just as he thought he had avoided Ronan’s attack , he saw the lightning in Ronan’s fist fizzle out , as his other hand started to Shine with sparks of thunder.

‘ A FEINT ‘ , exclaimed Deckard in his mind , as he could not beleive Ronan had used the first uppercut laced in thunder as a fake while this coming attack was the actual lightning fist.

Deckard was leaning backwards from avoiding the first attack , hence he could do nothing but watch in horror as Ronan’s right fist came down on his face with terrifying force as his entire body was zapped with thunder as well as the impact , making a small crack on the martial arena.


Deckard was momentarily stunned , the lightning paralyzing this weak body , as he could only watch as Ronan kicked the paralyzed body towards the edge of the arena for a second elimination.

‘ WHAT ARE YOU DOING? THIS IS NOT HOW THE FIGHT IS SUPPOSED TO GO ‘. shouted Nitin in his mind as Deckard could not be more pissed.

Not only was he feinted and smacked by a seven year old kid , but another seven year old was now lecturing him for it.

He was an ascended for god’s sake , seven year olds would be lucky to catch a glimpse of him , as in his prime a single thought of his could decide life or death of these brats.

Shaking the attack off , Deckard grabbed onto the ledge of the martial arena as he refused to fall down!

” Comeon Nitin , you can do it! ” , the yellow house members cheered him on , as they saw him teethering on the edge .

However the vast majority was busy laughing at him for his poor performance as only roars of laughter directed at him could be heard .

However despite everything Deckard did manage to pull himself back up , as to his horror the first scene he saw when he pulled himself up , was that of Ronan Draco preparing some strong thunder spell , as his hair were floating in the air and both his arms had strong lightning balls coming out of them.

Ronan smiled at Nitin as he said ” Five thunder strike! “.

Ronan used the same move he had used to open up a path of retreat amidst the blue house as five bolts of lightning once again shook the martial arena as they hit the area Nitin was standing on.

‘ GODDAMN IT ‘ , Exclaimed Deckard as he barely dodged the first strike and the second caught his cheek leaving a bloody burnt scar , however the third looked to hit him dead centre as he had no room to run anymore.

Deckard felt pressure fighting Ronan , a pressure he had not felt since leaving the mortal levels , and it was something he had never expected .

However he was not someone that could be bullied soo easily , as he produced sonic booms from his vocal cords to counter the incoming lightning strikes.


Three explosions rocked the entire martial arena , as everyone stopped their fights for a second to look at what had transpired.

While all the teachers and the spectators were on the edge of their seats to watch this encounter unfold.

The remaining three lightning strikes were countered by Deckard , however the body could not bear the strain of producing these three attacks that could counter the element Thunder , as Deckard could feel his vocal cords tearing up as he spat blood .

However even after spitting blood , his expression was lazer focussed as he took his battle stance against Ronan .

Nobody from the audience dared to mock him anymore , as everyone could see the heroic fight that he was fighting , but the question remained , was it enough to defeat Ronan Draco?

While many wondered if they could witness an upset , Ronan scratched his head slightly as he looked towards captain Yami and said ” Err , Yami Dancho , this Nimisha guy is alright , can i use more than 20% of my strength please? “.

It was at this moment that Deckard spat another mouthful of blood as the entire audience was engulfed in pin-drop silence.

What seemed like an epic battle to them was only Ronan playing with 20% of his strength ….. just what kind of monstrous existance was Ronan Draco?

‘ Impossible , impossible , this brat is toying with me ‘ , screamed Deckard in his mind , as he had trouble fighting Ronan at his 20% strength , he could not imagine what would happen if Ronan went all out…

‘ You got this right Deckard? , he is but a brat is he not ? there is no way he can defeat you can he ? You are strong right , right? ‘ Nitin screamed in his mind , distracting him from focusing on the match , as Deckard could only yell ‘ SHUT UP ‘ , as he had enough.

However when Yami nodded in approval , and Ronan finally gazed Deckard with a serious expression , it was that moment that the level 140 ascended felt a chill run down his spine , as he felt the mortal emotion of FEAR .

/// Bonus chapter for hitting the PS target , good job everyone 🙂 .

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Anyways , the target for this week’s bonus is 200 PS by the end of the week. Hopefully we get it ///


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